Armageddon's Echo Bonus Content
March 11, 2019 -- Hangouts
Lorien: During the week of downtime, after taking some time to deal with the events of the last arc, Brummen would have tried to find Sameritha, maybe buy her a drink (or lunch), and eventually get around to asking her if she'd be able, permitted, and willing to teach him some more magic. Would that have been possible? (of course, it is assumed any lessons would be interrupted with the need to help and support Ma'neha and family)
MakoSoldier626: You would have no problem finding Samaritha at the Cypermage guild by asking for her at the front desk. She would graciously accept your offer for a drink and/or lunch and would ask to hear about what you're been up to since she last saw you. She would be "ever so slightly" disappointed to find out that the meeting was business related, but she would offer to teach you a single cantrip that she knows for 500 GP (Because if this get-together is for business purposes she's going to make sure she gets paid for her time.)
Lorien: Would a 19 on sense motive pick up on that "ever so slight" disappointment?
As a character, Bru would have to ask Sam for her recommendation. As a player, I'd say either Scrivener's Chant (because profession), Grasp (because fighter with armor with ACP), or Resistance (because who wouldn't like more help with rolling saves?). But if Sameritha has a different recommendation, we'll go with that, because she's smart and he's "just a dumb fighter."
And of course he will pay for her tutelage. He doesn't expect freebies from someone he spent most of his time avoiding looking at or talking to pre-AR.
MakoSoldier626: Yeah, It wouldn't be difficult to pick up on that one emotion. She would be very professional about the entire situation, and beyond a simple, "Oh... so this was for business? Fair enough." She wouldn't bring it back up during the rest of your discussions. (Honestly, how would you feel if a guy, asked you out to lunch only to end the conversation with, " So the reason I asked you out today is because I need you fix my computer." Samaritha won't say anything about it, but you'll get a few cold looks from the other female members of the guild the next time you go by there.)
With regards to the Cantrip suggestion, Samaritha would mention that Scrivner's Chant is a rather popular one in the guild and she could see it being of personal use to you, but she would also point out that the cantrip Dancing Lights is invaluable to those who cannot see in the dark. (She wouldn't know you have limited darkvision.)
Lorien: see, Katsu probably should better explain what a date is. As it is, her disappointment will make him uneasy and wonder if she does, after all, have some figment of memory of the AR.
He wouldn't enlighten her about his cool abilities, but make a vague response about being with others that can see in the dark. But if that is her recommendation, he will happily learn it and do his utmost to be a good student. (After all, Saidra and Katsu can't see in the dark, so it is still quite useful) He would need to describe what the drow did with darkness and ask if it'd help against that.
MakoSoldier626: Nah, she has no memories of the AR, but talk gets around the office quickly, and all the Cyphermages have been studying your notes on what you found with the Cyphergate for months now, so they all know who you are. On top of this, Samritha's co-workers are MUCH stronger shippers than you guys are. Honestly, Samaritha was probably the least disappointed out of all of them.
If you mentioned that you were traveling with people who could see in the dark, then Samaritha would suggest Scrivner's chant because, "It just seems to be the most... you."
Lorien: "Whichever you're willing to teach, I am willing to learn!"
MakoSoldier626: Consider Scrivener's chant learned! Samaritha would test to make sure you have the proper concentration techniques down by having you hold a sheet of paper about 5 ft in front of you in the air with Mage hand while copying various dictations that she provides down with Scrivner's chant. She would make you pace with you hands behind you back to prevent you from getting in the bad habit of subconsciously moving your hands with the words. By the end of the training, you would be able to ride a horse while copying into your journal at the same time.
Lorien: Sweet. He could learn all that in one week?
MakoSoldier626: Yep!
Lorien: Cool
MakoSoldier626: Oh, and lastly because Brummen's spells are treated as "Spell-Like Abilities" you would not need quill or ink to write with. (In-game Samaritha would teach you how to use your prestidigitation to create a small quill, a small bottle, and how to use the "Soil" aspect of pres. to make all your own tools on the fly.
Lorien: oooOOOooo COOL
MakoSoldier626: Yep! The Cyphermages are particularly good at spell synergy when it comes to copying things down or codes. You never know when a symbol found in an ancient cavern needs to be copied down for later deciphering.