Into the Ilsenstein Chat

From Bard's Lore

Following are the chat logs from the Into the Ilsenstein short.

Session Comments

March 8, 2019 -- Beware the Gingerbread!

[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:06:30] Lorien: !add
[00:06:35] MumbleDJ: Lorien added 1 track to the queue: "Hansel und Gretel" - "The Overture" from YouTube
[00:06:40] Steel01: Someone make a planes check, please. :P
[00:06:58] Steel01: Suspiciously.
[00:07:14] Steel01: Level of tech?
[00:07:16] Steel01: Medeival?
[00:08:10] Steel01: Someone else can charisma this.
[00:09:39] Steel01: Ilinstein?
[00:10:08] Lorien: Illsenstein
[00:10:37] Steel01: Can Cailean make a geography check on the name? Not likely on the planet he's used to, but eh.
[00:10:43] Lorien: sure
[00:11:07] Steel01: 22
[00:11:31] Lorien: sounds strange. Not sure about it
[00:11:36] Steel01: 'k
[00:12:04] jbennett: 13
[00:13:28] Steel01: Paranoid. :P
[00:13:34] MakoSoldier626: Good habit.
[00:14:16] MakoSoldier626: Freya is not quite that paranoid.... Yet.
[00:14:38] Steel01: Wow, a stunted Mako char. ;)
[00:16:12] Steel01: Oh, note to GM: Cailean perpetually has book ward up on his tunic to protect his scrolls.
[00:17:12] Steel01: click
[00:17:17] Steel01: *zips lips*
[00:17:19] Lorien: ;)
[00:18:22] Steel01: Very good. :P
[00:20:58] Steel01: Cailean: 20
[00:21:11] MakoSoldier626: 27 init.
[00:21:21] jbennett: 15
[00:21:36] Steel01: What is it with you and stupid high inits?
[00:21:50] MakoSoldier626: I rolled really really well.
[00:22:54] Steel01: Get out of 5e. ><
[00:24:12] Steel01: Also, if we go, we're not flat footed.
[00:24:19] Lorien: good call, Steel. My bad
[00:25:07] Lorien: cool
[00:28:46] Steel01: Yeah, Cailean is somewhat of a coward when it comes to front line fighting...
[00:29:43] Steel01: EFS is a pain.
[00:37:45] Steel01: We've got the fire queen here, though no one knows that.
[00:37:55] Steel01: Mala is inside a efs.
[00:37:59] Steel01: What can she do?
[00:38:21] MakoSoldier626: She can... Buff herself...
[00:38:31] Steel01: Yeah...
[00:40:08] Lorien: of course, "really bad" is a matter of perspective
[00:40:35] Steel01: Is slide a swift?
[00:40:42] MakoSoldier626: ^
[00:40:52] Lorien: move, he says
[00:41:05] Lorien: Baby has been transferred to his lap ;)
[00:41:31] MakoSoldier626:
[00:41:37] Steel01: Oh wait, was that not targetted? Oops.
[00:41:46] Lorien: 'sall good :P
[00:41:49] Steel01: Rules lawyer fail. ><
[00:43:14] Lorien: I've only played with a reach weapon once. This is great
[00:47:50] Steel01: Freya can heal herself. Cailean doesn't want to hear it. :P
[00:48:34] Steel01: It's only half again? Sad.
[00:48:44] Steel01: Probably not.
[00:49:35] Steel01: The boar can, though.
[00:50:25] Steel01: Isn't Freya the tank? :P
[00:51:52] Steel01: So... to be picky...
"A theurge must choose and prepare his arcane spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour studying his spellbook."
Arcanist is probably the same. Are we hand waving that no spells were used the day before?
[00:53:12] Lorien: sure
[00:54:02] Steel01: I meant the question I asked earlier. :P Most of what he has on hand is support type stuff for around the city or for defensive emergencies.
[01:00:44] Steel01: Nitpick: is efs dispellable?
[01:00:58] Steel01: Oh nm, there's the (D)
[01:01:51] Steel01: Afk for a sec. Cailean will float down, put away the flying scroll, and follow.
[01:02:39] MakoSoldier626: Yeah... Saddle sores are a real thing Mala...
[01:04:53] Steel01: Back
[01:04:59] Steel01: What'd I miss?
[01:05:03] jbennett: 28
[01:05:15] Steel01: Cailean would be flying again, then.
[01:05:45] Steel01: Squirrel? Squirrel!
[01:05:52] Steel01: Yeah, not this char. :P
[01:08:41] Steel01: Nature check, someone?
[01:09:24] Steel01: Oh.
[01:09:27] Steel01: Oh no...
[01:10:53] Steel01: so far, all the knowledges I *don't* have.
[01:11:11] Steel01: Normally a rabbit, iirc.
[01:11:19] Steel01: No, but close.
[01:11:43] Steel01: Living nightmare of d&d infamy, if I guess correctly.
[01:13:03] Lorien: you totally could have though
[01:13:08] jbennett: 20
[01:16:28] Lorien: consider it retconned
[01:16:34] Lorien: Mala gets a horse summon back ;P
[01:18:45] Steel01: I rolled five ones...
[01:20:11] Lorien: woo!
[01:20:32] Steel01: . . .
[01:20:33] Steel01: 3 times?
[01:21:03] Lorien: eee
[01:21:12] Steel01: Don't wanna hear it. >< *points up*
[01:26:30] Lorien: !add
[01:26:46] MumbleDJ: Lorien added 1 track to the queue: Humperdinck - Witch's Ride (Act II, Hexenritt) from Hansel and Gretel from YouTube
[01:28:01] Lorien: go ahead
[01:28:07] Lorien: :hacks and coughs unexpectedly:
