The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Chat
Following are the chat logs from each live session of The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh arc.
Chat Logs
Session 1
November 2, 2021
[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:06:55] DireThunder connected.
[00:07:12] MakoSoldier626: Welcome!
[00:07:21] Steel01: :lolz:
[00:14:15] Steel01: Like west of 5?
[00:14:50] Steel01: Huh, okay.
[00:16:33] Steel01: Are there other hires around for all this?
[00:18:03] Steel01: Ah, so he's the temp agency. :P
[00:19:30] Steel01: jump cut to next char.
[00:22:10] NightgliderPC: Map link?
[00:22:13] DireThunder: evening gentlepeole
[00:22:21] Steel01: The map is in hangouts.
[00:22:26] DireThunder: people*
[00:22:28] 91minutecrusade:
[00:22:31] DireThunder: I'm listening in
[00:22:54] Steel01: Oh, that's a better quality copy than what got put in hangouts.
[00:23:28] NightgliderPC: We are getting introduced to the setting and characters
[00:23:29] DireThunder: where on this map is this tavern?
[00:23:45] DireThunder: thanks
[00:26:53] QuickSilver: so thats where the fish heads went...
[00:26:55] Steel01: Salt water at the bar in salt marsh. :P
[00:27:08] NightgliderPC: :P
[00:28:04] QuickSilver: drink too many of those, and you will be able to see the flavors
[00:28:14] NightgliderPC: yuuuuuuk
[00:35:56] NightgliderPC: I look like a human
[00:41:53] NightgliderPC:
[00:42:06] NightgliderPC: My char
[00:42:27] QuickSilver:
[00:46:39] QuickSilver: except our table. OUr table smells like brownies
[00:46:46] QuickSilver: :)
[00:49:48] Steel01: Time to start a BAR FIGHT. :P
[00:51:01] QuickSilver: lol
[00:52:32] Steel01: Monsters? You mean the one in front of me?
[00:52:51] QuickSilver: lol
[00:53:19] Steel01: Oh boy
[00:53:42] QuickSilver: ooooo, its a chunky wine!
[00:54:55] Steel01: Kadyn: Well, the house brought the show, it appears.
[00:59:17] MakoSoldier626: XD
[01:01:03] Steel01: If the town drunk can survive, it can't be that bad. :P
[01:02:39] Steel01: Awesome.
[01:02:42] QuickSilver: hes a pro
[01:07:54] Steel01: Was the 50 up front? And 50 additional if something was found?
[01:08:43] Steel01: Eh, sometimes you need supplies. In this case, eh. It's just a ghost story.
[01:11:47] MakoSoldier626: He decided to escort her the long way home.
[01:11:51] Steel01: :lolz:
[01:11:53] QuickSilver: this feels like something different. all these powerful folk, from different places. it feels like a... like a... origin story.
[01:14:21] QuickSilver: lol
[01:15:13] Steel01: Band of disconnected adventurers. :P
[01:16:08] Steel01: Did this just turn into an escort quest?
[01:17:31] MakoSoldier626:
[01:20:38] Steel01: So gonna get along, just great.
[01:23:18] Steel01: Viridian Night
[01:24:20] QuickSilver: She beams back at him, oblivious to his distrust
[01:25:30] Steel01: Prime Material?
[01:28:09] Steel01: Isn't guidance better in 5e?
[01:28:10] QuickSilver: woohoo! very helpful
[01:28:13] Steel01: looks
[01:28:24] MakoSoldier626: It's fantastic in 5e
[01:28:47] Steel01: Ah, the d4. But hmm. It's concentration?
[01:29:11] MakoSoldier626: Yes. But it's usually used pretty quickly.
[01:30:04] Steel01: So, are we heading to 26 on the map?
[01:30:13] Steel01: Oh, beyond the map.
[01:30:32] QuickSilver: I love that theatre!
[01:31:22] DJ5E: Download of Dark Creepy Music | Haunted House | Unsettling Horror Music 🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃 in progress...
[01:31:35] Steel01: Certainly looks like nothing's been here for 3 years.
[01:34:30] Steel01: Do we have a rogue?
[01:39:34] Steel01: Is pbrod sized?
[01:39:37] NightgliderPC: no
[01:41:31] MakoSoldier626: Did someone call me?
