The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Chat

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From Bard's Lore

Following are the chat logs from each live session of The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh arc.

Chat Logs

Session 1

November 2, 2021

[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:06:55] DireThunder connected.
[00:07:12] MakoSoldier626: Welcome!
[00:07:21] Steel01: :lolz:
[00:14:15] Steel01: Like west of 5?
[00:14:50] Steel01: Huh, okay.
[00:16:33] Steel01: Are there other hires around for all this?
[00:18:03] Steel01: Ah, so he's the temp agency. :P
[00:19:30] Steel01: jump cut to next char.
[00:22:10] NightgliderPC: Map link?
[00:22:13] DireThunder: evening gentlepeole
[00:22:21] Steel01: The map is in hangouts.
[00:22:26] DireThunder: people*
[00:22:28] 91minutecrusade:
[00:22:31] DireThunder: I'm listening in
[00:22:54] Steel01: Oh, that's a better quality copy than what got put in hangouts.
[00:23:28] NightgliderPC: We are getting introduced to the setting and characters
[00:23:29] DireThunder: where on this map is this tavern?
[00:23:45] DireThunder: thanks
[00:26:53] QuickSilver: so thats where the fish heads went...
[00:26:55] Steel01: Salt water at the bar in salt marsh. :P
[00:27:08] NightgliderPC: :P
[00:28:04] QuickSilver: drink too many of those, and you will be able to see the flavors
[00:28:14] NightgliderPC: yuuuuuuk
[00:35:56] NightgliderPC: I look like a human
[00:41:53] NightgliderPC:
[00:42:06] NightgliderPC: My char
[00:42:27] QuickSilver:
[00:46:39] QuickSilver: except our table. OUr table smells like brownies
[00:46:46] QuickSilver: :)
[00:49:48] Steel01: Time to start a BAR FIGHT. :P
[00:51:01] QuickSilver: lol
[00:52:32] Steel01: Monsters? You mean the one in front of me?
[00:52:51] QuickSilver: lol
[00:53:19] Steel01: Oh boy
[00:53:42] QuickSilver: ooooo, its a chunky wine!
[00:54:55] Steel01: Kadyn: Well, the house brought the show, it appears.
[00:59:17] MakoSoldier626: XD
[01:01:03] Steel01: If the town drunk can survive, it can't be that bad. :P
[01:02:39] Steel01: Awesome.
[01:02:42] QuickSilver: hes a pro
[01:07:54] Steel01: Was the 50 up front? And 50 additional if something was found?
[01:08:43] Steel01: Eh, sometimes you need supplies. In this case, eh. It's just a ghost story.
[01:11:47] MakoSoldier626: He decided to escort her the long way home.
[01:11:51] Steel01: :lolz:
[01:11:53] QuickSilver: this feels like something different. all these powerful folk, from different places. it feels like a... like a... origin story.
[01:14:21] QuickSilver: lol
[01:15:13] Steel01: Band of disconnected adventurers. :P
[01:16:08] Steel01: Did this just turn into an escort quest?
[01:17:31] MakoSoldier626:
[01:20:38] Steel01: So gonna get along, just great.
[01:23:18] Steel01: Viridian Night
[01:24:20] QuickSilver: She beams back at him, oblivious to his distrust
[01:25:30] Steel01: Prime Material?
[01:28:09] Steel01: Isn't guidance better in 5e?
[01:28:10] QuickSilver: woohoo! very helpful
[01:28:13] Steel01: looks
[01:28:24] MakoSoldier626: It's fantastic in 5e
[01:28:47] Steel01: Ah, the d4. But hmm. It's concentration?
[01:29:11] MakoSoldier626: Yes. But it's usually used pretty quickly.
[01:30:04] Steel01: So, are we heading to 26 on the map?
[01:30:13] Steel01: Oh, beyond the map.
[01:30:32] QuickSilver: I love that theatre!
[01:31:22] DJ5E: Download of Dark Creepy Music | Haunted House | Unsettling Horror Music 🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃 in progress...
[01:31:35] Steel01: Certainly looks like nothing's been here for 3 years.
[01:34:30] Steel01: Do we have a rogue?
[01:39:34] Steel01: Is pbrod sized?
[01:39:37] NightgliderPC: no
[01:41:31] MakoSoldier626: Did someone call me?
[01:43:35] QuickSilver: first initiative is coming guys!
[01:43:35] Steel01: *waits for the two words*
[01:44:24] Steel01: Kadyn: 9
[01:44:34] MakoSoldier626: Total 21
[01:44:39] NightgliderPC: 13
[01:46:13] QuickSilver: 14 init
[01:46:15] Steel01: Kadyn: 10 init
[01:46:16] MakoSoldier626: Total: 18
[01:46:23] NightgliderPC: 10
[01:49:14] Steel01: #burnitalldown
[01:49:28] QuickSilver: but you are all standing in it...
[01:51:31] Steel01: considers Next saving throw? Any type of save?
[01:51:39] MakoSoldier626: Any type of Save
[01:51:49] Steel01: That could be an interesting combo setup.
[01:53:27] Steel01: Concentration?
[01:53:35] MakoSoldier626: ^ Not for 5e
[01:53:52] MakoSoldier626: Concetration works completely differently for 5e
[01:55:27] MakoSoldier626: GRAPPLED
A grappled creature's speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed.
[01:55:41] MakoSoldier626:
[01:56:00] Steel01: And this is why I chose to not do magic in 5e. >< So much different.
[01:57:25] Steel01: Breathe fire.
[01:58:42] MakoSoldier626: We look over at the hole and we see a flash, then smoke rising from the hole.
[01:59:32] Steel01: Hah. :P
[01:59:38] MakoSoldier626: You get a nice pelt
[02:02:44] QuickSilver: yesssss!
[02:03:24] QuickSilver: welcome to dnd, everyone
[02:03:30] Steel01: With a -4, right?
[02:04:03] Steel01: Ashes blowing away in the wind.
[02:04:38] QuickSilver: Nooooo! the rose!
[02:04:51] Steel01: #burnitalldown
[02:05:48] QuickSilver: lol
[02:05:57] Steel01: Immediate action?
[02:06:09] MakoSoldier626: Non-Action. It just happens
[02:06:09] QuickSilver: ^yes
[02:06:33] Steel01: Huh. Does 5e do the 'immediate action costs something on your next turn' thing?
[02:06:41] MakoSoldier626: Hellish Rebuke is a Reaction
[02:06:47] Steel01: Or does that concept not exist at all?
[02:06:51] MakoSoldier626: It doesn't.
[02:07:10] QuickSilver: you get four actions per turn. a standard, move, bonus, and reaction.
[02:07:10] MakoSoldier626: 5e very much simplifies things.
[02:08:02] QuickSilver: bad day for the weasles. they didn't eat their wheaties.
[02:08:19] MakoSoldier626: Kamehameha?
[02:08:45] Steel01: Monks do swords? Cool.
[02:09:17] QuickSilver: Dedicated weapon allows it
[02:10:43] Steel01: If it's a flurry weapon, yes.
[02:10:46] Steel01: Iirc.
[02:11:41] MakoSoldier626: The sword is for your protection... My fists are more dangerous.
[02:13:02] QuickSilver: you have advantage on your attacks!
[02:13:51] MakoSoldier626: I think it's the Aid action.
[02:14:19] MakoSoldier626:
[02:14:24] MakoSoldier626: ^ Link
[02:18:27] QuickSilver: she's saying "Hey! Listen!"
[02:20:47] QuickSilver: dexterity save +12
[02:20:51] QuickSilver: =12
[02:22:56] MakoSoldier626: XD
[02:23:02] MakoSoldier626: Those refrences
[02:25:44] QuickSilver: only the lance has that
[02:25:58] Steel01: Let it move 5 ft, then aoo? If that was actually an issue.
[02:27:40] MakoSoldier626: You would need war caster to do that.
[02:28:31] Steel01: What does the die shift to at tiny?
[02:29:33] MakoSoldier626: The Disrespect...
[02:30:34] QuickSilver: don't mess with fairies, man.
[02:30:45] Steel01: Oh, 5e also doesn't do damage die shifts for size. So a needle does as much damage as a giants claymore sized dagger.
[02:31:43] Steel01: Poor merc is gonna die of boredom. :P
[02:32:56] MakoSoldier626: ^ Hey, Adrian can step back and let the Merc go first.
[02:33:53] Recording stopped

