Curse of the Crimson Throne

From Bard's Lore
Curse of the Crimson Throne: Edge of Anarchy Adventure Path

The death of a king leads to chaos in the port city of Korvosa, and only the heroes can track down the assassin and stop the city from devouring itself in its leader's wake.1

Curse of the Crimson Throne is an adventure path module published by Paizo.


Main Characters

Player Character Race Class
91minutecrusade Rrutha Half Orc Paladin
CelticCrusade Xaq Half Orc Barbarian Skald
MakoSoldier626 Game Master
NightGlider Kohn Pooka Rogue
QSDragonLord Tanis Gnome Witch
Steel01 Sindar Elf Magus

Session Summaries

Title Airdate Link Runtime Comments
Session 1 2019-03-12 Crimson Throne Session 1 4:05:40 Session 1 comments
Session summary needed
Session 2 2019-03-19 Crimson Throne Session 2 3:28:49 Session 2 comments -- currently unavailable
Session summary needed.
Session 3 2019-04-02 Crimson Throne Session 3 2:35:52 Session 3 comments
Session summary needed.
Session 4 2019-04-16 Crimson Throne Session 4 3:01:22 Session 4 comments
Session summary needed.
Session 5 2019-04-23 Crimson Throne Session 5 2:07:47 Session 5 comments
Session summary needed.
Session 6 2019-05-21 Crimson Throne Session 6 2:31:56 Session 6 comments
Session summary needed.
Session 7 2019-05-28 Crimson Throne Session 7 2:47:19 Session 7 comments
Session summary needed.
Session 8 2019-06-20 Crimson Throne Session 8 2:21:19 Session 8 comments
Session summary needed.
Session 9 2019-06-25 Crimson Throne Session 9 2:18:36 Session 9 comments
Session summary needed.
Session 10 2019-07-02 Crimson Throne Session 10 2:44:29 Session 10 comments
The party faces the Emperor.
Session 11 2019-07-09 Crimson Throne Session 11 3:04:15 Session 11 comments
Session summary needed.


1 official description of the module.