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<sup>1</sup> http://bardslore.luceoscutum.org/wiki/About#Campaign_Legend

Revision as of 21:22, 11 April 2020

Every so often, somebody does something exceptionally well -- even the bad guys! Following is a list of the exceptional successes for the Heroes of Destiny.

Critical Successes

Session1 Character Roll Reason
RP-S1 Kerrick Knowledge: Arcana Check on the mage's house
RP-S1 Katsu Sense Motive Vs. Angvar's bluff in the Gold Goblin's bathroom
RP-S1 Jenara Will Save Vs. Angvar's daze
RP-S1 Kerrick Will Save Vs. Bardic Performance
RP-S1 Katsu Will Save Vs. Bardic Performance
RP-S1 Kerrick Reflex Save Vs. Ball of Tar
RP-S1 Kerrick Perception To find loot on the fallen adversaries
RP-S2 Brummen Intimidate Working as a bouncer in the Gold Goblin
RP-S2 GM: Brother Grimm Flurry of Blows Attack on Kerrick
RP-S2 GM: Brother Grimm Fortitude Save Vs. Aysel's snowball
RP-S2 Aysel Attack Attack on Brother Grimm
RP-S4 Katsu Diplomacy Directions to find Larir's home
RP-S4 Kerrick Perception Discover what happened at Larir's; discovered a note

1 http://bardslore.luceoscutum.org/wiki/About#Campaign_Legend