
From Bard's Lore
Nixie, Slave to many Masters.

Nixie is a Half Gnome Witch, played by QuickSilver. Born into slavery, deep in the underdark, Nixie learned early that life is hard, but wealth makes it easy.



Nixie's wears magic like makeup, and thus her true appearance is hidden in a cloud of enchantments, illusions, and transmutations. She presents herself as an alluring gnomish girl, with gifts for performance in song and dance. She stands about four and a half feet tall, but uses magic to appear anywhere from three and a half feet, to five and a half feet, depending on who she is trying to impress. She wears a hooded dark blue velvet cloak, hiding her sequined dancer's costume beneath it. She uses magic to hide the nature of her clothes however, and many would assume her to simply be wearing a common dress beneath the cloak.


Nixie presents herself as an easy going girl, with a flirtatious side that can get her in to trouble as easily as it can get her out of it. Inside however, she struggles with deep insecurities, and the ghosts of her past make it hard for her to trust people in the present. She is fixated to a fault on wealth, and having lived as a slave from birth, she believes that money can truly buy happiness.



Chapter One: "The town with no name."

Nixie joined a Buffle train out of Beacon's Ridge, headed toward Claxon. It was a good job, and although she lacked the usual size and appearance of a guard, her charms were enough to get her the job. She only intended to go part way though. About two thirds of the way to Claxon, the road passed close to the Green Arbor, home of the hunter's guild. The hunters were an elite organization, and the best jobs, not to mention the most lucrative ones, went to hunters. Having only recently found herself free of a master, Nixie thought this sounded like a good chance at a fresh start.

The Buffle Train made good time, until one morning they were attacked by bandits. Several other guards joined battle against the bandits, and Nixie went to aid them. Teraletzah, an Asura from another world, seemed to have much in common with Nixie when it came to magic, and they made a good team. The cleric Zenith made a strong impression with his high moral standards, and his courageous efforts. The only other guard who risked the fight was a somewhat strange man called Samson. He was odd, and seemed to see the world through analytical eyes. Still, he was strong, and very useful to have around.

The group of four traveled on to Dalin'fer, where they turned in the bandits for a small fortune in gold. This was their first taste of the adventuring life, and it hooked them. They soon accepted a job to go back, and clear out the remaining bandits. For this they would need help though, and the group enlisted the aid of a sorcerer named Qaleth. They returned to the town where the bandits were holed up, a town with no name. They succeeded in killing the assassin Pelinor without raising alarm, and after making plans with the local parson Feldryk, they made their way to an abandoned house on the edge of town, to prepare for their next hit.

After a brief conversation, the team agreed to deal with the most dangerous threat first They heard that the Cannibal(brother of the bandit boss Garryk) would hunt at night, and that many of the other bandits held no love or loyalty for the barbaric monster. The team moved on the house that the cannibal was using, and engaged in combat. They found the cannibal's two huge dogs inside, and while they battled the dogs, the cannibal grabbed Qaleth from behind, knifing him before beginning to drag him screaming into the dark. The party came to Qaleth's aid, and the cannibal eventually tried to retreat back to his house. The party managed to finally kill him, but not before raising some alarm from the other bandits. The party dragged the corpses inside, and the other bandits found only a bloody field, with no bodies present. Chalking it up to the cannibal's hunting, they left, and the party gave a collective sigh of relief. They had now taken two of the bounties they were after, and that would leave only Garryk as the final individual bounty to be collected.

Taking time to investigate the stables before morning, the party found Vilnin(a burly thug) sharpening his blade, and waiting for the attack. They convinced him to give them information, before allowing him to take a horse and leave the village. Feeling good about their achievements, the party prepared to return to their hideout before dawn. Unfortunately, the fresh blood from the fight with the cannibal had brought the interests of a troll, and the party was suddenly thrown into battle against the horrendous beast. In a flash of courage, Samson rushed the troll, slashing it deeply. The troll however turned its attention on Samson, and clawed, smashed, and chewed the life out of the brave android. The party succeeded in killing the troll, with the aid of Indy, a half-elf ranger who had been tracking the beast; but had to retreat quickly to their hideout with the body of their fallen friend. Now they would have to make a hard decision as to what would come next. To leave the village and seek a resurrection for Samson would risk losing Garryk and the other bandits. To stay however would mean that they would face a much harder time without their warrior friend, and it also meant that the window for resurrection would be slipping away.

Character Information


Nixie's magic is very much focused on enchantment, and she uses her charm hex, as well as spells to manipulate situations if she thinks she needs to, or could benefit from it.

Nixie is also an alchemist of sorts, being first sold to a Drow alchemist before being purchased for her sweet voice, and naturally enchanting grace. Because of this, she has already crafted some gun powder, and will continue to expand her capabilities as time goes on.

Notable Items


Nixie's familiar: Skittles.

Her Familiar, "Skittles", is a Pocket Raptor. He was a gift from her patron when she was given to him by her masters, in return for her enhanced abilities to serve them. While she is unaware of Skittles' own background, she sees the small raptor as her best friend and closest companion. This is much to the raptor's chagrin, as he both hates her and needs her. For this reason, he tolerates her perpetual doting.