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From Bard's Lore
(Created page with "Following are the chat logs from each live session of the third chapter of The Gates of Avalon arc. == Chat Logs == === Session 62 === '''May 5, 2020''' [00:00:00] Reco...")
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[03:04:21] Steel01: Except for the Rassaigh hook. <br/>
[03:04:21] Steel01: Except for the Rassaigh hook. <br/>
[03:05:20] Recording stopped <br/>
[03:05:20] Recording stopped <br/>
=== Session 64 ===
'''May 19, 2020'''
[00:00:00] Recording started. <br/>
[00:02:05] Steel01: Help people, earn cash, blow off steam. <br/>
[00:02:17] Steel01: Good thing all around. :P <br/>
[00:03:07] Steel01: Ruka holds up a sack with like 12 coins in it. "I'm... broke" <br/>
[00:03:30] NightGlider: Phelia tosses her a gold piece <br/>
[00:03:35] Steel01: >< <br/>
[00:03:44] NightGlider: afk <br/>
[00:04:27] Steel01: If Phelia is convinced the night before, Ruka would ask her if she could prep this: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/strong-jaw/ <br/>
[00:09:04] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMgQ7x2T9Yg&t=103s <br/>
[00:09:06] Steel01: I'm down for that, Gonna want sugar myself later. <br/>
[00:09:06] MakoSoldier626: GM snacks is sacred <br/>
[00:09:08] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: Scottish Music & Celtic Music - Gaelic Warriors from YouTube <br/>
[00:09:56] Steel01: Oooooooohhhh. Player has 'met' this char. <br/>
[00:10:38] MakoSoldier626: Meat <br/>
[00:10:40] Steel01: Dragon meat. <br/>
[00:12:18] Steel01: 0_0 <br/>
[00:12:35] MakoSoldier626: Definitely mind blown <br/>
[00:14:37] MakoSoldier626: Something like this? <br/>
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/14ee1bd2-e218-41b1-b758-c8394ea7436b/d984cz1-6eb61241-1b6a-4c8e-aec5-48b3b5d7a9e7.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_676,q_75,strp/silver_unicorn_room_guardian_by_anyaboz_d984cz1-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9Njc2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMTRlZTFiZDItZTIxOC00MWIxLWI3NTgtYzgzOTRlYTc0MzZiXC9kOTg0Y3oxLTZlYjYxMjQxLTFiNmEtNGM4ZS1hZWM1LTQ4YjNiNWQ3YTllNy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.7B5sW1LDB5NUIqcqPOlJMxJSCOirfvMNwDHgWL991WI <br/>
[00:15:46] QSDragonLord: @mako, yeah shorter fur, but right colors <br/>
[00:16:12] Steel01: Ditto? :P <br/>
[00:16:46] NightGlider: More spotted right? <br/>
[00:16:50] QSDragonLord: yes <br/>
[00:19:40] Steel01: The player so wants to make snide comments here, but I don't think Ruka would... <br/>
[00:20:16] Steel01: :rofl: <br/>
[00:20:36] MakoSoldier626: #AlwaysOnTheClock <br/>
[00:20:46] QSDragonLord: +1 to you sales skill, and it is always a class skill for you. lol <br/>
[00:21:07] Steel01: You're cutting in and out. <br/>
[00:21:40] Steel01: #proprietaryinfo <br/>
[00:21:47] Steel01: Does Saint have patents? :P <br/>
[00:22:10] QSDragonLord: ^ <br/>
[00:26:19] Steel01: AHHH! Ruka wants to go... <br/>
[00:28:17] MakoSoldier626: https://w0.pngwave.com/png/498/541/black-death-plague-doctor-costume-bubonic-plague-plague-doctor-png-clip-art.png <br/>
[00:28:31] MakoSoldier626: ^ Somthing like this Celtic? <br/>
[00:29:10] Steel01: So between the capital and Drake Hall? <br/>
[00:29:13] CelticKraut: almost precisely. hang on getting the character sheet uploaded <br/>
[00:30:05] Steel01: She has a point. We can travel forward, then Minn poofs back, picks up Barq and return to the cart. <br/>
[00:31:16] Steel01: Was? <br/>
[00:31:51] Steel01: I think we broke the map. <br/>
[00:32:19] CelticKraut: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1isdy5_y4t3RqP3fhHUvMaDfd57VbtUAO/view?usp=sharing <br/>
[00:32:29] CelticKraut: ^Dr Ditto <br/>
[00:32:47] MakoSoldier626: Nice! :D <br/>
[00:36:50] Steel01: We're crossing conversations. :P <br/>
[00:38:22] Steel01: Obligatory map link: http://bardslore.luceoscutum.org/w/images/9/92/AvalonMap.jpg <br/>
[00:38:45] Chariael: Nice map! <br/>
[00:40:14] Steel01: So, we know where to find Gnolls, and taking guesses at bandits. <br/>
[00:42:38] Chariael: Also maintaining a two-meter distance? <br/>
[00:42:44] MakoSoldier626: XD <br/>
[00:42:47] QSDragonLord: until foucci says different, Im not taking it off! <br/>
[00:42:48] Steel01: >< <br/>
[00:43:20] Steel01: poofs? <br/>
[00:47:10] Steel01: Burn a million spell slots. :P <br/>
[00:47:54] QSDragonLord: you would also know that the bounty is 25 silver per tail. <br/>