Session 2

November 9, 2021

[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:00:02] 91minutecrusade:
[00:03:53] NightGlider: LOL
[00:04:57] QuickSilver: Echo perks up, leaning in a little as they talk.
[00:09:22] QuickSilver: lol
[00:12:18] NightGlider: The dragonborn will not like that...
[00:19:34] Steel01: "First y'all play in the garden. Now you're playing with the well. Suppose it's worth a slight bit of entertainment."
[00:20:17] MakoSoldier626: Well I WAS going to share this silver with you. XD
[00:23:55] Steel01: How many sessions before we finally remember each others char names? :P
[00:25:33] QuickSilver: like cotton candy
[00:27:00] QuickSilver: guidance is a great cantrip
[00:27:05] NightGlider: 18
[00:27:11] MakoSoldier626: Literally one of the best.
[00:33:58] 91minutecrusade:
[00:35:06] NightGlider: 21
[00:36:38] Steel01: How recent did they look?
[00:38:43] 91minutecrusade:
[00:41:54] NightGlider: Anelia 19 stealth
[00:42:08] MakoSoldier626: Yup.
[00:43:10] QuickSilver: Poor Adrian. "Blast you father and your dark powers. Also, I'm gonna need to borrow the car tonight."
[00:43:37] MakoSoldier626: ^Hahaha. this
[00:45:55] 91minutecrusade: chalk it up to a glitch in the matrix lol
[00:47:37] Steel01: Kadyn shrugs.
[00:50:20] QuickSilver: aDnD had it as necromancy though, as that was considered the magical school of life and death.
[00:51:51] Steel01: Nope.
[00:51:55] QuickSilver: nope!
[00:52:14] NightGlider: no
[00:56:21] 91minutecrusade:
[00:58:05] MakoSoldier626: I chose this cantrip for a reason. XD
[00:59:36] 91minutecrusade:
[00:59:44] Steel01: Let's not blow eardrums out today, please.
[01:04:20] 91minutecrusade:
[01:06:47] Steel01: Uhhhhh...
[01:08:50] Steel01: Nope.
[01:09:04] Steel01: Kadyn can probably crack it open, though.
[01:09:15] MakoSoldier626: Chainsaw Blade?
[01:09:22] MakoSoldier626: The greatest lockpick
[01:09:33] QuickSilver: don't break the potion!!
[01:09:50] NightGlider: SMASH!
[01:13:10] QuickSilver: Its always a locked door...
[01:15:03] QuickSilver: hold your breath, guys
[01:17:06] QuickSilver: woohoo!
[01:19:28] Steel01: :P Yep
[01:19:43] NightGlider: ha
[01:19:45] QuickSilver: thats not really 120 calories.
[01:20:00] NightGlider: 240
[01:20:23] Steel01: Works for me.
[01:24:57] QuickSilver: fable drank his crimson minotaur. he's good.
[01:25:20] MakoSoldier626: Fable:
[01:26:20] QuickSilver: not yet...
[01:32:35] Steel01: "Still don't think we're gonna find anything more than an abandoned house."
[01:35:30] NightGlider: kewl
[01:37:03] Steel01: Meat shields up fronts.
[01:37:14] Steel01: Ewwww...
[01:37:24] MakoSoldier626: Boom: Canon (WarloX Crew)
[01:37:36] QuickSilver: ^love it
[01:37:51] MakoSoldier626: *Makes Powe Ranger pose with Echo*
[01:38:00] MakoSoldier626: Power*
[01:38:05] QuickSilver: lol
[01:38:06] NightGlider: idk if we would agree to that team name
[01:39:56] Steel01: idk if we would agree we're a team. :P
[01:40:14] QuickSilver: Echo is sure that we are all a team, and best friends
[01:40:49] Steel01: Someone grab the cast iron skillet. That's a deadly weapon.
[01:41:26] NightGlider: heard it
[01:42:44] 91minutecrusade:
[01:44:59] QuickSilver: its coming from the pipes?
[01:45:55] MakoSoldier626: Good Tank is good.
[01:45:55] NightGlider: When you know you are the meat shield
[01:46:32] NightGlider: eeeeeeeee!
[01:46:43] MakoSoldier626: Reminder to clean your Kitchens folks.
[01:46:54] Steel01: :lolz: Yes. Please do clean that.
[01:47:22] NightGlider: They eat roaches so yeah....
[01:48:32] Steel01: Ow. Metal against stone.
[01:50:32] Steel01: Gotta do better than that.
[01:50:48] NightGlider: They can bite and save their poison for prey
[01:51:00] MakoSoldier626: 16 Init.
[01:51:01] Steel01: Kadyn init: 10
[01:51:14] NightGlider: 11
[01:51:15] QuickSilver: Echo init: 6
[02:00:20] QuickSilver: all familiars are tiny
[02:03:20] Steel01: Outright attached? Mechanically attached?
[02:03:38] Steel01: Ah, not grappled. Good.
[02:03:54] QuickSilver: I feel that role.
[02:04:57] QuickSilver: are we doing advantage if it is in melee with an ally? I can't recall
[02:05:11] 91minutecrusade: yep; flanking still counts
[02:05:31] QuickSilver: cool beans
[02:05:55] QuickSilver: veteran centipede killer, there.
[02:06:20] QuickSilver: punch it off of him!
[02:06:28] Steel01: If you burn a ki point, that's 2 more attacks, isn't it?
[02:06:34] QuickSilver: ^this
[02:07:15] Steel01: Oh, special tradition thing lets you burn ki points to make another weapon attack. That's a lot of options for multiple attacks.
[02:08:08] QuickSilver: 0o0 so cooooool!!
[02:10:57] MakoSoldier626: You are not worthy enough for Armageddon. You have only earned the right to be crushed by my fist.
[02:14:02] 91minutecrusade: I hear you like to eat...
[02:14:08] 91minutecrusade: so why don'y you chew...
[02:14:11] 91minutecrusade: ON MY FIST!
[02:14:16] QuickSilver: lol
[02:14:34] Steel01: Yeah, Kadyn be like: I didn't feel a thing.
[02:14:40] Steel01: Yay for good fort saves.
[02:15:50] 91minutecrusade:
[02:15:56] Steel01: Ah, no western drawled ELDRITCH BLAST! ? :P
[02:16:01] QuickSilver: sweet stealth killing ninjas!
[02:16:54] NightGlider: It was just centipedes clattering in the pipes nothing to worry about...
[02:17:47] Steel01: Uhhh... doesn't magical effect trigger it too?
[02:19:34] Steel01: Is it a duplexed image? :P
[02:21:40] NightGlider: Need to wrap up soon...
[03:25:35] Recording stopped

