Barqus is a Chattan (Catfolk) Ranger/Sorceror/Dragon Disciple/Gunslinger played by 91minutecrusade.
Dragon Hunter Ranger 5
Silver Draconic Sorcerer 2
Musket Master Gunslinger 1
Dragon Disciple 6 (Prestige Class)
Imposing, but only intimidating if he wishes it. Powerfully built, lithe and strong, but not bulky or brawny. Scarred and marked with patches where fur was burned away during his ordeal escaping the Red dragon--the most prominent marker being a sizable scar from his forehead down across his right eye and reaching to his right shoulder; his sight was miraculously unaffected, but it adds to the "war-torn" look about him. His tail was mercifully untouched by the flames, and twitches contentedly, often telegraphing his mood with its motions. All-around, he appears battle-damaged, but still cuts a striking figure.
Gruff, but good-natured. As above, we find Barq a specimen of unassuming strength. He can be friendly, but is not outgoing; he is not antagonistic, but definitely does not hesitate to fight. He is, rather, a down-to-earth sort with definite goals and a vibe that is, if not approachable, trustworthy and enduring. He is honorable, in his way, and inclined to do good when it is needed--he cannot abide a bully, and indeed defends the weak or persecuted with an almost spiteful air toward the abuser.
The only exception to this ease of personality is his preoccupation with knowledge, especially the lore and science surrounding dragons. More specifically, he cannot resist a chance to learn more about chromatics--his sworn enemies--though he will go out of his way to collect information about other kinds, as well. The occasional flash of obsession he might display is actually the flaring of a hatred he nurses for Tiamat and her brood which smolders in his heart at all times, coloring his every interaction and guiding his every step. Exactly how this suppressed-yet-insatiable thirst for vengeance will direct his adventuring career remains to be seen.
As a child, Barqus MacKay of Clan MacKay was a happy and healthy youngster; he loved his little family--just hmself, his Ma, and his Da--and his homeland. He loved the stories and tales of the Chattan heroes of old and he especially loved the little homestead his family had carved out of the wilderness ages ago. The cottage and workshop, situated so quaintly on a wooded ridge along the northern face of one of the Pelagus mountains, in northern Corthalia, were well-kept and always smelt of his Ma's bread and the sawdust from his Da's shop.
Everything changed when, in the dead of winter, a lone red dragon swooped down out of the clear bright sky and, with merciless flames poured out on the mountainside, destroyed all that Barq had ever held dear. He narrowly escaped, bearing in both body and mind the wounds inflicted by the inferno. His parents killed, his home razed, his path into any nearby civilization blocked by impassable snows, he wandered out into the cold and sought refuge in the wild, relying on fledgling survival skills and a faith that something would preserve him through the winter so that he might have revenge upon the monster that had burned his world away. At only fifteen, he battled alone to survive on the mountain.
Avalon - Chapter 1
Coming soon
Coming soon
Character Information
Innate Chattan senses and abilities (low-light vision, perception, etc.) as well as an ever-growing panoply of arcane magics granted by his draconic bloodline
Notable Items
A masterwork battleaxe named "Tooth" and a masterwork handaxe named "Claw," as well as two throwing axes, a +2 composite longbow, and--unitl recently--the mythic Etten club Agrimosh
Barqus is a follower of the Ram Davies debt-free living philosophy.
He enjoys a particular drink called the Ebony Elizabeth--equal parts sweetened black tea and black coffee.