[00:48:09] Chariael: Do hats or hair get in the way of that? <br/>
[00:48:13] QSDragonLord: you can keep any weapons/armor/loot you find. <br/>
[00:51:26] QSDragonLord: its...handy <br/>
[00:52:44] Steel01: Ruka still has that potion Minn had her hold as a reserve. Not so handy anymore. <br/>
[00:52:59] QSDragonLord: its an allergy. no penecilin <br/>
[00:53:57] Steel01: Actually... seven? <br/>
[00:55:27] Steel01: So difficult. <br/>
[00:55:38] Steel01: He's made of snow. <br/>
[00:55:44] MakoSoldier626: ^ This <br/>
[01:01:57] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeXoACwOT1o <br/>
[01:02:03] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: 2-Hours Epic Music Mix | THE POWER OF EPIC MUSIC - Full Mix Vol. 2 from YouTube <br/>
[01:03:38] NightGlider: back <br/>
[01:10:19] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOP07Scqs7I&t=17s <br/>
[01:10:22] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: Celtic/Viking Battle Music Mix from YouTube <br/>
[01:11:11] Steel01: Oh bother. Intelligence check before we go? :P <br/>
[01:14:12] Steel01: Don't the creation rules say no. :P <br/>
[01:14:34] Steel01: 0_0 <br/>
[01:15:52] QSDragonLord: usually drinking does the opposite. lol <br/>
[01:21:12] NightGlider: What was the spell the dr gave me? <br/>
[01:21:24] CelticKraut: true strike <br/>
[01:21:46] CelticKraut: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/true-strike/ <br/>
[01:21:52] CelticKraut: ^ng <br/>
[01:23:02] CelticKraut: standard action to cast it, then +20 to your next attack roll <br/>
[01:24:36] NightGlider: 11 <br/>
[01:24:53] MakoSoldier626: 20 Minn <br/>
[01:25:01] CelticKraut: 9 <br/>
[01:28:17] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBpu3Fhvkdc <br/>
[01:28:19] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: Epic Celtic Battle Music - Battle For Camelot (Tartalo Music) from YouTube <br/>
[01:28:43] CelticKraut: excellent music choice <br/>
[01:29:43] Chariael: ^ <br/>
[01:30:16] MakoSoldier626: Synthesist Summoners can get weird with Eidelons and limbs. <br/>
[01:30:40] CelticKraut: WE GETTIN ALL TYPES OF WEIRD TONIGHT! <br/>
[01:30:47] MakoSoldier626: Sooo... you have 27 legs? Yes... <br/>
[01:31:05] CelticKraut: we now have a lovecraftian monster in our party <br/>
[01:31:09] Steel01: As an eidolon... Yes. <br/>
[01:31:16] CelticKraut: RIP AND TEAR <br/>
[01:31:32] MakoSoldier626: Assassination! <br/>
[01:31:51] Steel01: But not this build. 4 limbs = 4 claws <br/>
[01:31:52] MakoSoldier626: Perfect. Randy would be proud. <br/>
[01:32:15] Chariael: Hate it when friends are slaughtered by nothing. <br/>
[01:32:18] CelticKraut: *Somewhere in trunau, a halfling sheds tears of joy* <br/>
[01:32:34] Steel01: :P Too bad he's not around to see it. <br/>
[01:32:48] CelticKraut: hes busy being fantasy batman <br/>
[01:35:10] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tzE98pQH08 <br/>
[01:35:11] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Celtic battle music - The King of The Highlands from YouTube <br/>
[01:36:01] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9IOagKZvjk&t=33s <br/>
[01:36:01] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: LEGEND WARRIORS | Most Powerful & EPIC BATTLE Celtic Music Mix by Antti Martikainen from YouTube <br/>
[01:37:23] MakoSoldier626: Welcome to Mid-to-High level play. XD <br/>
[01:37:42] Steel01: Spell slots don't last long enough, unfortunately. <br/>
[01:38:06] Steel01: 3rd level slots go away pretty quickly even at this level, for a partial caster. <br/>
[01:40:52] Steel01: Mur, I miscalculated my damage. Should have been 2 more per hit. <br/>
[01:48:02] MakoSoldier626: Sorry... Minn would fly 90 feet closer. <br/>
[01:49:42] MakoSoldier626: *Mako drinks it in* <br/>
I have wanted this for so long... <br/>
[01:52:19] MakoSoldier626: Ah... Yes. That level in Monk. <br/>
[01:53:13] MakoSoldier626: Dr. Ditto: I sense that I am needed. <br/>
[01:56:31] Steel01: 5? <br/>
[01:57:26] Steel01: Bring it... <br/>
[01:57:47] Steel01: If someone can use that against touch, I want to see the build. :P <br/>
[02:03:57] Steel01: We need battle meditation in this system. <br/>
[02:04:16] Steel01: (done right, not the gimped wizards sw 3.5 one) <br/>
[02:04:51] QSDragonLord: hey, those space wizards were kind of cool <br/>
[02:05:06] Steel01: Oh, I loved the system. That was one of the few issues I had. <br/>
[02:05:25] Steel01: Battle meditation in the books and kotor was an awesome battlefield control technique. <br/>
