Curse of the Crimson Throne

From Bard's Lore

Curse of the Crimson Throne will have a short synopsis soon.


Main Characters

Player Character Race Class
91minutecrusade Rrutha Half Orc Paladin
CelticCrusade Xak Half Orc Barbarian Skald
MakoSoldier626 Game Master
NightGlider Kohn Pooka Rogue
QSDragonLord Tanis Gnome Witch
Steel01 Sindar Elf Magus

Session Summaries

Title Airdate Link Runtime
Session 1 2019-03-12 Crimson Throne Session 1 4:05:40
Session summary needed
Session 2 2019-03-19 Crimson Throne Session 2 3:28:49
Session summary needed.
Session 2 2019-04-02 Crimson Throne Session 3 3:28:49
Session summary needed.