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== Chat Logs ==
== Chat Logs ==
=== Session 1 ===
=== Session 1 ===
{MARCH 12, 2019}
{MARCH 12, 2019} <br/>
[00:00:00] MakoSoldier626: !Resume <br/>
[00:00:00] MakoSoldier626: !Resume <br/>
[00:00:00] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 has resumed audio playback. <br/>
[00:00:00] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 has resumed audio playback. <br/>
Line 203: Line 202:
[04:04:13] CelticKraut left channel and disconnected. <br/>
[04:04:13] CelticKraut left channel and disconnected. <br/>
[04:07:16] QSDragonLord: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/instant-armor/ <br/>
[04:07:16] QSDragonLord: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/instant-armor/ <br/>
=== Session 2 ===
=== Session 2 ===

Revision as of 17:16, 19 April 2019

Following are the chat logs from each live session of the Curse of the Crimson Throne arc.

Chat Logs

Session 1

{MARCH 12, 2019}
[00:00:00] MakoSoldier626: !Resume
[00:00:00] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 has resumed audio playback.
[00:00:47] 91minutecrusade: Oh snap, just remembered: do we still have the stuff we got from the Gravehold? No, right? Cuz we were all level 10 then
[00:12:48] Steel01: But of course. :P
[00:13:01] Steel01: Two weeks.
[00:14:39] Steel01: Fuzzy? :P
[00:16:17] Steel01: OH!!
[00:18:03] Nightglider: Where is this person from?
[00:18:24] MakoSoldier626: Korvosa, the first adventure
[00:19:01] Steel01: 2 weeks, ya know.
[00:19:29] Nightglider: Trying to remember if Kohnn met her?
[00:19:34] MakoSoldier626: Nope.
[00:19:48] MakoSoldier626: She was from the very first adventure.
[00:19:49] Steel01: Heh. Can the 'deck' see Kohnn?
[00:20:24] Steel01: :thumbsup:
[00:22:39] Steel01: Does a dragon wearing human skin count? ><
[00:23:30] Steel01: Stripes? Hmmm...
[00:33:14] QSDragonLord: not the feamel versions
[00:33:21] QSDragonLord: female. ahem
[00:33:35] QSDragonLord: theyre sewn shut
[00:33:39] Lorien: that's the worst
[00:33:59] Lorien: whoever decided girls don't like pockets was hugely wrong :P
[00:34:05] Steel01: Heh
[00:34:10] QSDragonLord: the male armor all has cargo pockets though. ;)
[00:34:21] Lorien: lol
[00:35:39] Lorien: :obtains items and leaves peanut gallery once again:
[00:35:50] MakoSoldier626: https://scontent-dfw5-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/0576975ad24ab916f03c7a137c3dedcb/5CDEFA55/t51.2885-15/e35/38540801_231886604136415_6587312421298241536_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.cdninstagram.com
[00:36:03] Steel01: Colorful.
[00:36:36] QSDragonLord: bet.
[00:36:56] Steel01: . . .
[00:37:04] Steel01: Does he look like a butler?
[00:38:00] Steel01: headdesk
[00:38:49] Steel01: Isn't it technically Tanis' talking deck of cards?
[00:40:18] QSDragonLord: itll give you the runz
[00:40:26] QSDragonLord: lol
[00:40:27] MakoSoldier626: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1b66K1PAWBrUvOU_KyE5sibGMxjGMVtd_
[00:42:04] Steel01: Which outside? :P
[00:42:59] QSDragonLord: tanis scrambles to grab one last piece of toast before its gone
[00:43:18] Nightglider: Kohnn grabs the parsley of each plate
[00:43:56] MakoSoldier626: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oUMFNAoaMi_Bh1VBsJe-7sBhrXyiluuo
[00:45:40] MakoSoldier626: !Skip
[00:45:40] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626, the submitter of this track, has voted to skip. Skipping immediately.
[00:45:50] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dz_VfV4gKvw
[00:46:03] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Ancient Egyptian Music: Temple of the Soul from YouTube
[00:47:01] Steel01: Planes check?
[00:47:46] Steel01: He mutters, "Hope someone brought sunscreen"
[00:48:56] QSDragonLord: tanis shrinks a little closer to rrutha's boots
[00:51:35] Steel01: Sindar is more than a bit disturbed that his backup is unavailable atm.
[00:51:57] MakoSoldier626: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U1ctxfNKWLCumpsoBwgSXV4qnMejoo80
[00:52:22] Steel01: Water on the plane of fire? Fun.
[00:56:20] Steel01: Wait... What?