[02:06:16] Steel01: Is the entire party invisible atm? The gnolls see nothing at all? <br/>
[02:06:24] MakoSoldier626: Yep. <br/>
[02:06:28] Steel01: Awesome. <br/>
[02:08:08] Steel01: Single shot? :P <br/>
[02:12:55] Steel01: Ruka: Got scratched, but nothing to worry about. <br/>
[02:14:33] Steel01: Without dr, I'm doing over 100 dpr. And only a tad over half spun up. I think I'm liking this build. <br/>
[02:14:49] MakoSoldier626: Or they are looking too hot. XD <br/>
[02:14:52] Steel01: Though, the invisibility negates a decent part of the build. :P <br/>
[02:15:20] Steel01: Thud bugs? <br/>
[02:25:41] Steel01: Sheesh. I thought my attack bonuses were impressive. <br/>
[02:26:00] MakoSoldier626: Rangers can get crazy. <br/>
[02:28:31] MakoSoldier626: *The Doctor shows up*... <br/>
The entire party I can't be healed normally. <br/>
The Doctor: Well... aren't you strange people? <br/>
[02:28:45] Steel01: :lolz: Yup <br/>
[02:30:06] Steel01: One of the synth bonuses is being able to use life link to distribute damage between real hp and temp hp however desired. Becomes an interesting exercise in statistics sometimes. Especially given this eidolon doesn't go back to heal when the fusion ends. <br/>
[02:33:18] Steel01: And... Ruka's plan for next round just changed. <br/>
[02:33:29] MakoSoldier626: Exactly. <br/>
[02:33:44] Steel01: Was gonna take a recharge round. :P Not so much anymore. <br/>
[02:34:11] Steel01: Get out... Get out. <br/>
[02:35:00] Steel01: Bombing run. Doesn't need to be close close. <br/>
[02:35:40] Steel01: He was throwing stuff at the tower. <br/>
[02:36:54] Steel01: He didn't say he was angling down. <br/>
[02:38:29] MakoSoldier626: Speaks in Genji: I need healing... <br/>
[02:39:36] Steel01: Poison DCs are a PAIN to get high enough to be useful. <br/>
[02:40:26] Steel01: One round too late... The tank will be in there next round. <br/>
[02:41:03] Steel01: Plus str <br/>
[02:41:21] Steel01: +6?? Woah. <br/>
[02:41:25] Steel01: ! <br/>
[02:46:28] QSDragonLord: you guys always lose someone at red lake. (sorry too soon) <br/>
[02:51:34] Steel01: Mindscape is so broken. Says you can gen any creature. <br/>
[02:54:45] Steel01: Sheesh, just a few. <br/>
[02:58:02] Steel01: This track has a very FF9 vibe. <br/>
[02:58:41] Steel01: And yes, Ruka would report positioning. <br/>
[03:01:08] Steel01: I'm about to burn my last 3rd level spell slot. Gonna just be a beat down from there. <br/>
[03:03:54] MakoSoldier626: Ruka: What is this arrow doing in my side? How did it get there? <br/>
[03:04:24] Steel01: Really... <br/>
[03:11:22] QSDragonLord: now they need a healer <br/>
[03:13:38] Steel01: I rolled almost max healing on 4d8+10. <br/>
[03:16:36] MakoSoldier626: YEAHHHHH.... Take it! <br/>
[03:17:55] MakoSoldier626: YEAHHHHHH!!!!! <br/>
[03:19:35] Steel01: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/instant-restoration/ <br/>
[03:24:17] Steel01: Well, the good thing is that all of the guns should be discharged now. <br/>
[03:24:38] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLSI-gFKGK8 <br/>
[03:24:44] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: "INFERNAL" | Most Epic Music Mix | Powerful & Uplifting Music from YouTube <br/>
[03:27:33] Steel01: Finally broke some spirit. Was hoping for that. <br/>
[03:29:14] Steel01: She'll get a couple of them before they get away. <br/>
[03:29:19] Steel01: Maybe a third. <br/>
[03:30:31] Steel01: Do not hit Ruka with that again. That will end very badly. <br/>
[03:31:01] Steel01: The secondary effect. <br/>
[03:35:36] MakoSoldier626: We're here for the ears. <br/>
[03:35:46] QSDragonLord: tails actually <br/>
[03:35:47] Steel01: Tails, I believe was mentioned. <br/>
[03:36:03] Steel01: 2.5G a piece? That's not gonna add up too well. <br/>
[03:36:03] MakoSoldier626: Yeah... I'm going to need to figure out how to shorten the range. <br/>
[03:36:27] MakoSoldier626: Their armor may be worth more. <br/>
[03:36:41] Steel01: Two on the wall, six on the tower. <br/>
[03:36:54] Steel01: One captain, one matron. <br/>
[03:36:55] MakoSoldier626: I'm actually hoping that the Matron had Magical items on her. <br/>
[03:37:08] Steel01: And five gunman. <br/>
[03:37:20] Steel01: (assuming we'll be able to finish off the stunned ones) <br/>
[03:37:36] Steel01: So, 15 tails. <br/>
[03:38:06] Steel01: 37.5 gold from the bounty. Not all that much. <br/>
[03:38:14] Steel01: Yeah, hopefully the items are worth it. <br/>
[03:39:30] Steel01: And may show up Ruka... <br/>
