Redeeming the Fallen Ses 13 Combat
From Bard's Lore
Following are the details of the encounter in the cavern in Session 13 of Redeeming the Fallen.
Round | Character | Action1 | Result | Passed Save | Failed Save |
Surprise | Druid | (unseen) Casts Polar Midnight2 on the party | 15 cold dmg; 3 dex dmg (Fort Save DC 27 negates dex dmg) | Aysel, Katsu, Saidra | Mu, Kin, Ma'neha |
Antipaladin | (unseen) Power of Corruption on himself | 60 ft radius centered on himself, SU darkness; -2 to AC/atk/dmg, 8 dex dmg, -20 cold resist to enemies (Fort Save DC 25 negates dex dmg) | (saves later) | (saves later) | |
Round 1 | Mu | Standard: Fire Claws | hands become wreathed in searing flames | - | - |
Move | - | - | - | ||
Saidra | Stealth | stealth roll of 33 | - | - | |
Move | - | - | - | ||
Katsu | Standard: casts Light | 20 ft radius of Light creates low light | - | - | |
Move | - | - | - | ||
Druid | (unseen though heard) Swift: Quickened Thorny Entanglement on the stairway down | The stairway and surrounding area is covered in damaging plants | none close enough | none close enough | |
(unseen) Standard: Wild Shape | Becomes a large dragon | - | - | ||
(unseen though sensed) Move | Flies over to the antipaladin | - | - | ||
Undead Ancient Dragon | Move: Flies up, over the party, and lands in front of them | Frightful Presence (Will DC 26 negates Shaken condition) | Aysel, Katsu (Saidra and Mu immune) | Kin, Ma'neha | |
Standard: Breath Weapon on party | 43 cold dmg, 2 negative lvls (Ref DC 26 halves dmg and negative lvls) | Katsu, Saidra | Aysel, Mu, Kin, Ma'neha | ||
Kin: held action to charm the dragon | Dragon passes save | - | - | ||
Ma'neha | Move: Charge | Charges the Undead Ancient Dragon | - | - | |
Free & Swift | Rages and actives Boots of Haste to gain benefits of Haste | - | - | ||
Charge Attack: Greataxe | The Dragon avoids the hit (Ma'neha misses) | - | - | ||
Aelius | (unseen though sensed) Move | Moved into position for the next round | - | - | |
Aysel | Standard: Casts Daylight | The area's lighting becomes low light to normal light | - | - | |
Move | - | - | - | ||
Frostfallen | (unseen) Move | Flies up and over to be able to target part of the party | - | - | |
Standard: Breath Weapon on Mu and Kin | 12 cold dmg (Ref DC 16 halves) | Mu, Kin | - | ||
Drake Companion | (unseen) Move | Flies up and over to be able to target part of the party | - | - | |
Standard: Breath Weapon on Saidra, Katsu, and Aysel | 20 ft radius fire weapon burst, 22 fire dmg (Ref DC 22 halves) | Aysel, Saidra | Katsu | ||
Kin | Standard: Teleport | Teleports to safety in the tunnels | - | - | |
Antipaladin | (unseen though heard) Full-Round: Fiendish Bond | Summons a glabrezu servant (passes future concentration check) | - | - | |
Swift: Smite | Smites Saidra | - | - | ||
Round 2 | Mu | Move | Jumps off the cliff | - | - |
Immediate | Feather Fall | - | - | ||
Standard: Casts Swarm3 | Casts Vomit Swarm on unseen individual before him (Will DC 15 to avoid distraction) | Aelius | - | ||
Saidra | Swift: Smite | Smites the Undead Ancient Dragon | - | - | |
Full-Round Attack: Firearm | Shoots and hits 5 times, dealing 142 pts of dmg | - | - | ||
Katsu | Standard: Casts Blessing of Fervor | Buffs the party | - | - | |
Druid | (unseen) Move | Picks up the antipaladin and flies him to land behind Saidra | - | - | |
Power of Corruption moves with antipaladin | 60 ft radius centered on himself, SU darkness; -2 to AC/atk/dmg, 8 dex dmg, -20 cold resist to enemies (Fort Save DC 25 negates dex dmg) | Saidra, Katsu, Ma'neha | Mu, Aysel | ||
Standard: Activates holly bombs (previously placed) | Fire Seeds deal 28 fire dmg (Ref DC 24 halves dmg) | Saidra | Mu, Aysel, Katsu, Ma'neha | ||
Undead Ancient Dragon | Full-Round Attack | After a crit fail on his first attack, the dragon lands the following 5, dealing only 71 dmg | - | - | |
