Riddleport Statistics

From Bard's Lore

Following are some statistics for the Heroes of Destiny's Riddleport Arc. The stats for the entire arc are at the top; individual sessions are listed below. Use the Contents box for quicker navigation.

Statistics through Session 4, Searching for Larir

Note: Statistics do not include all out-of-combat rolls and spells
Note: There is a margin of error for all combat times listed

Riddleport Arc Statistics

Note: This does not include the prologue for the Heroes of Destiny

Outgoing Damage and Healing

Character Action Success % Dmge Dealt/HP Healed
Aysel Attack: Spear 100% 33
Lightning Arc 66.7% 11
Snowball 100% 54
Attack: Unarmed Strike (modified) 75% 27
Heal: Cure Light Wounds 100% 21
Brummen Attack: Longsword (all varieties) 66.7% 59
Attack: Shield Bash 0% 0
Attack: Unarmed Strike (modified) 71% 28
Jenara Attack: Crossbow, light 40% 8
Attack: Dagger, Melee 66.7% 18
Attack: Dagger, Ranged 50% 10
Attack: Rapier 0% 0
Katsu Attack: Crossbow, light 60% 23
Attack: Quarterstaff 50% 1
Attack: Spiritual Weapon 33.4% 7
Attack: Unarmed Strike (modified) 50% 7
Heal: Cure Light Wounds 100% 79
Kerrick Attack: Dagger, ranged 0% 0
Attack: Quarterstaff 33.4% 10
Expeditious Excavation -- 39
Snowball 60% 18
Attack: Unarmed Strike (modified) 50% 1
Mu Attack: Prehensile Hair Hex 50% 1
Ear Piercing Scream 0% 1
Steal Life Hex 100% 9+?

Incoming Damage, Knock-Outs, and Deaths

Character Damage Taken Knock-Outs Deaths
Aysel 29 0 0
Brummen 41 0 0
Jenara 48 2 0
Katsu 22 0 0
Kerrick 41 0 0
Mu 15 0 0

Saves and Criticals

Character Will Saves Ref Saves Fort Saves Nat20s Nat1s
Aysel 0 1/1 0 2 1
Brummen 1/2 2/3 1/1 1 5
Jenara 2/2 2/3 0 1 3
Katsu 2/2 2/3 0 3 1
Kerrick 3/3 4/5 1/2 5 1
Mu 2/2 1/3 0 0 1

See also: Heroes of Destiny Critical Successes
See also: Heroes of Destiny Critical Fails

Session Statistics

Session 1 "Pay the Devil His Due"

Outgoing Damage and Spells

Character Action Success/Attempts Damage Dealt/HP Healed
Brummen Attack: Longsword 1/1 5
Attack: Longsword, Sun Metal 1/2 7
Jenara Attack: Rapier 0/2 0
Attack: Dagger, Ranged 1/2 10
Arnon Katsu Command 0/2 --
Attack: Quarterstaff 0/1 0
Sun Metal 1/1 --
Kerrick Entangle 1/1 --
Expeditious Excavation 2/2 39
Thunderstomp 1/1 --
Attack: Dagger, ranged 0/1 0
Mu Domineering Presence* 1/2 --
Ear Piercing Scream 0/1 1
Prehensile Hair Hex 1/2 0

*Reskinned ability

Incoming Damage

Character Attacks Received Damage Received
Brummen 1/3 6
Katsu 1/1 8


Character Will Saves Reflex Saves Fortitude Saves
Brummen 1/2 1/2 0
Jenara 2/2 1/2 0
Katsu 2/2 1/2 0
Kerrick 3/3 2/3 0/1
Mu 2/2 1/2 0

Critical Successes and Failures

Character Nat 20s Crit Success Saves Natural 1s Crit Fail Saves
Brummen 0 0 2 1
Jenara 1 1 1 1
Katsu 2 1 1 0
Kerrick 4 2 0 0
Mu 0 0 0 0

Combat Time

Combat lasted 1:37:12 (38.78%) of game time, but only 30 seconds of time in-story.