Session 3

November 16, 2021

[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:00:13] NightgliderPC: :)
[00:00:53] MakoSoldier626: Gold... It was the Gold
[00:01:37] QuickSilver: back
[00:01:48] Steel01: Ripped in half is 'somewhat worse for wear'? :P
[00:05:32] Steel01: Hmm, I closed the inside map last week.
[00:07:26] Steel01: Did the pot do anything?
[00:08:13] Steel01: Did the magic users mention that the mouth only makes sound?
[00:08:27] MakoSoldier626: Adrian would have mentioned that.
[00:08:31] 91minutecrusade:
[00:11:37] QuickSilver: 91 is breaking up for me
[00:12:06] Steel01: We're in 10, right? The stairs are on the north?
[00:17:47] 91minutecrusade: 8.3 from the German judge
[00:17:53] 91minutecrusade: That's high praise
[00:20:03] Steel01: Oh, forgot advantage. 23.
[00:20:32] QuickSilver: leg day!!
[00:20:52] QuickSilver: was that a nat 20?
[00:21:38] NightgliderPC: 17
[00:21:43] QuickSilver: okay
[00:22:29] QuickSilver: Im tracking crit sucess and fails, so keep me informed!
[00:24:18] Steel01: A L3 pally?
[00:25:38] QuickSilver: Adrian is so smart
[00:27:54] Steel01: Uh-oh
[00:29:39] Steel01: Ew.
[00:29:46] Steel01: Well, let's make it into more pieces.
[00:30:01] QuickSilver: this is gonna be just great
[00:30:14] NightgliderPC: yuk
[00:30:16] Steel01: Oh, I'm glad I finished eating...
[00:32:33] Steel01: Someone light it on fire.
[00:33:01] QuickSilver: at least its not for a total of 1
[00:34:01] NightgliderPC: nat 20 for 21
[00:34:05] NightgliderPC: 23
[00:34:07] QuickSilver: sweet!
[00:35:39] Steel01: We need the pally with sacred flame (assuming pallys get that)
[00:39:49] Steel01: Sounds like a no.
[00:40:34] QuickSilver: karma
[00:40:52] Steel01: Eeeeewwwwww
[00:40:58] NightgliderPC: brb
[00:41:09] QuickSilver: shes dealing with kiddo
[00:42:45] Steel01: The merc doesn't care. :P
[00:43:10] Steel01: That's... oh my. Please say someone has presti to clean up after that mess.
[00:43:57] NightgliderPC: Anelia will step back after her turn
[00:44:32] QuickSilver: and that was quantifiably loud.
[00:49:13] Steel01: :rolleyes:
[00:49:33] Steel01: I will smash it if it demands attention. :P
[00:51:59] Steel01: Hah
[00:53:15] QuickSilver: brb
[00:54:04] NightgliderPC: 16
[00:59:26] QuickSilver: or they had to have half their foot amputated!
[00:59:27] Steel01: pokepoke
[01:00:31] NightgliderPC: grain
[01:01:40] 91minutecrusade: hey now, don't be rickety!
[01:02:49] Steel01: Does his hand go through it?
[01:07:25] 91minutecrusade: Adrian's killshot dealt 2 points of damage
[01:07:33] 91minutecrusade: For the record
[01:10:18] Steel01: Whoo.
[01:19:47] 91minutecrusade: CURSE THE GOOP
[01:20:04] QuickSilver: the goop curses you back
[01:21:16] QuickSilver: its always doors...
[01:22:30] Steel01: My. Lands...
[01:23:20] QuickSilver: lol
[01:25:50] QuickSilver: brb
[01:26:18] 91minutecrusade:
[01:26:23] QuickSilver: back
[01:27:13] Steel01: Someone still got glowy eyes?
[01:27:16] Steel01: Yeah, that.
[01:31:36] 91minutecrusade:
[01:34:22] Steel01: Who's the acting rogue?
[01:34:48] Steel01: Again? ><
[01:35:10] DJ5E: Download of Good Combat Music Mix of the Darkest Dungeon OST, Dark & Evil Music, Fight / Battle Horror Music Mix in progress...
[01:35:22] Steel01: Foreshadowing.
[01:36:13] Steel01: Grr?
[01:36:51] Steel01: "Oh, something I can cut apart finally?"
[edited] Steel01: 19 init [edited] MakoSoldier626: 7 Init [edited] Steel01: Mako made a char that doesn't have +20 to init. shock [01:44:53] NightgliderPC: so far...
[01:46:18] MakoSoldier626: I have a feeling we're about to see the exact reason why I always do that.
[01:47:49] Steel01: Hmm. So, looking at the d&d beyond forums. As of 6 months ago, the encounter tracker can't be seen by the players.
[01:51:25] Steel01: Let's kill stuff. Well... Re-kill stuff.
[01:53:34] Steel01:
[01:53:50] Steel01: Essentially just did that.
[01:54:14] 91minutecrusade:
[01:55:27] Steel01: Does the door even latch without the bar?
[01:55:51] Steel01: Ah come on... fighter wants to brawl. :P
[01:56:16] MakoSoldier626: Adrian won't fight you on that, he just wants to be in the back.
[01:58:22] MakoSoldier626: He get's paid to do it. XD
[01:59:13] Steel01: :web
[02:00:01] QuickSilver: brb
[02:00:53] NightgliderPC: I'm not trying to compete for first hit...
[02:03:50] QuickSilver: back.
[02:06:11] Steel01: But yeah, he's playing the 'one at a time in a tight hallway' murder box game. Or at least trying to.
[02:08:38] NightgliderPC: true
[02:09:36] Steel01: 5 ft step?
[02:09:44] Steel01: Or does that exist in 5e.
[02:12:18] Steel01: Uhhhh...
[02:13:07] MakoSoldier626: He's got no muscles. XD
[02:14:25] Steel01: squish
[02:14:43] QuickSilver: when life gives you skeletons, make bone dust.
[02:14:58] Steel01: Then use it to grow trees.
[02:15:10] Steel01: *may have watched too much minecraft recently*
[02:15:16] QuickSilver: lol
[02:17:33] Steel01: Some flanking would be nice.
[02:19:08] QuickSilver: fable has fly speed of 60ft, using the raven form ability of the imp
[02:21:42] QuickSilver: that is the best mental image for skeletons ever
[02:21:57] Steel01: Hah. Pez skellies.
[02:22:21] QuickSilver: woohoo!!
[02:23:27] QuickSilver: oh my
[02:27:39] Steel01: yankyank
[02:28:03] Steel01: At least he's plugging the door atm.
[02:31:32] QuickSilver: glass jaw?
[02:35:59] Steel01: . . .\
[02:36:59] Steel01: Is flat footed even a thing for 5e? AC is static based on armor.
[02:44:24] QuickSilver: lol
[02:45:45] QuickSilver: Fable will tell the story to Echo later. :)
[02:49:04] NightgliderPC: To be continued...
[02:50:14] NightgliderPC: To late
[02:50:20] NightgliderPC: Too late
[02:54:57] Recording stopped

