
From Bard's Lore

Largely made up of fiefdoms. One such mid sized province was ruled by Lord Kalinan. Kalinan was well respected and ruled well and fairly. Serfs who put in a fair share of work were well taken care of. Servitude was common among households, however the majority were not indentured. Several houses would contain many families: one head family, multiple serving under them. Similar to how the province was run, these were for mutual benefit. The head family would provide things the individual could not, while the individual would do various tasks necessary to maintain a large household. A single lord ruled over the entire country, but truly had little power. If the primary houses did not agree, any request by him would not be honored.

Many of the fiefdoms specialize in agriculture, making enough to survive on and more. Merchants from Aureus regularly traveled to Phoenicius to trade for food stuffs, bringing much of the portable wonders from the land of discovery in return.