[00:56:24] Steel01: Did we know that?
[00:56:41] Steel01: That the maidens were the Queens personal guard?
[00:57:28] Steel01: Maybe the LG shouldn't be so hard on Albert with that in mind. :P
[01:00:21] Steel01: That just gives us more stuff to blow up, right?
[01:00:31] Steel01: #cg
[01:03:08] Steel01: . . .
[01:03:23] Steel01: Oh. Oh you did, didn't you. ><
[01:04:21] CelticKraut connected.
[01:08:02] Steel01: Who are you again?
[01:12:04] 91minutecrusade: Xaq is ostensibly sleeping in. The others are hearing the breakdown from Lady Croft from the city guard
[01:16:37] QSDragonLord: ewww
[01:19:31] Steel01: Sindar rolls terribly on arcana, 16.
[01:21:01] MakoSoldier626: The cache consists of four potions of cure serious wounds, three potions of lesser restoration, two potions of remove disease, a wand of invisibility (10 charges), and a wand of cure moderate wounds (30 charges).
[01:22:01] Steel01: Unless someone objects, Sindar will take two of the cure serious. Seeing as he can't heal himself.
[01:24:44] Steel01: *starts to ring bells*
[01:25:02] QSDragonLord: isn't that Saul's last name?
[01:25:59] MakoSoldier626: Yes it is.
[01:26:51] MakoSoldier626: Riddleport is quite close to Korvosa in the grand scheme of things.
[01:31:09] QSDragonLord: brb
[01:34:43] Steel01: Note to selves: don't ever try to use more than you've paid for with these merchants.
[01:36:39] Steel01: 'Should'.
[01:37:11] MakoSoldier626: https://themarketplacegrillcafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/BREAKFAST-MEAT-LOVER%E2%80%99S-CREPE-1.jpg
[01:37:37] Steel01: ><
[01:37:59] Steel01: #welltraveled
[01:38:42] QSDragonLord: brb
[01:39:28] QSDragonLord: back
[01:39:44] Steel01: Though... we just literally went to the plane of fire to not discuss this here. :P
[01:39:53] Steel01: And now it's being repeated in plain sight.
[01:39:56] QSDragonLord: tanis looks very agitated now that they are back in the garrison
[01:41:20] Steel01: Oh huh, Magus not not have message. Nm.
[01:41:26] Steel01: *does not
[01:42:09] Steel01: Just hide in someone's backpack.
[01:48:25] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAuTRI5GucM
[01:48:30] Steel01: Mu 1 is cooking, Mu 73 is over there. Mu 934 is right in front of you.
[01:48:41] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Fantasy Ambiance (DnD) - Dark City from YouTube
[01:48:43] MakoSoldier626: !Pause
[01:48:43] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 has paused audio playback.
[01:49:39] Steel01: Please no.
[01:49:40] QSDragonLord: not yet
[01:49:53] QSDragonLord: Solas is in the city too! lol
[01:51:07] MakoSoldier626: !Resume
[01:51:07] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 has resumed audio playback.
[01:51:24] Nightglider: No one ever asked where Kohnn is from...
[01:51:36] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 has changed the volume to 0.09.
[01:51:55] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 has changed the volume to 0.20.
[01:53:12] QSDragonLord: wow, so suspicious of a child...
[01:55:01] MakoSoldier626: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bzmMpwcbNMoT95xu2Q5VFDZfP1yVzfuc
[02:01:27] Steel01: Autumn Lady light and fair.
[02:01:36] Steel01: 0_)
[02:01:39] Steel01: 0_0
[02:06:34] CelticKraut: brb
[02:15:54] Steel01: . . .
[02:16:19] CelticKraut: back
[02:18:15] 91minutecrusade: well geez
[02:18:18] 91minutecrusade: what a bummer
[02:22:52] QSDragonLord: lol
[02:22:54] Steel01: Not this character...
[02:23:36] Steel01: Someone presti a piece of paper. :P
[02:24:01] Steel01: :rofl:
[02:26:59] Steel01: Does Xak fall into the room? :P
[02:27:04] Steel01: Since he was leaning on it?
[02:29:43] Steel01: And Sindar is supposed to be the chaotic. :P
[02:30:39] Steel01: Kick down all the doors.
[02:32:51] MakoSoldier626: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kZ7XLGxlRGFkiDrFBwMvgE-igzuBImnr
[02:33:17] MakoSoldier626: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kZ7XLGxlRGFkiDrFBwMvgE-igzuBImnr
[02:36:10] MakoSoldier626: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EhrMmLexBMrCa_OYvXgDEdfNJe_yJYxL