Character Combat Time % of Combat
Baddies x 4-5 35:43 36.75%
Brummen 9:07 9.38%
Jenara 12:02 12.38%
Katsu 10:26 10.73%
Kerrick 16:08 16.60%
Mu 6:31 6.70%
Surprise/Initiative/Misc 7:15 7.46%

Session 2 "Birth of the Mountain Wizards"

Outgoing Damage, Spells, and Healing

Character Action Success/Attempts Damage Dealt/HP Healed
Aysel Sickening Entanglement 1/1 --
Mudball 1/1 --
Attack Spell: Snowball 2/2 19
Summon Nature's Ally I: Giant Centipede 1/1 --
Flare 0/1 --
Attack: Unarmed Strike 3/4 27
Brummen Attack: Shield Bash 0/1 0
Attack: Unarmed Strike 5/7 28
Bodyguard 0/2 --
Katsu Command 2/3 --
Shield of Faith 1/1 --
Attack: Unarmed Strike 2/4 7
Heal: Cure Light Wounds 3/3 27
Kerrick Summon Mount 1/1 --
Thunderstomp 1/1 --
Attack Spell: Snowball 1/2 2
Fairie Fire 1/1 --
Entangle 1/1 --
Hydraulic Push 1/1 --
Attack: Unarmed Strike 1/2 1
Obscuring Mists 1/1 --
Summon: Giant Centipede (Aysel) Attack 0/1 0

Incoming Damage and Healing

Character Attacks Received Damage Received Healing Received
Aysel 1/7 5 0
Brummen 2/4 13 10
Katsu 1/5 7 0
Kerrick 3/4 18 17
Summon: Giant Centipede (Aysel) 2/3 11 0


Character Will Saves Reflex Saves Fortitude Saves
Aysel 0 0 0
Brummen 0 0 1/1
Katsu 0 0 0
Kerrick 0 1/1 1/1

Critical Successes and Failures

Character Nat 20s Crit Success Saves Natural 1s Crit Fail Saves
Aysel 1 0 0 0
Brummen 1 0 1 0
Katsu 0 0 0 0
Kerrick 0 0 1 0
GM NPCs 2 1 0 0

Combat Time


Session 3 "The Misconduct of Clegg Zincher"

Outgoing Damage, Spells, and Healing

Character Action Success/Attempts Damage Dealt/HP Healed
Aysel Attack Spell: Snowball 1/1 12
Brummen Attack: Longsword 1/1 8
Katsu Heal: Cure Light Wounds 1/1 10
Attack: Light Crossbow 1/1 12
Kerrick Snowball 1/1 10

Incoming Damage and Healing

Character Attacks Received Damage Received Healing Received
Jenara 0/1 0 0

Critical Successes and Failures

Character Nat 20s Crit Success Saves Natural 1s Crit Fail Saves
Aysel 0 0 0 0
Brummen 0 0 1 0
Jenara 0 0 0 0
Katsu 0 0 0 0
Kerrick 0 0 1 0
Mu 0 0 1 0
GM mob 0 0 1 1

Combat Time

Combat lasted 15:59 (10.73%) of game time, but less than 6 seconds of time in-story.

Character Combat Time % of Combat
Aysel 1:09 7.19%
Brummen 2:07 13.24%
Cinder Snake 1:55 11.99%
Jenara 0:00 0%
Katsu 4:19 27.01%
Kerrick 4:53 30.55%
Mu 0:00 0%
Initiative 1:36 10.01%

Session 4 "Searching for Larir"

Outgoing Damage, Spells, and Healing

Character Action Success/Attempts Damage Dealt/HP Healed
Aysel Attack Spell: Snowball 1/1 8
Brummen Grapple (CMB) 0/2 --
Attack: Longsword 1/1 10
Katsu Command 1/1 --
Grapple (CMB) 0/1 --
Heal: Cure Light Wounds 1/1 11
Kerrick Create Water 1/1 --
Chameleon Stride 1/1 --
Entangle 1/1 --
Thunderstomp 1/1 --
Mu Dancing Darkness 1/1 --
Prehensile Hair Hex (growth) 1/1 --
Attack: Tentacles* 1/1 1
Attack: Suck Soul* 1/1 9

