Memory of Darkness Statistics

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From Bard's Lore

Following are some statistics for the Heroes of Destiny's A Memory of Darkness Arc. The stats for the entire arc are at the top; individual sessions are listed below. Use the Contents box for quicker navigation.

Statistics of Session 4

Note: Statistics do not include all out-of-combat rolls and spells

A Memory of Darkness Arc Statistics


Session Statistics

Session 4

The party vs 8 Assassins

Outgoing Damage and Spells

Character Action Success/Attempts Damage Dealt/HP Healed
Brummen Attack: Fire Longsword 4/6 105
Attack: Fire Longsword, Non-lethal 1/1 22 NL +6F
Attack: Vorpal Longsword 4/6 64
Attack: Longspear 5/6 91
Attack: Longbow 2/5 25
Attack: Greatsword 2/4 30
Attack: Greatsword, Non-lethal 1/1 15 NL
Attack: Violent Thrust 1/1 3
Katsu Attack: Firearm 1/1 14
Blessing of Fervor 1/1 --
Grapple 0/1 --
Attack: Staff, Non-lethal 0/1 0
Ar'Kloak Attack 2/5 63
Attack, Non-lethal 0/3 --
Manon Underhanded 1/1 --
Attack: Dagger 5/9 300
(add sneak attack) 1/1 --
Mu See Invisibility 1/1 --
Saidra Dead Shot 3/3 540
Attack: Hawksmoon 1/1 208

Incoming Damage

Character Attacks Received Damage Received
Brummen 2/9 32
Katsu 6/8 79
Manon 12/25 115
Saidra 4/6* 8

*Arrow-Catching Gloves caught 3 of the 4 successful hits

No saves made this session

Critical Successes and Failures

Character Nat 20s Crit Success Saves Natural 1s Crit Fail Saves
Brummen 2 0 0 1
Katsu 1 0 0 0
Manon 1 0 0 0
Saidra 2 0 0 0

Heroes of Destiny Statistics

Damage Output

Character All Damage* Most Damage in 1 Round Session
Aysel 125 12 RP-S2
Brummen 112 13* RP-S6
Jenara 55 19 RP-S6
Katsu 45 12 RP-S3
Kerrick 68 39 RP-S1
Ma'neha 67 13 RP-S6
Mu 48 24 RP-S6

*Some amounts of damage were calculated using the average damage roll at the time, as the official amount was either not stated or not requested by the GM.

Healer's Touch
Cure a cumulative total of 1,000 points of damage for other creatures using healing spells. Dealing damage slows progress toward this goal achievement; for every 1 point of damage you deal to another creature, reduce your cumulative healing total by 2.1

Katsu's Total Healing HT Healing Katsu's Total Damage HT Damage Healer's Touch Progress*
89 52 45 26 0

*Count reset at 0 at the end of RP Sessions 3 and 6


1 Healer's Touch Achievement Feat --