Session 4

November 30, 2021

[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:00:44] Steel01: Rawr
[00:04:46] Steel01: If only that was a roll I was going to use...
[00:04:58] NightgliderPC connected.
[00:05:08] Steel01: NG!
[00:05:38] Steel01:
[00:05:48] Steel01: That's what I've got from last week.
[00:06:14] Steel01: Well, two weeks ago, wasn't it?
[00:06:44] Steel01: Then backed back out. :P
[00:07:39] QuickSilver: its shiny
[00:08:17] Steel01: Well, that never bodes well. Reinforcements incoming.
[00:09:34] Steel01: Light reflecting off the wall?
[00:13:19] Steel01: Rending things in half.
[00:16:41] Steel01: Hey look, a tarrasque. :P
[00:17:30] Steel01: Telepathy should be speaking as a free action, no?
[00:17:43] MakoSoldier626: ^that's what I would assume
[00:18:27] MakoSoldier626: We could make it easy and tell the familiar, "Scout nearby me until I state otherwise" .
[00:25:31] Steel01: Keeping in init?
[00:26:07] 91minutecrusade:
[00:30:37] NightgliderPC: ? What was that again
[00:34:00] Steel01: Not I...
[00:34:49] Steel01: Third from the bottom.
[00:35:05] Steel01: Where is the portal/skelly?
[00:41:14] Steel01: :lolz:
[00:41:22] 91minutecrusade: PERFECT ECHO TRAP
[00:43:31] Steel01: *eyes narrow*
Was it actually affected?
[00:44:01] QuickSilver: advantage on attacks btw
[00:44:57] Steel01: It's the ebonics version of abbysal.
[00:46:30] Steel01: #theparanoiaisreal
[00:46:46] QuickSilver: also fairy fire everywhere
[00:46:48] QuickSilver: lol
[00:48:19] QuickSilver: could telepathy by pass the language barrier?
[00:48:52] Steel01: Linguistics doesn't exist in 5e? Eeeeehhhh?
[00:51:46] Steel01: Anelia?
[00:52:10] Steel01: Kadyn tried to tank, but got out tanked. :P
[00:53:33] Steel01: Wait, what?
[00:54:13] 91minutecrusade:
[01:02:44] Steel01: And he doesn't have a bonus action anymore to step on the skull.
[01:03:15] Steel01: Pieces everywhere.
[01:05:01] Steel01: Piercing from the shards? :P
[01:09:08] Steel01: *imagines someone getting logan/wolverines surgery, but with gold*
[01:09:33] MakoSoldier626: This might help with location clarification.
[01:09:35] MakoSoldier626:
[01:09:58] Steel01: Seriously... I was trying to do that in my head and it wasn't working.
[01:10:27] Steel01: Golden apple? That's bad news.
[01:10:59] Steel01: Author: Elric
[01:11:01] QuickSilver: beware the dwarf in the flask!
[01:13:06] Steel01: What's in it? That's potentially more interesting to Kadyn.
[01:14:15] Steel01: Does it come back out? :P
[01:16:32] Steel01: Oh boy...
[01:16:43] QuickSilver: like sitting on a 9v battery for her
[01:16:46] Steel01: The fairy is gonna get possessed one of these days.
[01:17:15] MakoSoldier626: Adrian: I'm sure we've all heard that story
Echo:.... Nope! *Touches Stone*
[01:20:52] QuickSilver: Echo is gonna talk to it in Sylvan, and name the rock.
[01:27:07] Steel01: Is there a solar charger with the magic spellbook? :P
[01:27:58] Steel01: Kadyn: Casters are weird.
[01:28:56] MakoSoldier626: Shrugs The Character originally came from a Modern campaign.
So yes, Solar charger comes on the back of the case. XD
[01:29:10] Steel01: The ring does not want to be found.
[01:30:16] Steel01: Do we actually sit for an hour?
[01:30:46] Steel01: Are there etchings of the discs?
[01:30:51] Steel01: *on
[01:31:12] Steel01: Was thinking more like a 45. :P Records.
[01:32:21] Steel01: Player: Well, the guy was at least partially successful.
[01:32:50] QuickSilver: Echo will be asleep by then
[01:33:11] Steel01: Dump it in the bag? After inverting the bag. :P
[01:33:14] Steel01: Thank you.
[01:34:20] 91minutecrusade: Abnezzar
[01:35:30] QuickSilver: brb
[01:36:25] QuickSilver: back
[01:40:20] Steel01: Huh, disable device isn't a thing either.
[01:44:27] Steel01: Well, that's one way to do it.
[01:45:14] QuickSilver: Echo is however, now inside her bottle
[01:46:24] Steel01: Cha-ching.
[01:46:46] Steel01: Or just put them in the bag.
[01:48:27] 91minutecrusade: 7 golden ribs (35gp)
[01:48:50] 91minutecrusade: Golden apple, rose, and discs (15gp)
[01:48:55] 91minutecrusade: Golden skull (20gp)
[01:49:04] 91minutecrusade: 47 gold coins
[01:49:21] 91minutecrusade: 11 gp from inside the Bag of holding
[01:51:24] QuickSilver: great spell
[01:51:39] MakoSoldier626: Agreed. Fantastic Spell
[01:51:59] Steel01: Wait, are we?
[01:52:03] Steel01: I thought we weren't.
[01:52:52] NightgliderPC left channel and disconnected.
[01:52:52] QuickSilver left channel and disconnected.
[01:52:54] NightgliderPC connected.
[01:52:56] NightgliderPC entered channel.
[01:52:57] QuickSilver connected and entered channel.
[01:53:46] MakoSoldier626:
[01:57:36] Steel01: Directly across from the other secret door?
[01:57:56] Steel01: Ohhhh.
[01:58:09] Steel01: So A-13, on Makos grid overlay.
[02:02:35] Steel01: Hmm, so this place goes on.
[02:03:26] 91minutecrusade:
[02:08:12] Steel01: That works.
[02:09:19] Steel01: She'd rather be asleep. :P
[02:19:26] 91minutecrusade:
[02:20:37] Steel01: Hmm, this might be getting out of scope.
[02:25:43] Steel01: Not even fully explored. There's that upstairs too.
[02:28:13] Steel01:
[02:32:51] Recording stopped