[03:39:46] Steel01: Your str is almost double. <br/>
[03:40:02] Steel01: Well, maybe not after buffs. <br/>
[03:42:30] Steel01: Half of his face is falling off and all. <br/>
[03:43:07] MakoSoldier626: Minn is not a fighter by any means. She is designed to give the full party buffs, and collect information. <br/>
[03:43:21] Steel01: But has an str upwards of 40, right? <br/>
[03:43:36] MakoSoldier626: Not without buffing herself. <br/>
[03:43:41] Steel01: Ah. <br/>
[03:44:00] Steel01: Synth str is currently at 30 with buffs. <br/>
[03:44:21] Steel01: May need a belt at some point. <br/>
[03:52:03] Steel01: Well, magical energy. <br/>
[03:53:08] Steel01: Ruka reaches into her bag and a light shines for a split second, before they leave. <br/>
[03:54:11] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=synJbsrk0k8 <br/>
[03:54:15] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: FORGOTTEN ODES - Violin Dramatic Strings | Dramatic Violin Epic Music Mix - Eternal Eclipse from YouTube <br/>
=== Session 65 ===
'''May 26, 2020'''
[00:00:00] Recording started <br/>
[00:02:27] Steel01: :lolz: Go Solas. <br/>
[00:02:29] Rydia: yay! <br/>
[00:03:13] NightGlider: In ways Solas explains <br/>
[00:03:34] MakoSoldier626: Im envisioning a Ant-man style re-cap. XD <br/>
[00:04:35] Steel01: Overboard? Is there such a thing? <br/>
[00:04:41] MakoSoldier626: He spits every time he says the word "Dragon". <br/>
[00:05:26] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzc_3arId8s&t=29s <br/>
[00:05:27] MumbleDJHunters: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: 1-Hour Pure Sadness - Most Emotional Sad Music Mix | Vol.2 - Most Beautiful Music from YouTube <br/>
[00:06:55] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3VImQbeOsY <br/>
[00:06:56] MumbleDJHunters: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: THE LAST GUARDIAN - Epic Powerful Fantasy Music Mix | Epic Cinematic Orchestral Music from YouTube <br/>
[00:07:14] QSDragonLord: dj is broken <br/>
[00:07:25] Steel01: :lesigh: Alright, gimme a sec. <br/>
[00:08:20] MumbleDJ connected and entered channel. <br/>
[00:08:42] QSDragonLord: you all would remember that Brother Rufus is a cleric <br/>
[00:09:05] MakoSoldier626: ^ <br/>
[00:10:42] Steel01: One thing at a time, Minn. :P <br/>
[00:11:07] QSDragonLord: This is Brother Rufus <br/>
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZWGsrVDX_nN5EsKDbFufw8wzyTN54yJf <br/>
[00:11:27] NightGlider: More of an acquaintence at this point... <br/>
[00:11:53] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcEfx3i3cPs <br/>
[00:11:54] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Krale - Memoirs of the Forgotten from YouTube <br/>
[00:12:15] MakoSoldier626: Does that one break it too? Hmmm... <br/>
[00:13:36] Steel01: ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden <br/>
[00:13:38] Steel01: Uhhhhh.... <br/>
[00:13:45] Steel01: Stand by. <br/>
[00:13:48] MumbleDJ left channel and disconnected. <br/>
[00:14:24] MumbleDJ connected and entered channel. <br/>
[00:14:58] Steel01: No update to youtube-dl, can't really say what will work and what won't. <br/>
[00:16:21] Steel01: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcEfx3i3cPs <br/>
[00:16:23] MumbleDJ: Steel01 added 1 track to the queue: Krale - Memoirs of the Forgotten from YouTube <br/>
[00:16:36] Steel01: There we go. Whew. <br/>
[00:16:52] Steel01: Ever prepared. <br/>
[00:19:44] Steel01: Alright, math time next. We start with 16787.50. 2500 for material components for the curse of life. <br/>
[00:20:29] Steel01: 4710 for npc casting is 280. <br/>
[00:20:41] Steel01: Uhhh. 4x7x10 <br/>
[00:21:07] Steel01: Breath of life on hand, resto on hand. But should take the 1000 for resto components out. <br/>
[00:21:48] Steel01: That leaves 13007.5 <br/>
[00:22:21] Steel01: Divinding how many ways? Ruka, Minn, Phelia, Ditto? Or cutting Barq in too? <br/>
[00:23:05] MakoSoldier626: That is a good question. <br/>
[00:23:06] Steel01: Five ways is 2601.5. <br/>
[00:23:41] NightGlider: Ditto's can be used to raise him? <br/>
[00:23:54] Steel01: Do we want to be that mean? :P <br/>
[00:24:13] Steel01: Three way cut is 4335.83. <br/>
[00:24:51] NightGlider: He is not really a party member... though Phelia is not greedy. <br/>
[00:25:19] Steel01: If we do a five way cut of the full cost, that's 3357.5. <br/>
[00:25:41] Steel01: Ditto needs 3780 to get back to full strength. <br/>