[02:37:28] Steel01: So, we do have a deck of cards with life sense. :P
[02:37:42] 91minutecrusade: Good point!
[02:38:39] Steel01: Oh no.
[02:40:45] Steel01: +0
[02:41:01] Steel01: :rofl:
[02:41:12] Steel01: Make a will save.
[02:42:13] Steel01: :lolz:
[02:46:43] Steel01: Sindar: 24
[02:47:43] Nightglider: 14
[02:47:46] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYFU_RiefKk&list=PLaAvwzyFZBq9wpygqg64QsiyRBz-o7oYZ&index=2
[02:47:52] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Darkest Dungeon - Combat Music from YouTube
[02:49:03] MumbleDJ: Steel01 has changed the volume to 0.05.
[02:49:13] MumbleDJ: Steel01 has changed the volume to 0.08.
[02:49:16] QSDragonLord: 10 rounds
[02:51:48] MakoSoldier626: https://drive.google.com/open?id=142lpzLiw8XcnwU9oLfC98etkyGOAOR_D
[02:53:06] 91minutecrusade: MANTISSASSINS!
[02:53:27] Steel01: . . .
[02:53:38] Steel01: My math is making me more paranoid.
[02:54:40] Steel01: So no sneak attack at least.
[02:55:33] Steel01: 8
[02:55:38] Steel01: Yes. There was something else.
[02:55:52] MakoSoldier626: https://drive.google.com/open?id=15T-cjq2lYETXS3qiJltMHQm7pnhG9uHk
[02:57:05] 91minutecrusade: I mentioned Rrutha had 11 Init right?
[02:57:12] 91minutecrusade: Ok good
[03:00:05] MakoSoldier626:
Sindar Order # 24
Khonn Order # 15
Xak(Shaq) Order # 14
Tannis Order # 13
Rootha Order # 11
[03:00:09] MakoSoldier626: ^Initiative
[03:00:53] Steel01: Bonus?
[03:00:59] QSDragonLord: 5e ism
[03:00:59] Steel01: Get your head out of 5e. ;)
[03:01:05] QSDragonLord: lol
[03:05:25] QSDragonLord: youre welcome :)
[03:06:37] QSDragonLord: paladin detect is on a person, not a cone
[03:06:44] QSDragonLord: on a target rather
[03:07:53] QSDragonLord: coup de grace the one in front of you
[03:08:39] Steel01: Ranged weapon.
[03:11:31] QSDragonLord: you cut the buttons from his shirt
[03:13:30] Steel01: So, he technically could use the chakram a melee to coup de grace, but has to make a reflex to not cut himself, so he prefers not to.
[03:13:47] QSDragonLord: totally should do it anyway
[03:14:51] Steel01: Ranged attack, aoo.
[03:16:08] Steel01: I hope that's all it is. Just flammable.
[03:16:18] QSDragonLord: 23 reflex
[03:16:42] Steel01: The only dust that comes to mind from this campaign is really bad.
[03:17:20] Steel01: Well, wasn't dust per se, but could be.
[03:19:27] Steel01: Other systems give that some pretty high mods. Like +10.
[03:20:21] Steel01: Except... immunity to fire.
[03:21:09] Steel01: +4 prone, +2 partial cover?
[03:21:44] QSDragonLord: -4 prone versus melee
[03:22:27] Steel01: Sindar is ranged, so... +4 to ac versus ranged, right?
[03:22:46] QSDragonLord: yup
[03:23:07] Steel01: So, ac at least 19, and now has a +6 mod. Hmmm…
[03:26:34] QSDragonLord: 1 1/2 for two handed
[03:26:45] QSDragonLord: ND THEN MULTIPLY FOR CRIT
[03:27:47] QSDragonLord: much better :)
[03:28:12] QSDragonLord: a few ribs
[03:39:43] Steel01: For purposes of dr.
[03:41:59] Steel01: Dimension Door.
[03:43:48] QSDragonLord: 16
[03:46:00] Steel01: I think it's mod is higher than our touch ac.
[03:50:42] Steel01: :lolz:
[03:50:44] QSDragonLord: bring that amazing rug!
[03:50:51] Steel01: ^
[03:50:59] Steel01: Grab the rug!
[03:51:52] Steel01: Who is probably gonna be ticked.
[03:52:01] Steel01: You summoned me into WHAT?!?
[03:53:59] Steel01: Nitpick. Should that summon have taken longer due to the effect of the field we're in?
[03:54:36] QSDragonLord: that hasn't been being applied so far, but using the breath weap makes it a swift action normally anyway
[03:55:09] QSDragonLord: sorry. standard action
[03:55:16] Steel01: Come on, we got the worlds split again, keep the names straight. ;)
[03:55:57] QSDragonLord: lol
[03:55:58] Steel01: HEY!
[03:58:57] QSDragonLord: Tanis hasn't landed yet
[03:59:38] MakoSoldier626: !Skip
[03:59:38] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626, the submitter of this track, has voted to skip. Skipping immediately.
[04:04:08] CelticKraut: im out guys. have a great week!
[04:04:13] CelticKraut left channel and disconnected.
[04:07:16] QSDragonLord: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/instant-armor/

Session 2