Ma'neha | Full-Round Attack: Greataxe | Attacks the Undead Ancient Dragon 5 times, but nothing penetrates the dragon's thick hide | - | - | |
Aelius | Holds Turn until after Frostfallen Dragon's turn | - | - | - | |
Aysel | Standard: Casts Cure Wounds on herself | Heals some dmg | - | - | |
Frostfallen | Move | Flies to Aelius, picks up him, and transports him to the higher area near the baddy party | - | - | |
Drake Companion | Move | Flies over to join his party, landing closer to the wall | - | - | |
Kin | Total Defense | Hides in the tunnels | - | - | |
Antipaladin | Swift: Channel Smite | - | - | - | |
Full-Round Attack: Conductive, Cruel Greatsword4 | Deals 180 points of smiting dmg to Saidra, killing her, save that her Grave Risen feat activates, keeping her alive | - | - | ||
Deals 156 points of smiting dmg to Saidra, killing her again | - | - | |||
Deals 135 points of dmg to Katsu, killing him | - | - | |||
Attacks Aysel, but upon being blocked, instead strikes Aelius | - | - | |||
Summoned Glabrezu | Sent away by Aelius | - | - | - |
1"Unseen" denotes an action that the party was unable to physically see happen.
2GM promptly forgot the continuing damaging effects on the party
3Although the swarm was cast on Aelius and he did take the initial dmg, it was post-game decided that the swarm traveled to the Frostfallen when it came into contact with Aelius.
4The Antipaladin's hits were calculated as follows: (2d6 weapon +11) + (60 Touch of Corruption) + (60 Channel Negative Energy) + (20 to 40 if smiting). This is calculated as follows:
- 2d6 weapon + 11 from normal dmg bonus
- From Conductive Magic Weapon Special Ability page: "A conductive weapon is able to channel the energy of a spell-like or supernatural ability that relies on a melee or ranged touch attack to hit its target... When the wielder makes a successful attack of the appropriate type, he may choose to expend two uses of his magical ability to channel it through the weapon to the struck opponent, which suffers the effects of both the weapon attack and the special ability. (If the wielder has unlimited uses of a special ability, she may channel through the weapon every round.) For example, a paladin who strikes an undead opponent with her conductive greatsword can expend two uses of her lay on hands ability (a supernatural melee touch attack) to deal both greatsword damage and damage from one use of lay on hands." *
- From Channel Smite page: "Before you make a melee attack roll, you can choose to spend one use of your channel energy ability as a swift action... If you channel negative energy and you hit a living creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel negative energy ability." *
- From Antipaladin page: "At 20th level, an antipaladin becomes a conduit for the might of the dark powers... whenever he channels negative energy or uses touch of corruption to damage a creature, he deals the maximum possible amount."
- From Antipaladin page: "Once per day, an antipaladin can call out to the dark powers to crush the forces of good. As a swift action, the antipaladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is good, the antipaladin adds his Charisma bonus (if any) on his attack rolls and adds his antipaladin level on all damage rolls made against the target of his smite. If the target of smite good is an outsider with the good subtype, a good-aligned dragon, or a good creature with levels of cleric or paladin, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the antipaladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite good attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess."
*GM failed to record in notes the associated will save and limit on frequency of use.