[00:26:26] Steel01: Four way cut, leaving out Barq, would give 4196.875. Which would be enough. <br/>
[00:27:46] MakoSoldier626: It's better than hearing that her name is Amira.... <br/>
[00:32:27] Steel01: Better preparation... <br/>
[00:33:50] Steel01: Wow, that so sounds like Solas. :P <br/>
[00:33:58] Steel01: Are they all like that? <br/>
[00:34:37] Steel01: Ruka is awkwardly looking around the room. <br/>
[00:36:56] Steel01: :lolz: <br/>
[00:39:07] Steel01: We need our dust too. :P <br/>
[00:39:29] MakoSoldier626: For a clan of dragon fighters that makes perfect sense. <br/>
[00:41:39] QSDragonLord: it breaks. <br/>
[00:41:42] QSDragonLord: lol joke <br/>
[00:41:53] QSDragonLord: truth <br/>
[00:41:55] Steel01: NOOOOOOO!!!! <br/>
[00:42:50] Steel01: Scientist goes spirtualist all of the sudden. :P <br/>
[00:44:08] Steel01: At -(con-1) hp. <br/>
[00:44:52] MakoSoldier626: He opens his eyes... Then they close again as he drops unconcious. <br/>
[00:44:57] Steel01: ^ <br/>
[00:45:56] Steel01: Jak has it? <br/>
[00:46:31] Steel01: 'Unconventional' <br/>
[00:46:55] QSDragonLord: minn has a dagger in her hand? <br/>
[00:47:21] Steel01: Smooth, Minn. <br/>
[00:47:39] Steel01: :rofl: <br/>
[00:48:11] QSDragonLord: would you like to kill him? you haven't got enough mental baggage about getting people killed yet <br/>
[00:48:58] QSDragonLord: Jak knocked over a Zales while she was away. shes set <br/>
[00:49:18] NightGlider: Phelia closes her eyes <br/>
[00:51:21] Steel01: That would be terrible... <br/>
[00:51:23] MakoSoldier626: PHEW <br/>
[00:51:48] MakoSoldier626: **Sweats profusely** <br/>
[00:54:54] Steel01: #covid <br/>
[00:56:20] Steel01: Ruka hides the knife back under her robes. <br/>
[00:58:06] MakoSoldier626: You're Jak too? <br/>
[01:00:02] Steel01: RAW, Ditto is probably very short on spell slots atm. Rezzes knock out half of prepared slots. <br/>
[01:00:19] MakoSoldier626: ^ This... Minn feels this pain. <br/>
[01:01:24] Steel01: Someone presti a few. <br/>
[01:01:30] Rydia: I'm gonna heada out, but Jak would like to talk to minn privately later <br/>
[01:01:55] Steel01: Good to see you, even for a short time. Hope you'll have time later as well. <br/>
[01:01:56] MakoSoldier626: Same for Minn with Jak. She has much to discuss. <br/>
[01:02:28] MakoSoldier626: Sleep well Rydia! <br/>
[01:02:28] Rydia: It was good to join in, however briefly it was <br/>
[01:02:31] Rydia: night guys! <br/>
[01:02:34] Rydia left channel and disconnected. <br/>
[01:06:28] Steel01: This isn't Asgard! <br/>
[01:09:05] QSDragonLord: you owe us money <br/>
[01:09:14] MakoSoldier626: ^ <br/>
[01:09:14] MakoSoldier626: XD <br/>
[01:09:16] NightGlider: pay up lol <br/>
[01:09:27] Steel01: ^ <br/>
[01:12:00] Steel01: And again. And.... again. <br/>
[01:13:25] Steel01: 2? Or is it 3? <br/>
[01:14:08] Steel01: And your new items get left behind. <br/>
[01:17:50] QSDragonLord: it also costs 12% of your soul, each time you us it <br/>
[01:20:08] QSDragonLord: lol <br/>
[01:24:03] Steel01: Going afk for a couple minutes. Need snacks. <br/>
[01:26:15] CelticKraut: my head hurts... <br/>
[01:26:39] NightGlider: Phelia is lost basically before she started <br/>
[01:26:46] Steel01: Back <br/>
[01:27:01] Steel01: Awww. <br/>
[01:27:40] Steel01: But if it' <br/>
[01:27:46] Steel01: s cast, the cost is sunk. <br/>
[01:31:13] Steel01: Does the real body have to remain on the material plane? <br/>
[01:31:23] MakoSoldier626: Yes. It does. <br/>
[01:31:27] Steel01: Mur <br/>
[01:31:44] NightGlider: Phelia has geared up most of her horses already <br/>
[01:32:38] Steel01: Oh, did we split the cash the previous night? <br/>
[01:32:55] Steel01: Ah, sure. <br/>
[01:34:31] Steel01: Does anyone want to buy an aegis before we leave? :P <br/>
[01:35:08] NightGlider: Phelia bought no the night before... <br/>
[01:35:15] Steel01: Heiken can help some, but he's obviously not skilled in animal handling. <br/>
[01:35:16] NightGlider: *one <br/>
[01:38:49] Steel01: 'special'. Yes, we'll go with that. <br/>
[01:39:36] Steel01: Let's set a couple of them on fire. >:-) <br/>
[01:41:13] MakoSoldier626: Thats hard-core. <br/>
[01:41:47] MakoSoldier626: Without cooking it first? <br/>
[01:42:14] QSDragonLord: raw. and at this point, about 12-15 hours old <br/>
[01:42:25] Steel01: Ew. <br/>
[01:42:26] MakoSoldier626: Shudders <br/>
[01:42:29] Steel01: No thank you. <br/>
[01:43:18] QSDragonLord: in their defense, you are allowed to throw up after you've eaten it. <br/>
[01:43:28] Steel01: Okay, we can stop now. >< <br/>