[01:31:42] Steel01: Technically yes, but they're like messages and detect magic.
[01:32:02] Steel01: There are a few reusable scrolls, but not many.
[01:41:03] jbennett: 8
[01:41:50] Steel01: Woah.
[01:46:56] Steel01: I literally took half the spells I had prepared off my sheet. He's got 19 per day. That goes away extremely quickly.
[01:47:12] Steel01: I think Abe let me prep more given extra time.
[01:47:55] Lorien: if you'd like to play as such, that's fine, Steel
[01:47:56] Steel01: Also, only 5 slots are attack spells. He's trying to save stuff for the big bad.
[01:50:55] Steel01: Okay, if GM says so, I'll put some slots back then. Dearly needed... Thanks.
[01:51:06] Lorien: :nod:
[01:51:10] Lorien: y'all aren't done yet, so :P
[01:51:16] Lorien: make them good :P
[01:51:24] Steel01: And helps flexibility.
[01:51:28] Lorien: :nod:
[01:53:44] Lorien: but it didn't ;)
[02:04:07] Steel01: It's the Grand Fisher
[02:10:07] Steel01: So... if it's weak to cold...
[02:10:12] Steel01: Is it... strong to fire?
[02:10:20] Lorien: ;)
[02:13:16] Steel01: Who just got hit with nat 20?
[02:13:20] Lorien: Mala
[02:16:14] Steel01: Oh blast. The girl. :P
[02:16:34] Steel01: Is the girl still standing?
[02:16:42] Lorien: yes
[02:16:50] Lorien: but is bruised and freezing :P
[02:16:54] Steel01: Whew. But not whew. :P
[02:18:04] jbennett: 40 damage
[02:19:44] Steel01: Erm. :wat:?
[02:22:25] Steel01: Poor Cailean.
[02:22:35] Steel01: No love from the healer.
[02:26:33] Steel01: Burn it down.
[02:26:40] Steel01: Except this isn't Albert and Sindar.
[02:26:43] jbennett: kid first
[02:27:39] Steel01: Gotta use all the cool toys, eh? ;)
[02:30:02] Steel01: I really should have played Sindar. Would have been way more... 'fun'. :P
[02:31:35] Steel01: Oh, Cailean most certainly recovered his scroll of flying before moving into the clearing.
[02:33:06] Steel01: Thank you...
[02:33:50] Steel01: And no, Caileans glyph is too small to carry more than him.
[02:35:06] Lorien: ^^
[02:37:13] Steel01: Cailean: 18
[02:37:30] jbennett: 14
[02:43:43] Steel01: Sindar would be proud
[02:44:44] Steel01: Is that still active?
[02:45:02] Lorien: sorry, I should have made that clearer
[02:51:31] MakoSoldier626: Oh yeah! Just kick Freya while she's down.
[02:51:54] Steel01: That's a -4 to attack. ;)
[02:52:05] Steel01: Oh wait, unarmed?
[02:58:46] Steel01: That would be kinda epic, actually. :P
[02:59:01] Steel01: Ah, not pink unicorns?
[03:00:26] Steel01: Hey, he buffed her.
[03:00:29] Steel01: Once.
[03:00:46] Lorien: woo!
[03:04:56] Steel01: Resist energy.
[03:11:51] Steel01: Actually, wait. Haste on all the summons too.
[03:13:24] Steel01: how many now?
[03:13:50] Steel01: Can they do anything? They're hasted now.
[03:14:07] Steel01: Pre-roll for crits. :P
[03:26:56] Steel01: Erm. I missed something.
[03:36:03] Lorien: !add
[03:36:07] MumbleDJ: Lorien added 1 track to the queue: "Hansel und Gretel" - "Prelude to act 3" from YouTube
[03:42:14] Steel01: Afk for a couple.
[03:43:57] Lorien: !add
[03:44:01] MumbleDJ: Lorien added 1 track to the queue: Hänsel und Gretel : Overture to Act 3 from YouTube
[03:46:18] Steel01: Back, sorry.
[03:46:40] jbennett: you have sanctuary cast on you
[03:47:07] Steel01: Oh, interesting.
[03:47:30] Steel01: What's the situation? See the boy, but is there an evil witch thing around?
[03:48:01] Steel01: :lolz:
[03:48:30] Steel01: But, :meh: Gotta be careful with aoe's.
[03:49:37] Steel01: 20 ft radius, sorry. So, technically could tag a corner and not hit the other.
[03:50:46] Steel01: Woah.
[03:50:49] jbennett: clutch
[03:51:41] Steel01: :lolz:
[03:51:55] Steel01: *channels Albert* Let's just blow the wall off.
[03:52:44] Steel01: And now freaked out.
[03:53:02] Steel01: His 'sister' just flat foot lifted the cage.
[03:53:33] Steel01: Where is the real G? With the rest of the party.
[03:53:42] MakoSoldier626: ^ Yep.
[03:53:45] jbennett: yep
[03:54:13] Steel01: Where is said rest of party in relation to this room?
[03:55:31] jbennett: just outside
[03:56:47] Steel01: Can we nuke the house now?
[03:57:07] Steel01: Awesome!!
[04:03:04] Steel01: Oh. Oh meh.
[04:05:32] jbennett: 22
[04:08:53] Steel01: Probably not quite as high level, though.
[04:09:02] Steel01: Here, as opposed to before.
[04:12:37] Steel01: That's ability damage in general, not just for con.
[04:13:39] jbennett: "For every 2 points of damage you take to a single ability, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics listed with the relevant ability. "
[04:14:04] jbennett:
[04:20:03] Steel01: shakeshead
[04:22:14] Steel01: Given the GMs allowance to go back to what Abe allowed, Cailean still has a bit to spare.
[04:24:00] Recording stopped