Holnaf Manor Statistics

From Bard's Lore

Statistics from the Holnaf Manor short.

Group 1 Session 2 Statistics

Outgoing Damage and Healing

Character Action Success/Attempts Damage Dealt/HP Healed
Atrayu Attack: horn 4/5 34
Healing: Lay on Horn 5/5 at least 78
Healing: Breath of Life 1/1 20
Girk Holnaf Attack: Face: Corrupting Gaze 2/2 26 + 2 cha dmg
Attack: Hands with axe 2/2 191
Niga Holnaf Attack: Fists 10/15 150
Reiko Attack: katana 0/3 0
Samson Attack: Soulknife vs foes 8/10 ??
Attack: Soulknife vs allies 1/1 22
Solas Chill Touch 1/2 0 -- ineffective
Withering Hex 1/1 0 -- ineffective
Healing: Healing Hex 3/3 62

Incoming Damage and Healing

Character Attacks Received Damage Received Ally Damage Received Healing Received
Atrayu 1/1 95 0 ??
Girk Holnaf: Face 4/4 ?? 0 0
Girk Holnaf: Hands 3/3 23 0 0
Niga Holnaf 3/8 (11-GR*)+?? 0 0
Reiko 8/8 213 22 122
Samson 2/7 33 0 38 (33)
Solas 1/1 9 0 0