Session 5

December 7, 2021

[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:03:32] Steel01: We need some ability resets...
[00:14:25] Steel01: It's all fun and games until someone has permanent arcane sight.
[00:17:04] Steel01: Oh my lands... invis is painful in 5e...
[00:25:22] Steel01: An entire floor?
[00:26:46] Steel01: Are we leaving the imp behind?
[00:27:10] Steel01: Yay heavy armor... ><
[00:27:21] QuickSilver: lol, this should be good..
[00:27:38] Nightglider: 13
[00:27:39] Steel01: 12
[00:27:54] MakoSoldier626: 17 Adrian
[00:28:37] Steel01: Dis plus -1. Yikes.
[00:29:02] QuickSilver: proficiency 2 should make the -1 into a +1 net
[00:29:16] QuickSilver: lololololol
[00:30:14] Steel01: facepalm
[00:30:27] QuickSilver: chest bump. good on ya, dudes
[00:31:03] Steel01: At least line of sight is obscured...
[00:43:46] MakoSoldier626:
[00:44:57] Steel01: Kadyn: Let's just make more noise, why don't we?
[00:45:13] MakoSoldier626: You know how long it took us to get through the other door?
[00:45:42] QuickSilver: maybe if they are adventurers, the door will be enough to stop them too
[00:47:56] Steel01: Kadyn: 16
[00:48:57] Nightglider: I'm ready!
[00:49:46] QuickSilver: we might hear the arrow ping
[00:56:16] QuickSilver: they all rolled really good on init.
[00:56:24] Steel01: Apparently.
[00:56:58] Steel01: Through four other chars
[00:58:25] Steel01: Return it. :P
[00:59:06] QuickSilver: throw it back!
[00:59:18] QuickSilver: return to sender...
[00:59:24] DireThunder: lol
[00:59:30] DireThunder: I was gonna say that
[00:59:30] QuickSilver: "eeepp!"
[01:00:17] Steel01: :rofl:
[01:00:18] MakoSoldier626: XD
[01:01:45] MakoSoldier626:
[01:03:27] Nightglider: Gm style
[01:03:32] MakoSoldier626: I'm loving it
[01:03:48] Steel01: Eh, just make sure to clarifiy mechanics when the fun description is done.
[01:03:49] MakoSoldier626: This is what I live for in RPGs
[01:05:05] QuickSilver: this is really epic!
[01:09:15] QuickSilver: I believe its a bonus action to heal yourself
[01:09:37] MakoSoldier626: Lay on Hands
Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of Healing power that replenishes when you take a Long Rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of Hit Points equal to your Paladin level x 5.
As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of Hit Points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.
Alternatively, you can expend 5 Hit Points from your pool of Healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple Diseases and neutralize multiple Poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending Hit Points separately for each one.
This feature has no Effect on Undead and Constructs.
[01:12:16] Steel01: :eep: Oh my.
[01:12:57] QuickSilver: dont die, yall
[01:14:05] Steel01: Eh? What door?
[01:14:57] QuickSilver: smooth.
[01:16:07] QuickSilver: brb
[01:16:17] Steel01: And pop go all the held actions.
[01:16:57] QuickSilver: back
[01:17:13] Steel01: So Kadyn took up placement to the right of the door, ready to stop anyone following.
[01:19:33] 91minutecrusade:
[01:23:01] QuickSilver: brb
[01:25:14] QuickSilver: back
[01:29:24] Steel01: We established that last session. Drive by / fly by attacks work without extra feats.
[01:31:31] Steel01: Who? 0o
[01:31:47] Steel01: Ow, my eyes...
[01:31:48] QuickSilver: lol
[01:34:16] QuickSilver: advantage on intimidate?
[01:36:55] Steel01: Join the rest of us?
[01:37:19] MakoSoldier626: Disengage and Run?
[01:39:10] QuickSilver: you should run now. lol
[01:40:53] Steel01: Disengage takes your standard action, does it not?
[01:41:29] QuickSilver: hes gonna swing at you if you stay too though
[01:41:31] Steel01: Eh, magic puts you back together, right? :P
[01:41:48] Steel01: Does tumble exist in 5e?
[01:41:54] Steel01: Does tumble even exist in pf...?
[01:44:14] Steel01: Is it actually over?
[01:50:09] MakoSoldier626:
[01:52:03] Steel01: Someone jam the door.
[01:53:30] MumbleDJ: Download of Abandoned House | Creaking, Wind, Sunset | 15 Minutes of Ambience in progress...
[01:54:58] Steel01: Kadyn: 'So, the not imaginary friend has the remaining healing potion, right?'
[01:56:58] Nightglider: quickly
[01:57:18] Steel01: With the absense of threat... That might change.
[01:58:11] Steel01: Are we going to finish exploration or just leave?
[01:58:49] Steel01: Iirc, there's an upper floor and a locked room.
[02:02:31] Steel01: Kadyn takes point and remains in his normal midly paranoid state.
[02:03:53] Steel01: Yay wisps.
[02:04:30] Steel01: Contrary to initial expections, house actually was haunted.
[02:07:35] Nightglider: And infested...
[02:09:47] Steel01: Would have been nice to have more of a fight. But need better preparation first...
[02:10:37] Nightglider: It
[02:10:46] Nightglider: is named murray
[02:15:41] Steel01: :nods: And it was gone when it was needed.
[02:43:00] Recording stopped