[01:43:35] QuickSilver: first initiative is coming guys!
[01:43:35] Steel01: *waits for the two words*
[01:44:24] Steel01: Kadyn: 9
[01:44:34] MakoSoldier626: Total 21
[01:44:39] NightgliderPC: 13
[01:46:13] QuickSilver: 14 init
[01:46:15] Steel01: Kadyn: 10 init
[01:46:16] MakoSoldier626: Total: 18
[01:46:23] NightgliderPC: 10
[01:49:14] Steel01: #burnitalldown
[01:49:28] QuickSilver: but you are all standing in it...
[01:51:31] Steel01: considers Next saving throw? Any type of save?
[01:51:39] MakoSoldier626: Any type of Save
[01:51:49] Steel01: That could be an interesting combo setup.
[01:53:27] Steel01: Concentration?
[01:53:35] MakoSoldier626: ^ Not for 5e
[01:53:52] MakoSoldier626: Concetration works completely differently for 5e
[01:55:27] MakoSoldier626: GRAPPLED
A grappled creature's speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed.
[01:55:41] MakoSoldier626:
[01:56:00] Steel01: And this is why I chose to not do magic in 5e. >< So much different.
[01:57:25] Steel01: Breathe fire.
[01:58:42] MakoSoldier626: We look over at the hole and we see a flash, then smoke rising from the hole.
[01:59:32] Steel01: Hah. :P
[01:59:38] MakoSoldier626: You get a nice pelt
[02:02:44] QuickSilver: yesssss!
[02:03:24] QuickSilver: welcome to dnd, everyone
[02:03:30] Steel01: With a -4, right?
[02:04:03] Steel01: Ashes blowing away in the wind.
[02:04:38] QuickSilver: Nooooo! the rose!
[02:04:51] Steel01: #burnitalldown
[02:05:48] QuickSilver: lol
[02:05:57] Steel01: Immediate action?
[02:06:09] MakoSoldier626: Non-Action. It just happens
[02:06:09] QuickSilver: ^yes
[02:06:33] Steel01: Huh. Does 5e do the 'immediate action costs something on your next turn' thing?
[02:06:41] MakoSoldier626: Hellish Rebuke is a Reaction
[02:06:47] Steel01: Or does that concept not exist at all?
[02:06:51] MakoSoldier626: It doesn't.
[02:07:10] QuickSilver: you get four actions per turn. a standard, move, bonus, and reaction.
[02:07:10] MakoSoldier626: 5e very much simplifies things.
[02:08:02] QuickSilver: bad day for the weasles. they didn't eat their wheaties.
[02:08:19] MakoSoldier626: Kamehameha?
[02:08:45] Steel01: Monks do swords? Cool.
[02:09:17] QuickSilver: Dedicated weapon allows it
[02:10:43] Steel01: If it's a flurry weapon, yes.
[02:10:46] Steel01: Iirc.
[02:11:41] MakoSoldier626: The sword is for your protection... My fists are more dangerous.
[02:13:02] QuickSilver: you have advantage on your attacks!
[02:13:51] MakoSoldier626: I think it's the Aid action.
[02:14:19] MakoSoldier626:
[02:14:24] MakoSoldier626: ^ Link
[02:18:27] QuickSilver: she's saying "Hey! Listen!"
[02:20:47] QuickSilver: dexterity save +12
[02:20:51] QuickSilver: =12
[02:22:56] MakoSoldier626: XD
[02:23:02] MakoSoldier626: Those refrences
[02:25:44] QuickSilver: only the lance has that
[02:25:58] Steel01: Let it move 5 ft, then aoo? If that was actually an issue.
[02:27:40] MakoSoldier626: You would need war caster to do that.
[02:28:31] Steel01: What does the die shift to at tiny?
[02:29:33] MakoSoldier626: The Disrespect...
[02:30:34] QuickSilver: don't mess with fairies, man.
[02:30:45] Steel01: Oh, 5e also doesn't do damage die shifts for size. So a needle does as much damage as a giants claymore sized dagger.
[02:31:43] Steel01: Poor merc is gonna die of boredom. :P
[02:32:56] MakoSoldier626: ^ Hey, Adrian can step back and let the Merc go first.
[02:33:53] Recording stopped