*Reskinned ability

Incoming Damage and Healing

Character Attacks Received Damage Received Healing Received
Brummen 1/1 15 11
Katsu 0/1 0 0
Mu 0/1 0 0

Critical Successes and Failures

Character Nat 20s Crit Success Saves Natural 1s Crit Fail Saves
Aysel 0 0 1 0
Brummen 0 0 1 0
Katsu 1* 0 0 0
Kerrick 1 0 0 0
Mu 0 0 0 0

*rolled by MakoSoldier626 on Katsu's behalf

Combat Time

Coming Soon

Session 5 "The Sound of Silence"

Outgoing Damage, Spells, and Healing

Character Action Success/Attempts Damage Dealt/HP Healed
Aysel Snowball 2/2 15
Attack: Spear 4/4 33
Lightning Arc 2/3 11
Sickening Entangle 1/1 --
Heal: Cure Light Wounds* 2/2 21
Brummen Bodyguard 0/1 --
Attack: Longsword, Sun Metal 1/4 9
Attack: Longsword 3/3 20
Jenara Attack: Crossbow 2/5 8
Attack: Dagger 2/3 18
Steal Spell 1/1 --
Vanish 1/1 --
Katsu Shield of Faith 1/1 --
Sun Metal 1/1 --
Summon Spiritual Weapon 1/1 --
Attack: Spiritual Weapon Scythe 1/3 7
Attack: Crossbow 2/4 11
Heal: Cure Light Wounds* 3/3 31
Command 1/2 --
Attack: Quarterstaff 1/1 1
Kerrick Instant Armor 1/1 --
Iron Skin 1/1 --
Attack: Quarterstaff 2/6 10
Snowball 1/2 6
Thunderstomp 0/1 --
Shillelagh 1/1 --
Entangle 0/1 --
Summon Mount 1/1 --
Grapple (CMB) 0/1 --
Mu Mirror Hideaway 1/1 --
Attack: Tentacles** 0/2 0
Steal Life Hex 1/1 ??
Ear-Piercing Scream 0/1 0
Shadow Trap 0/1 --
Sameritha Scorching Ray 1/1 10

*Needs verification
**Reskinned ability

Incoming Damage and Healing

Character Attacks Received Damage Received Healing Received*
Aysel 2/5 24 17
Brummen 1/5 7 0
Jenara 3/4 48 32
Katsu 1/2 7 0
Kerrick 3/11 23 11
Mu 1/2 15 0

*Needs verification


Character Will Saves Reflex Saves Fortitude Saves
Aysel 0 1/1 0
Brummen 0 1/1 0
Jenara 0 1/1 0
Katsu 0 1/1 0
Kerrick 0 1/1 0
Mu 0 0/1 0

Critical Successes and Failures

Character Nat 20s Crit Success Saves Natural 1s Crit Fail Saves
Aysel 1 1 0 0
Brummen 0 0 0 0
Jenara 0 0 2 0
Katsu 0 0 0 0
Kerrick 0 0 0 0
Mu 0 0 0 0
GM NPCs 3 1 0 0

Combat Time

Coming Soon

Heroes of Destiny Statistics

Damage Output

Character All Damage Most Damage in 1 Round Session
Aysel 125 12 RP-S2
Brummen 87 10 RP-S4
Jenara 36 10 RP-S1
Katsu 38 12 RP-S3
Kerrick 68 39 RP-S1
Mu 11 9 RP-S4

Healer's Touch
Cure a cumulative total of 1,000 points of damage for other creatures using healing spells. Dealing damage slows progress toward this goal achievement; for every 1 point of damage you deal to another creature, reduce your cumulative healing total by 2.1

Katsu's Total Healing HT Healing** Katsu's Total Damage HT Damage Healer's Touch Progress*
79 42 38 19 4

*Count reset at 0 at the end of RP Session 3
**Needs verification


1 Healer's Touch Achievement Feat -- https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/achievement-feats/healer-s-touch-achievement/