[01:43:35] QSDragonLord: lol <br/>
[01:44:13] Steel01: Oh? oh oh? Maybe? <br/>
[01:44:49] Steel01: Bother. Anyone bring acid? <br/>
[01:45:44] Steel01: The player doesn't really want to rp that, but that's what a dice roll is for. <br/>
[01:47:50] NightGlider: Are these Avalon brand trolls or normal ones? <br/>
[01:48:15] QSDragonLord: avalon trolls <br/>
[01:51:22] Steel01: Normal invis, lasts longer. <br/>
[01:51:51] Steel01: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/a-b/aegis-of-recovery/ <br/>
[01:53:17] NightGlider: She proably couldn't have made more than one that night... <br/>
[01:55:08] Steel01: Ruka will mutter to herself and cast a couple spells. <br/>
[01:55:22] Steel01: First to give herself flight for a few minutes. <br/>
[01:55:29] MakoSoldier626: Minn would do the same. <br/>
[01:56:30] CelticKraut: 8... <br/>
[01:57:24] MakoSoldier626: Troll only live under bridges... <br/>
[02:01:44] Steel01: So, probably not weak to acid. <br/>
[02:02:08] MakoSoldier626: Considering that it runs through their veins probably not... <br/>
[02:02:18] Steel01: I'll try fire. Ruka's second spell is adding fire to her natural attacks. <br/>
[02:05:49] Steel01: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/dimensional-dervish/ <br/>
[02:06:09] NightGlider: I cast abundant ammo before this <br/>
[02:09:32] QSDragonLord: thats fine <br/>
[02:12:28] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9hNS7JTbMQ&list=PLaAvwzyFZBq9_Xc1pv57-O99iCg-s6GVb&index=3 <br/>
[02:12:30] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Dark Souls OST - Bell Gargoyle - Extended from YouTube <br/>
[02:13:00] Steel01: I should have cast immunity... <br/>
[02:13:33] CelticKraut: 23 <br/>
[02:14:32] Steel01: Best roll I've ever seen for init. <br/>
[02:14:39] Steel01: I'm normally rolling 4's... <br/>
[02:15:26] Steel01: Feel ya. <br/>
[02:15:38] Steel01: You already did? <br/>
[02:16:11] Steel01: Chat says Ruka cast flight and 'Minn did the same'. <br/>
[02:16:44] MakoSoldier626: I meant that Minn actually mutters some things and cast heighten awareness. <br/>
[02:16:50] Steel01: Ahhh. <br/>
[02:19:17] MakoSoldier626: The benefit of the doubt... <br/>
[02:19:30] MakoSoldier626: No one need to die today... <br/>
[02:19:52] Steel01: Ruka cast acid immunity fwiw. <br/>
[02:21:04] Steel01: Oh, and Ruka did speak in Giant. <br/>
[02:22:53] Steel01: Had to try. And ahhh... That was a good roll too. :P <br/>
[02:26:48] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rWXeb5yXa0&list=PLaAvwzyFZBq9_Xc1pv57-O99iCg-s6GVb&index=4 <br/>
[02:26:50] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Dark Souls 3 OST - Aldrich, Devourer of Gods - Extended from YouTube <br/>
[02:28:46] Steel01: Since talking is a free action... Ruka asks the doc if he can do resto. <br/>
[02:29:33] Steel01: Needs to be the 4th level resto spell to dispel temp negative levels. <br/>
[02:33:04] Steel01: Behind the tree 300ft away. :P <br/>
[02:35:14] QSDragonLord: im back <br/>
[02:36:52] Steel01: Fwiw, Ruka can probably hold her own for a while now. Need to neutralize that caster, though. <br/>
[02:37:02] Steel01: That's my only worry. <br/>
[02:40:36] Steel01: Does rend get additional damage die? Like energy attacks? <br/>
[02:40:54] MakoSoldier626: I'm not sure if it does.... <br/>
[02:42:05] Steel01: Equal to damage from claw attack + str * 1.5. Hmm. So, no it wouldn't. <br/>
[02:42:34] Steel01: (I was forgetting the additional str damage, so good to look anyways) <br/>
[02:43:13] MakoSoldier626: 8d6+8 electrical damage? <br/>
[02:43:27] Steel01: That's quite a punch. <br/>
[02:44:40] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9hNS7JTbMQ&list=PLaAvwzyFZBq9_Xc1pv57-O99iCg-s6GVb&index=3 <br/>
[02:44:42] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Dark Souls OST - Bell Gargoyle - Extended from YouTube <br/>
[02:45:14] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAGm9MTyRJ8&t=5s <br/>
[02:45:14] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: Combat Music Megamix - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt from YouTube <br/>
[02:48:57] Steel01: blink What in the world is adding the lightning damage? <br/>
[02:49:17] NightGlider: charged missile <br/>
[02:49:27] MakoSoldier626: Charged Missile. <br/>
[02:54:15] Steel01: NOOOOO!!!! <br/>
[02:54:33] Recording stopped <br/>

Revision as of 02:13, 7 June 2020

Following are the chat logs from each live session of the third chapter of The Gates of Avalon arc.

