Taking back a Wish

From Bard's Lore

Eposode 1:Not as you remember it.

Upon plane shifting to Saidra's homeland, the party was not met with the sight they expected. Saidra had hoped to introduce them to her city of Cordoba, but now found only a ruined village, and a small oasis. They stayed with goat hearders that night, and learned that much was not as Saidra had left it. That night, Saidra found some solace in seeing her own stars for the first time in a year and a half, and even took time to point out the greater constellations to Katsu. She pointed out the Warrior, and his stand against the western wall, choosing not to mention the other constellation in that story: the maiden that he is defending. According to legend she was a princess, but also represented the land. Saidra slipped up, accidentally verbalizing some of her own thoughts, "you could be my warrior." She quickly pushed forward with other constellations, feeling embarrassed at her slip.

When the party gathered the next morning, they teleported close to the now Capitol city of Sheherezade, but were immediately noticed by a patrol. The patrol came to intercept them, but was ambushed by a group of freedom fighters I the same moment. The party, unsure what to do, could only follow Saidra's example. She seemed to recognize the patrol as a western unit, and threw in with the freedom fighters right away. After a brief combat, the patrol lay dead, and the freedom fighters gathered to identify the party as friend or foe. They agreed to bring the party back with them, but as they prepared to move, one of the leaders of the local fighters, realizing that Saidra was a faithful follower of Etaf, removed her face wrap to introduce herself. "It is a welcome thing to find a follower of Etaf here. I am Nadia." This declaration brought a look of recognition and shock to Saidra's face as her blue eyes went wide and her voice nearly broke. "Mother?"

Episode 2

To be continued...