Session 7

January 11, 2022

[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:00:13] Steel01: Time to go kill things.
[00:01:11] Steel01: 'Answered the call'. Such a grandiose sounding intro. :P
[00:02:40] Steel01: finally got the long rest
[00:03:02] Steel01: But no giant rats.
[00:03:05] NightGlider: I think it would be easier for the GM if Magnus Fulgar is not on the next mission until/if he rejoins the group
[00:14:02] Steel01: Please be corporeal at least.
[00:17:04] Steel01: I similar thread tying all Mako charaters together. :P $needcash
[00:17:30] Steel01: Following the shared #paranoid.
[00:21:11] Steel01: . . .
[00:21:42] MakoSoldier626: Why does my internal monologue have a Russian accent?
[00:22:27] NightGlider: Subtitles are in Cyrilic
[00:23:14] Arcaneraven: Cyrilic? its like all the buttons you never useon a calculator
[00:26:10] Steel01: Weird things are happening.
[00:27:10] NightGlider: Анелия должна преуспеть сегодня
[00:27:13] QuickSilver: she's squinting suspiciously at the old stoney bridge
[00:27:18] NightGlider: Subtitles
[00:27:27] Steel01: #ricketybridge
[00:27:51] Steel01: It came back. We'll never be rid of it.
[00:28:52] Steel01: :lolz:
[00:29:40] Steel01: Kadyn: You all are screwy.
[00:29:50] Steel01: Many screws loose.
[00:31:11] Steel01: Who's got point this time?
[00:35:19] Steel01: New person, new person, new person.
Echo acting like a puppy. :P
[00:37:00] QuickSilver:
[00:37:39] Steel01: Hah!
[00:38:30] Steel01: Hmm. QS is the only one to have filled in char info on bardslore. The rest of us are slacking.
[00:44:17] QuickSilver: perfect!
[00:48:54] 91minutecrusade:
[00:52:55] Steel01: Who can't sleep in trees? :P
[00:53:29] Steel01: Yay for adventurers packs.
[00:53:46] Steel01: Who
[00:53:51] Steel01: 's on watch?
[00:54:48] MakoSoldier626: Adrian would definitely set out DH to give aid to anyone who chooses to keep watch. Adrian would choose first watch.
[00:56:28] MakoSoldier626:
[00:56:34] MakoSoldier626: ^ Heresey
[00:56:50] Arcaneraven: nice bird
[00:58:51] Steel01: Kadyn wants 3rd.
[01:00:46] MakoSoldier626: A Wild Penguin attacks!
[01:04:53] Steel01: Middle of the night. Hardest for most people.
[01:04:55] QuickSilver: yes
[01:08:15] QuickSilver: Echo goes out to see the dawn, and wake up the flowers.
[01:10:13] Steel01: Brb. Kadyn will grab food, sure.
[01:11:22] NightGlider: Next time...
[01:14:12] Steel01: Back
[01:15:11] Steel01: Is Echo getting in trouble again?
[01:16:55] QuickSilver: brownies...
[01:16:56] MakoSoldier626: "Brownies"?
[01:17:41] MakoSoldier626: Oh, this kid is good
[01:18:04] MakoSoldier626: Echo.... Hmmm... Thunderwave.
[01:19:07] MakoSoldier626: Probably
[01:19:09] Steel01: Let the fun begin.
[01:19:13] QuickSilver: eldritch...blast!!!!!!
[01:19:30] QuickSilver: just "kid"ding
[01:21:16] Steel01: 'Eep'. Great verbal component for the panic poof. :P
[01:24:09] QuickSilver: she will rest as they walk. short rest.
[01:28:43] QuickSilver: do we have a link for the map?
[01:28:50] Steel01: It did
[01:28:56] Steel01: Just way back on the log.
[01:28:58] MakoSoldier626:
[01:28:59] 91minutecrusade:
[01:29:05] QuickSilver: thank you
[01:30:02] QuickSilver: brb
[01:30:44] Steel01: Well, that doesn't look natural.
[01:31:34] QuickSilver: back
[01:31:45] QuickSilver: what is happening?
[01:31:53] QuickSilver: cool
[01:32:29] Steel01: Somehow, Kadyn goesn't have survival. Which is kinda bad for his backstory.
[01:36:28] Steel01: Bad and more bad skill checks. >< Kadyn watches for deadly things while the others searching the ground.
[01:38:49] Steel01: Oh no, swarms...
[01:39:06] MakoSoldier626: 5 Init.
[01:39:09] QuickSilver: 16 init
[01:39:12] Steel01: 17 init
[01:39:22] Arcaneraven: 6 init
[01:39:32] NightGlider: 5 int
[01:39:35] DJ5E: Download of 🎵 RPG Battle Music | Dangers Of The Swamp in progress...
[01:41:30] Arcaneraven: i rolled 5 on real dice and accidently figured out how to roll one on DND beyond
[01:45:45] QuickSilver: chainsaw these flies!
[01:46:31] QuickSilver: Something like this.
[01:46:47] Steel01: Need those familiars to get set up for advantage.
[01:47:33] Steel01: Make a nature check. :P
[01:48:12] Steel01: But no continuous damage for being the space.
[01:48:13] MakoSoldier626: Yeah, 5e greatly simplified swarms
[01:48:26] Steel01: brb, need moar food.
[01:48:35] 91minutecrusade: Pathfinder swarms were like AoE only
[01:50:09] Steel01: Back
[01:50:22] Steel01: Oh boy.
[01:50:47] Steel01: The thing I thought about building for in pf, then decided I didn't want the party murdering me.
[01:52:12] QuickSilver: sorry, dm
[01:54:02] QuickSilver: this is horrible.
[01:56:05] QuickSilver: silvery barbs comes back on a long rest too, so not to be used over much
[01:57:47] Arcaneraven: my bad
[02:00:43] Steel01: Hah. That description sounds great.
[02:02:55] Steel01: munchmunch
[02:03:59] Steel01: Doesn't 5e officially do the 'if you have the same init, players choose what order you go in' thing?
[02:04:13] 91minutecrusade: I's an option
[02:05:31] Steel01: Have the familiars been sent to assist?
[02:05:45] MakoSoldier626: Adrian has sent his to help you.
[02:05:56] Steel01: Yay.
[02:06:32] Steel01: "Roll that beautiful"
Is that said by a talking dog?
[02:06:42] Steel01: :lolz:
[02:11:41] MakoSoldier626: Yeah, I've been keeping mental track of the damage dealt to them. They can soak a lot of damage.
[02:14:41] MakoSoldier626: Not in 5e
[02:18:16] QuickSilver: sorry guys
[02:20:16] Steel01: "get better"
[02:20:23] Steel01: /random anime reference
[02:20:25] QuickSilver: git gud?
[02:21:04] QuickSilver: Bree is now one of Echo's bestest friends.
[02:21:32] QuickSilver: sweet!
[02:22:23] Steel01: Finish off the one with one hit point...
[02:23:09] Arcaneraven: crap shoulda done that
[02:23:20] Steel01: Oh man, someone rezzed Amp.
[02:23:45] Steel01: Though, dunno if anyone would catch that reference.
[02:24:08] Steel01: Bring it.
[02:24:12] Steel01: I should luck that. :P
[02:24:14] Steel01: But nah.
[02:24:42] Steel01: That's it... Man bugs, you need to git gud.
[02:26:04] Steel01: Is it a hot drink or a cold drink? :P
[02:26:21] QuickSilver: You forgot to shake it first
[02:26:27] Steel01: Thank you.
[02:27:09] Steel01: :nods: Efficiency.
[02:28:09] QuickSilver: they have become a part of their art.
[02:28:12] Steel01: Oh, are we stats-ing?
[02:28:41] QuickSilver: anelia also has advantage from Fable
[02:30:49] QuickSilver: brb
[02:30:53] MakoSoldier626: Goad?
[02:31:27] QuickSilver: back
[02:32:11] Arcaneraven: do a barrel roll
[02:32:24] Steel01: #thatsbetter
[02:32:29] MakoSoldier626: Boo-Ya!
[02:32:30] QuickSilver: woohoo!
[02:35:34] MakoSoldier626:
[02:35:38] MakoSoldier626: ^ Kayden
[02:35:52] 91minutecrusade: Looks about right
[02:37:00] Steel01: Actually, quick point of order GM. Was Kadyn flanking with Anelia when he attacked the second swarm?
[02:37:21] Steel01: Aka, did he have advantage and didn't need to burn luck.
[02:37:25] 91minutecrusade: Believe so, yes
[02:40:53] MakoSoldier626: Correct
[02:42:09] Arcaneraven: 5 healing anelia
[02:42:36] Steel01: Bugs.
[02:43:12] QuickSilver: 12 investigation
[02:43:18] Arcaneraven: 15 perception
[02:43:59] MakoSoldier626: Toadstool?
[02:44:14] QuickSilver: lol
[02:44:22] Arcaneraven: i thought you said stool toad on purpose haha
[02:47:54] Arcaneraven: glad to be here
[02:48:23] Steel01: Same time, same show, next week.
[02:49:01] Recording stopped