Chat Logs

Session 62

May 5, 2020

[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:00:00] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: Blue Planet II - Soundtrack Score OST - Hans Zimmer from YouTube
[00:00:56] MakoSoldier626: "Friends" ehhhh... Randy?
[00:01:13] CelticKraut: ;)
[00:02:07] Steel01: >< That's... one way to put it.
[00:07:30] MakoSoldier626: Ah! It's so good to be back. :)
[00:07:56] NightGlider: Haikin? Phelia raises an eyebrow
[00:08:01] Steel01: Heiken
[00:12:05] Steel01: 'for now'
[00:15:27] QSDragonLord: magical AI, so cool
[00:15:46] Steel01: Not quite promethean. :P
[00:16:12] QSDragonLord: basically olaf
[00:17:11] Steel01: 18
[00:17:26] Steel01: Though, sounds like sense motive would be better.
[00:17:46] NightGlider: 18
[00:17:47] MakoSoldier626: This is What Ali-Halim looks like.
[00:17:49] MakoSoldier626: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_zjApwifvse3cayL2p0E_GtAmlcWPu6p
[00:18:08] QSDragonLord: nice
[00:18:42] 91minutecrusade: I'll put Barqus' new look in Hangouts in a sec
[00:19:41] Steel01: Sheesh. Night of the big reveals.
[00:23:05] QSDragonLord: very nice image, sir
[00:23:11] 91minutecrusade: SHanks!
[00:24:16] Steel01: Was that reported before? Though the Minn relay?
[00:24:36] QSDragonLord: I dont think it was
[00:24:44] NightGlider: yes
[00:24:53] QSDragonLord: heres a pic of the springs
[00:25:32] 91minutecrusade: *extends the talking stick* Yall's turn!
[00:25:42] Steel01: :lolz:
[00:28:43] Steel01: The ice sculpture doesn't melt? :P
[00:28:58] QSDragonLord: nope. like Olaf, remember?
[00:30:08] Steel01: Ruka gives a bit of a knowing look. Knowing part of what's about to be said, then looks away.
[00:30:46] QSDragonLord: its okay, Cabal isn't there
[00:32:00] QSDragonLord: wow. the salt...
[00:36:57] 91minutecrusade: MAn, we're breaking down some alignment chart stuff here
[00:39:10] 91minutecrusade: O_O
[00:40:39] 91minutecrusade: 3
[00:42:12] Steel01: Amund. It's the blood of Amund. :P As far as anyone knows.
[00:42:28] QSDragonLord: as far as anyone knows...
[00:42:42] 91minutecrusade: Barq has silver scales and horns, but there's nor ecord of silver dragons, right?
[00:43:01] QSDragonLord: not in the broader histories.
[00:49:00] QSDragonLord: all about that bottom line.
[00:50:00] QSDragonLord: so, entertainment with an underlying message intended to sway the thoughts and opinions of the populous, for the purpose of revolutionizing the world through the next generation? that doesn't work...
[00:51:39] Steel01: ><
[00:52:24] Steel01: If someone recreates the Onyxia story here...
[00:53:01] Steel01: Lofty goals.
[00:53:50] Steel01: :lolz:
[00:54:08] Steel01: Heiken: 0o The little one has spunk.
[00:54:23] 91minutecrusade: Barqus: You don't even know
[00:58:34] Steel01: Ruka looks like she was going to speak, then scowls and looks away.
[01:03:20] Steel01: I think I may have missed context somewhere...
[01:03:31] NightGlider: of what?
[01:03:38] Steel01: What was Philia asking?
[01:03:52] NightGlider: why they didn't communicate more
[01:04:04] Steel01: Oh, yeah. Missed context.
[01:04:37] Steel01: She's been not paying much attention after Minn made additional hints at 'turning' the dragons.
[01:10:30] QSDragonLord: there are population centers where they gather for trade
[01:11:16] Steel01: Are the nomads a current not insignificantly sized race? I had it in mind that there were extremely few left.
[01:15:28] Steel01: Yeah, player has gone a bit fuzzy. What's our side quest list atm? :P
[01:16:20] Steel01: 1) Hammer. At least temporarily wrapped up.
2) Possessor demon. Also wrapped up.
3) 4) 5) ???
[01:16:20] QSDragonLord: the frozen blends are really quite amazing...
[01:16:33] Steel01: 6) Kill a bunch of dragons.
[01:17:51] Steel01: It still doesn't seem real that the Many is gone. #wellplayedenemy
[01:18:13] QSDragonLord: :)
[01:19:16] Steel01: 18 history, fwiw.
[01:19:28] MakoSoldier626: Haha! XD
[01:19:30] Steel01: The ozone layer? :P
[01:19:58] NightGlider: kittenhood
[01:20:23] Steel01: There was a mini for that.
[01:20:50] MakoSoldier626: They are the black cats of the family.
[01:21:27] NightGlider: litterally...
