Gifts for the Goblin Bonus Content
MakoSoldier626: Brummen, about 20 minutes After you and Samritha sit down at the bar, the front door bursts open with a gust of chill wind and billowing snow as a weathered old man steps across the threshold and into the tavern. A stern look in his eye, and a staff of holly and mistletoe in his withered hand, the newcomer wears a set of brilliant and unmistakable red robes.
The visitor fixes the crowd with a discerning eye before calling out with a voice like thunder, "Who here has been Naughty?" Before being greeted with a reply from from the entire tavern as they raise their mugs and call out as one, "Aye!"
Nodding his head as if this was the answer he expected all along, the crimson robed figure, then proceeds to glide around the room light jabbing his staff into the ribs of the various patrons, while he chats in a mockingly annoyed voice, "Coal for you, and coal for you, and coal for you."
Eventually making his way to Brummen's table, the elderly gentleman, studies the strapping figure in front of him with a mischevious eye before releasing a wail of woe and despair and jabbing Brummen multiple times to emphasis every point of punctuation of his next phrase. "And a double portion... of coal.... For... You!"
Lorien: Bru gives the elderly gentleman the most mischievous smile he's ever seen from the fighter, then turns to Sameritha, "What's all this about coal anyhow?"
MakoSoldier626: Samaritha, chuckles softly as brings her spiced cider up to her lips. "I forget that your not from around here." Taking a long satisfying draft of Cider from her mug the newly appointed Cyphermage watches the the gentlemen in Red whirls about to proclam his displeasure at his "Helper Goblins" abandonment of their post before she returns her mug to the table and responds to Brummen's question. "The Red Wizard is a mysterious legend of folklore. Originally the story stated that a strange elderly found a village that was about to starve, due to winter coming early and destroying all their crops. The stranger had a large sack with him, I believe is a handy haversack but the stories differ, bag had lots of food, enough food to feed the entire village for 4 months until Spring rolled back around again. After that the man vanished in a chariot that flew across the sky and no one ever heard from him again. I personally hypothesize that it was originally a kind hearted wizard who saw the troubles of a poor town and during the Winter used a "Create food and water" spell or possibly a "GoodBerry" spell in order to ensure that they were fed for the entire Winter. After his job was done he got back into his Phantom chariot and flew away.... But you know how myths and legends grow.
Now the legend States that he brings gifts goodies or even boons to those who are good and kind during the winter months. But if you are naughty, he only gives you coal to keep warm during the cold winter. He does this so you can know and understand the hardships that people go through and can empathize better with them the next year.
"At least that how the story goes..."
Lorien: Bru laughs heartily at that.
QSDragonLord: Wow, the things Saidra misses out on when she's drawing in the corner. Lol
Rydia: Aysel will happily join Saidra and chat with her
QSDragonLord: Saidra would be glad for the company :)
In a lot of ways, she's still an outsider in this world, and feels both fascination and trepidation at the strange customs.
Rydia: Aysel understands completely. Frankly, an old man in red robes handing out coal is... Quite strange
QSDragonlord: Saidra nods with a grin, casting a glance back at the boisterous red wizard and his goblin helpers.
"I'm afraid we don't have anything so...colorful in Cordoba. At least, not like that."
Rydia: Aysel smiles, eyes crinkling at the edges. "Neither where I'm from. The people here certainly enjoy it though, particularly Saul." She nods toward the man and then shakes her head.
QSDragonlord: "Are you not from this world then?" Saidra's deep blue eyes fixed with a curious gaze as she turned herself to face Aysel fully. "Tell me, is your home very different from here?"
Rydia: "No, I'm not." Aysel scanned the room momentarily, amusement widening her smile before she set her gaze on Saidra. "It's... it's quite different than this. My home is mountains and valleys, and there certainly isn't as many people. they prefer to stay in the cities and towns. It's... quieter and a lot more... in touch with the natural world I suppose you could say."
QSDragonLord: "That sounds very nice." Saidra smiled warmly as her thoughts returned to her own home, so far away. She knew her own mountains and valleys, but they were all robed in thick blankets of golden sand.