Session 8

January 18, 2022

[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:00:37] Steel01: Hmm, which dice set to use this week.
[00:01:02] Steel01: Maybe time to put the dispel set through the paces.
[00:03:23] Steel01: Does anyone need a short rest before we really get going?
[00:11:53] Steel01: Is Kadyn still the only one without dark vision?
[00:12:37] Steel01: Hey, whaddya know. He's not alone in that anymore.
[00:13:53] Steel01: Only three watches? Kadyn shrugs: well if y'all volunteer, far be it from me to argue.
[00:18:39] MakoSoldier626: #WeHaveNoHealer
[00:18:51] 91minutecrusade: Time heals all wounds, you know
[00:19:16] Steel01: One of these days, I need to go back to my roots and play a dedicated healer.
[00:21:53] Arcane_Raven: is it like Jeanie's bottle from "i dream of jeanie"? just a bunch of couches and cushions around haha
[00:24:23] QuickSilver: ^its a 40ft diameter space, so theres lots of room for a 6in fairy. Its a full living room. lol
[00:34:02] Steel01: 0o
[00:34:25] Steel01: No save?
[00:36:20] Arcane_Raven: well that sucks. down 3
[00:36:56] Steel01: Any checks to see if the chars notice a reduction to vitality?
[00:37:34] QuickSilver: brb
[00:39:52] NightGlider: Did that affect everybody?
[00:39:59] 91minutecrusade: everybody
[00:40:10] Arcane_Raven: got a +3 to both of those
[00:40:13] 91minutecrusade: unless you have immunity to diseases and such
[00:40:35] QuickSilver: back. sorry, kids
[00:44:00] Steel01: To be fair, it's more of a improv'ed handkerchief.
[00:44:49] NightGlider: what stat was affected again?
[00:44:56] MakoSoldier626: Max HP
[00:45:05] Steel01: Okay, that fixes that.
[00:45:35] QuickSilver: masks from Bree's etsy shop
[00:46:04] Arcane_Raven: thatll be 3 silver. thanks for supporting my small business!
[00:47:26] Steel01: 5 perception. Meh.
[00:47:31] QuickSilver: 6 nature for Echo
[00:47:40] Arcane_Raven: only 8 on perception. crap roll
[00:47:41] NightGlider: 11 perception
[00:47:46] Steel01: Yikes... double digits someone...
[00:51:26] Steel01: Kadyn just looks up at that: I know I'm not really from around here, but... are those known to fly around here?
[01:01:47] Arcane_Raven: someone killin rabbits?
[01:02:11] MakoSoldier626: Shrieking Shrooms?
[01:03:07] Steel01: Kadyn will follow, still keeping the rear guard.
[01:03:53] NightGlider: I rolled a 15
[01:03:56] QuickSilver: it hurts more, when your small
[01:04:30] NightGlider: kinda scattering
[01:08:22] Steel01: Or we can just go through them.
[01:10:29] Steel01: Or was it a slip. :P
[01:10:34] 91minutecrusade:
[01:13:54] Steel01: That's... not far.
[01:14:15] Steel01: Kadyn, plan c: cut them up.
[01:15:00] Steel01: Stay close enough to set them on fire or something.
[01:15:28] Steel01: Okay, shinobi.
[01:15:36] MakoSoldier626: ^ Exactly that
[01:16:45] Steel01: A minute? Or 6 seconds?
[01:18:43] QuickSilver: fight
[01:18:54] Steel01: Oh hey, hiding guy with horns. Send the harrier, please. :P
[01:19:03] MakoSoldier626: Harrier Sent
[01:22:25] Steel01: Are the bard buffs a thing in 5e?
[01:22:37] 91minutecrusade: How's that?
[01:24:25] Steel01: Kadyn: 15
[01:24:25] Arcane_Raven: i can do bardic inspiration only at this time.not sure if theres more
[01:24:28] QuickSilver: 15 init
[01:24:38] Arcane_Raven: 20 init
[01:24:47] Arcane_Raven: yah total
[01:28:09] Steel01: Yay!
[01:31:26] MakoSoldier626: GWM?
[01:32:38] Steel01: 30, forgot str.
[01:32:48] Steel01: Oh yes, gwm.
[01:34:21] Steel01: Those d20 rolls were abysmal. First: 11, second: 8, third: 3. +4 bardic, +6 superiority.
[01:34:35] Steel01: That was a lot of abilities burnt.
[01:37:52] Steel01: Bring it, punk.
[01:38:49] MakoSoldier626: Adrian would be dead if he took that hit
[01:39:07] Steel01: Still standing. Well... hanging.
[01:39:37] QuickSilver: brb
[01:40:03] Steel01: Hey look, it's a synth gone wrong.
[01:40:59] Steel01: Less than he dealt, though. :P
[01:41:11] QuickSilver: back
[01:44:23] Steel01: Line of sight required?
[01:44:27] Steel01: Or just within range?
[01:44:54] Steel01: Wait, it's walking away?
[01:45:15] Steel01: Pulling a smash dk move.
[01:45:44] Arcane_Raven: its like a swamp taffy pull
[01:47:34] NightGlider: What was the bard bonus for Anelia?
[01:47:40] Arcane_Raven: d6
[01:47:51] QuickSilver: hex only works if you can hit it though :/
[01:48:07] NightGlider: to attack?
[01:49:57] Arcane_Raven: d6 to any d20 roll you wanna use it for
[01:50:29] MakoSoldier626: this... this is what Hex is good for
[01:50:43] Steel01: That's good.
[01:57:41] Steel01: Straight line? Did we start playing Tales and transition into a linear combat system?
[02:01:26] Steel01: That's appreciated.
[02:01:34] QuickSilver: Echo is trying!
[02:02:17] Steel01: Whew. Still alive.
[02:02:54] QuickSilver: someone summon a frieght train?
[02:03:07] MakoSoldier626: that's a 7th lvl spell. XD
[02:03:17] QuickSilver: lol
[02:05:42] QuickSilver: Echo is a fan of the arcane sparks :)
[02:05:42] Steel01: Thank. You.
[02:06:36] Steel01: About to say, 50 sounds right.
[02:08:28] Arcane_Raven: summon freight train is a spell all people learn who live in the "ghetto adjecent" like me
[02:09:08] Steel01: If 'all people' from there can cast 7th level spells... That's a scary place. :P
[02:09:34] Arcane_Raven: just that specifc spell. unless drivebys are also a 7th level spell
[02:11:19] Steel01: All the dice are cursed tonight.
[02:12:48] MakoSoldier626: #TheStrongerAvenger
[02:13:05] Steel01: And it's still standing...
[02:13:06] MakoSoldier626: #TheStrongestAvenger*
[02:14:18] Steel01: Kadyn has dealt 64 damage by himself. This thing has taken over 100 points of damage, hasn't it?
[02:14:37] Arcane_Raven: if not its pretty close to 100
[02:18:27] Steel01: aoo? Or disenagaging?
[02:20:33] Steel01: 0o Well then.
[02:20:48] Steel01: That was a lot of hp.
[02:23:05] Steel01: Is it considered helpless?
[02:23:11] MakoSoldier626: Not helpless
[02:23:22] Steel01: So no insta kills.
[02:23:37] MakoSoldier626: That would be hold person and would be a second level spell.
[02:23:50] Steel01: Or hold monster, presumably.
[02:24:18] QuickSilver: so it can move?
[02:24:29] MakoSoldier626: I beleive it can move
[02:24:40] Arcane_Raven: moving is different than an action i believe
[02:27:51] Steel01: Finish it off.
[02:30:19] Steel01: Pretty sure Kadyn has seen him before.
[02:32:14] MakoSoldier626: Like we would let that escape happen.
[02:32:19] Arcane_Raven: ah yes the cardnal direction of left
[02:32:43] Arcane_Raven: "go left young man, go left"
[02:36:31] Steel01: And the other is done.
[02:37:01] Steel01: We're not letting it go. :P
[02:37:40] Steel01: We need the xp, ya know. And whatever else it ate.
[02:37:46] MakoSoldier626: You awakened our bloodlust, and it is not easily returned to slumber. XD
[02:38:51] Arcane_Raven: i just really hate kale
[02:39:18] 91minutecrusade: Part name: Harbivores
[02:39:22] 91minutecrusade: Herbivores
[02:39:26] MakoSoldier626: You also just indicated that it can hold stuff in its body. So it's basically a pinata at this point.
[02:40:11] Steel01: Finally take an action. :P
[02:40:28] Steel01: Oh, that last save didn't break it free?
[02:41:00] Steel01: We're seriously needing a short rest after this...
[02:41:13] QuickSilver: sorry, dm. please don't hurt us.
[02:41:37] Steel01: Whoooo... that damage.
[02:42:13] QuickSilver: If it hadn't killed the soldiers, I probably would have let it go.
[02:42:14] MakoSoldier626: You seek mercy... you should seek elsewhere.
[02:42:21] Steel01: ^
[02:42:53] Arcane_Raven: no Mercy COBRA KAI
[02:44:09] Steel01: Whew, when those things were actually hitting, it hurt. But CC is clutch.
[02:44:48] MakoSoldier626: Yes, tactical CC can make or break a fight.
[02:45:21] Steel01: Oh.
[02:46:27] Steel01: Yay
[02:46:35] MakoSoldier626: WOOT!
[02:47:44] QuickSilver: lol
[02:47:53] Steel01: Kadyn doesn't care.
[02:48:14] Arcane_Raven: green mist
[02:48:28] Steel01: Kadyn starts picking apart the remains, looking for more out of the pinata.
[02:51:05] Steel01: Short rest.
[02:52:07] Steel01: Burn some hd and reset some abilities.
[02:52:21] Arcane_Raven: most my spells are gone
[03:00:21] Recording stopped

