Saltmarsh Adventures

From Bard's Lore
The map of Saltmarsh from the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh

The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is an adventure path module written by Dave J. Browne with Don Turnbull.


Main Characters

Player Character Race Class
DireThunder Magnus Dragonborn Paladin
MakoSoldier626 Adrian Tiefling Warlock
NightGlider Anelia Aasimar Monk
QSDragonLord Echo Fairy Djinni Patron Warlock
Steel01 Kadyn Brock Human Fighter

Non-Player Characters

Character Significance
Hanna Rist Barkeep at the Snapping Line
Ingo the Drover Mercenary middleman
Thorn Thewliss Poacher

Session Summaries

Session Airdate Title Runtime Comments
Session 0 2021-10-26 Getting to Know You --currently unavailable --- Session 0 comments --currently unavailable
Players and GM discuss characters and expectations.
Session 1 2021-11-02 Welcome to Saltmarsh 2:33:53 Session 1 comments
Session summary needed.
Session 2 2021-11-09 Session 2 2:25:20 Session 2 comments
Session summary needed.

Kills Tally

Character Kills
Adrian 1
Echo 2
Kadyn 1

Bonus Content

Show Me The Loot!

