Riddleport Statistics

From Bard's Lore

Following are some statistics for the Heroes of Destiny's Riddleport Arc. The stats for the entire arc are at the top; individual sessions are listed below. Use the Contents box for quicker navigation.

Statistics through Session 1, Pay the Devil His Due

Riddleport Arc Statistics

Outgoing Damage and Healing

Character Action Success % Dmge Dealt/HP Healed
Brummen Attack: Longsword (all varieties) 66% 12
Jenara Attack: Rapier 0% 0
Attack: Dagger, Ranged 50% 10
Katsu Attack: Quarterstaff 0% 0
Kerrick Expeditious Excavation -- 59
Attack: Dagger, ranged 0% 0
Mu Ear Piercing Scream -- 1

Session Statistics

Session 1 "Pay the Devil His Due"

Outgoing Damage and Spells

Character Action Success/Attempts Damage Dealt/HP Healed
Brummen Attack: Longsword 1/1 5
Attack: Longsword, Sun Metal 1/2 7
Jenara Attack: Rapier 0/2 0
Attack: Dagger, Ranged 1/2 10
Arnon Katsu Command 0/2 --
Attack: Quarterstaff 0/1 0
Sun Metal 1/1 --
Kerrick Entangle 1/1 --
Expeditious Excavation 2/2 59
Thunderstomp 1/1 --
Attack: Dagger, ranged 0/1 0
Mu Domineering Presence 1/2 --
Ear Piercing Scream 0/1 1

Incoming Damage

Character Attacks Received Damage Received
Brummen 1/3 6
Katsu 1/1 8


Character Will Saves Reflex Saves Fortitude Saves
Brummen 1/2 1/2 0
Jenara 2/2 1/2 0
Katsu 2/2 1/2 0
Kerrick 3/3 2/3 0/1
Mu 2/2 1/2 0

Critical Successes and Failures

Character Nat 20s Crit Success Saves Natural 1s Crit Fail Saves
Brummen 0 0 2 1
Jenara 1 1 1 1
Katsu 2 1 1 0
Kerrick 4 2 0 0
Mu 0 0 0 0