Session 9

January 25, 2022

[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:02:53] Steel01: 'handily'. It still hurt.
[00:03:33] Steel01: *clicky clicky*
[00:04:33] Arcane_Raven: good thing i didnt take damage
[00:04:50] Arcane_Raven: hes got a tattoo of pooh bear on his left thigh you could cut off
[00:10:35] 91minutecrusade:
[00:12:35] Arcane_Raven: is that Hool marshes?
[00:12:49] NightGlider connected and entered channel.
[00:13:02] MakoSoldier626: Welcome NG!
[00:13:09] Steel01: waves
[00:15:31] NightGlider: hi
[00:19:47] Arcane_Raven: where are we at again?
[00:21:06] Arcane_Raven: gotchya cool
[00:21:08] NightGlider: map link for me please
[00:21:12] Steel01: Should I be humored that word is complaining about mispelled words on there?
[00:21:19] 91minutecrusade:
[00:21:41] Arcane_Raven: word doesnt like fantasy
[00:22:11] Steel01: :lolz:
[00:22:47] NightGlider: Hey if you underline it, it is easier to remember right?
[00:23:41] Arcane_Raven: 13 +3 + 16
[00:23:53] NightGlider: 9
[00:28:54] NightGlider: 13
[00:30:54] NightGlider: brb
[00:33:00] NightGlider: back
[00:34:31] Arcane_Raven: can echo carry and tie a rope?
[00:36:10] Arcane_Raven: shadow servant
[00:37:28] NightGlider: brb
[00:39:25] Steel01: Kadyn: 23
[00:41:06] Arcane_Raven: rolled a 2 twice
[00:47:10] MakoSoldier626: She just walks across the rope. XD
[00:49:31] Arcane_Raven: i was just looking to see if i had that
[00:52:49] Steel01: That's really heavy mint. :P
[00:59:43] Steel01: Are they bound?
[01:00:15] Arcane_Raven: brees gonna hide behind a tree
[01:00:52] Arcane_Raven: 9 stealth
[01:01:00] 91minutecrusade: That is not great
[01:01:11] Arcane_Raven: NOPE!
[01:01:26] Arcane_Raven: rollin real bad tonight
[01:03:14] Arcane_Raven: 16 stealth
[01:03:35] NightGlider: 15 stealth
[01:04:09] MakoSoldier626: Witcher style waiting.
[01:08:37] Steel01: We can work with that.
[01:10:37] Steel01: We doing a surprise round-ish? Want to use a bonus action before rolling init. :P
[01:11:15] Steel01: :lolz:
[01:12:43] Steel01: *envisions rift boglings*
[01:14:09] Arcane_Raven: are they carrying any torches?
[edited] NightGlider: Noisy frogs :) [01:18:39] Arcane_Raven: impressive sound work
[01:18:42] MakoSoldier626: It helps our stealth
[01:18:47] Steel01: We rolling init for the 'surprise' round?
[01:25:12] Arcane_Raven: DANG
[01:28:41] Steel01: Hah!
[01:29:21] NightGlider: brb
[01:29:34] Arcane_Raven: increasing my odds and i still cant get wild magic to fire off
[01:30:02] 91minutecrusade: If you'll keep tabs, keep raising the threshold with each sorceror spell. I don't mind :D
[01:31:00] Arcane_Raven: so add a d20 after each spell 1st and higher right?
[01:31:17] Steel01: About say. Eh?
[01:31:36] NightGlider: back
[01:32:36] Arcane_Raven: nice
[01:34:32] Steel01: Init: 7
[01:34:34] MakoSoldier626: NAT 20!
[01:34:41] MakoSoldier626: For a total of 20!
[01:34:44] Arcane_Raven: 7
[01:38:42] Steel01: Still standing?
[01:39:42] Steel01: It's gone.
[01:40:06] Steel01: That was a crit?
[01:40:06] Arcane_Raven: death gurgle
[01:40:09] Steel01: Nice.
[01:44:13] MakoSoldier626: Wow... Epic
[01:44:41] Steel01: Nice. :P Take them out in init order.
[01:47:27] Steel01: That's Heresy? Hmm, yeah better to free people than give advantage.
[01:47:35] MakoSoldier626: No that's shade
[01:49:37] Steel01: At least -3? :P
[01:49:40] Steel01: *like
[01:50:59] Steel01: All this and we're still not under 20 on init.
[01:51:32] Steel01: Kadyn is over there like: I'll clean up whatevers left.
[01:52:14] Steel01: Probably the smart move.
[01:53:04] MakoSoldier626: They were guards for a reason. They actually earned their jobs
[01:53:22] Steel01: Oh right, send the not imaginary friend, please. To one of the melees at least.
[01:53:29] Arcane_Raven: but coudnt avoid being caught by frogs
[01:54:16] NightGlider: brb
[01:54:40] Steel01: Mmm. Kadyn wants to finish off the big ones first.
[01:56:15] NightGlider: back
[01:56:54] Steel01: Ah, good. Kadyn wanted to try to trace that.
[01:58:54] Steel01: Hmm. Did someone give a druid a bow?
[01:59:08] MakoSoldier626: Guessing a Ranger.
[01:59:29] Steel01: Yeah, presuming. The flair sounded quite druid-like, though.
[02:00:11] Steel01: Ah, he's gonna get an action.
[02:00:30] Steel01: Vines+bane+something else.
[02:02:01] Steel01: Group buff. Whee.
[02:04:48] Steel01: Eh, there's not enough to them normally. These might have enough meat.
[02:06:49] Arcane_Raven: AC is 15 i believe
[02:07:14] Arcane_Raven: geez
[02:07:48] MakoSoldier626: BattleMasters are beasts during the lower levels.
[02:08:20] Steel01: Single hits seriously hurt, but I'm burning limited use stuff like crazy.
[02:09:34] MakoSoldier626: Paste
[02:10:21] Steel01: Kadyn, special abilities: brutally murdering things
[02:16:32] Steel01: Poor thing.
[02:17:33] Steel01: Uhh. Is it orange?
[02:19:28] MakoSoldier626: Yeah, Adrian is probably going to stick with Utility and CC for a while.
[02:20:36] Arcane_Raven: man i dont even get to kill him for that
[02:22:32] Steel01: Kadyn would have been watching for the hidden archer.
[02:26:22] NightGlider: I'm gonna hve to log off soon
[02:27:13] Steel01: It's other-wordly flame. What's water? :P
[02:28:24] Arcane_Raven: done cooked em
[02:29:29] Steel01: Sent to whatever valhalla awaits it.
[02:29:42] Arcane_Raven: froghalla
[02:30:13] Arcane_Raven: in 2 rounds
[02:30:19] Steel01: In one and a half rounds.
[02:33:00] MakoSoldier626: Adrian will work to collect his weapons from the freed guards
[02:33:20] MakoSoldier626: Especially the crowbar.
[02:36:29] Steel01: We
[02:36:35] Steel01: 're not far from that, are we?
[02:37:04] Arcane_Raven: good fight
[02:38:47] Steel01: Does arcane archer exist in 5e?
[02:40:00] Steel01: All this and still not a divine caster in sight. :P
[02:40:41] NightGlider: She would like that
[02:40:55] MakoSoldier626: Ah, right. Adrian would hand out the the two elixers that he has to the people who are most hurt.
[02:43:51] Recording stopped