[01:21:32] QSDragonLord: yes you did
[01:22:17] Steel01: Only a 4500+ year difference.
[01:25:00] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIBp-eN4Ph4
[01:25:04] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: ELYSIUM | Beautiful Atmospheric Ambient Orchestral Music - Epic Music Mix | Amadea Music Productions from YouTube
[01:26:42] Steel01: Did the party end up with a ship or am I mixing up groups?
[01:26:54] MakoSoldier626: No ship at this time...
[01:26:55] QSDragonLord: no ship
[01:27:00] Steel01: Sadness, oh well.
[01:27:42] NightGlider: yes...
[01:29:03] Steel01: The Shadow is becoming more consistent? :P
[01:29:10] Steel01: Ruka isn't either.
[01:30:27] QSDragonLord: *sniff, sniff*
[01:30:37] 91minutecrusade: This music is just unfair
[01:31:42] QSDragonLord: but, theres a catch. You've gotta cut your finger off.
[01:31:49] MakoSoldier626: ^ This
[01:31:50] Steel01: ^
[01:33:02] NightGlider: Philia is muttering "Or maybe you can come with us and find out..."
[01:33:19] Steel01: Yeah 91, this music really is...
[01:33:57] Steel01: So, when is it?
[01:34:58] Steel01: *shakes head* These people and swimming in hot springs. :P
[01:35:21] MakoSoldier626: Yeah... Technically you're not supposed to do that.
[01:35:30] NightGlider: SOME people's feet don't touch the bottom of most of it!
[01:35:49] Steel01: Ooohhhh yeaah.
[01:35:56] QSDragonLord: oh yes, very nice
[01:36:25] Steel01: Depending on which scale is used, there are minors present. :whistle:
[01:36:32] QSDragonLord: lol
[01:36:41] NightGlider: Phelia and her under 3 ft tall self
[01:36:52] Steel01: Ruka is 17.
[01:37:02] NightGlider: Sooo?
[01:37:05] Steel01: But Kitsune are adults at 15.
[01:38:06] Steel01: A desecration of the gift of a ancient one.
[01:38:20] Steel01: Well, 'gift'. :P A paid for gift.
[01:39:09] Steel01: If one doesn't follow their heart, they are most miserable.
[01:40:36] Steel01: Alex is hopefully not putting too many crazy ideas in the students heads.
[01:41:09] MakoSoldier626: Because it won't lasstttt... XD
[01:41:10] Steel01: Lean back, zzzz...
[01:41:39] MakoSoldier626: Enjoy the peace while you can...
[01:42:05] QSDragonLord: the invisible horse in teh corner?
[01:42:55] QSDragonLord: lol. that snarky rooble
[01:43:07] MakoSoldier626: I will make my own... and it will be even better!
[01:43:17] CelticKraut: randys gonna miss all the snark
[01:43:29] Steel01: Flying mechanical castles?
[01:45:18] Steel01: *random dragon scream above the spring*
[01:45:47] MakoSoldier626: We look up. it's one of the Son of Tiamat.
[01:46:01] MakoSoldier626: We all just sink lower into the Hot Springs...
[01:46:02] Steel01: 0_0
[01:46:06] NightGlider: No thank you!
[01:47:08] Steel01: A set of shriveled prunes wander out six hours later.
[01:47:21] MakoSoldier626: GM speak for... "This is you last chance to prepare."
[01:47:23] QSDragonLord: lol
[01:47:31] Steel01: All the that...
[01:48:20] QSDragonLord: 0.0 she could wear comfortable shoes?!
[01:48:26] Steel01: Hah! If only it worked that way.
[01:48:59] Steel01: Isn't that supposed to be a female thing?
[01:49:05] NightGlider: nope
[01:49:11] QSDragonLord: it may look like a three piece suit, but these sweats still feel awkward at the job interview
[01:49:16] 91minutecrusade: Certainl ynot gender-exclusive lol
[01:49:43] Steel01: :rofl: Minn takes over planning.
[01:52:18] Steel01: #gulliverthings
[01:53:07] MakoSoldier626: Haha... My Birthday is in about 2 months away.
[01:53:52] Steel01: Pay grade? *Ruka looks around* Someone forgot to tell me we're getting paid.
[01:54:16] QSDragonLord: well, if you did some shows, you'd get paid
[01:54:51] Steel01: Is the hair soaked in blood, appropriately?
[01:55:12] Steel01: Dragon? Or drake?
[01:55:25] Steel01: Oh cool.
[01:56:05] Steel01: Focus != material, that is true.
[01:57:14] Steel01: Sorry. :P
[01:58:14] Steel01: Heiken would slip out back toward the front a bit before the others.
[01:58:49] MakoSoldier626: You get attacked by Skyrim bears...
[01:58:56] MakoSoldier626: Big ones...
[01:59:01] Steel01: That talk.
[01:59:34] Steel01: To the where?
[01:59:51] Steel01: Is that in the capital?
[02:01:28] Steel01: Ruka was meaning we should put on a show in the capital again to make sure Saint doesn't drop the contract. But shrugs
[02:03:10] MakoSoldier626: Yeahhh.... Spell slot limitations... getting everyone here required a few jumps.
[02:03:27] Steel01: I'm sure. How many passengers in one go?
[02:03:37] MakoSoldier626: 3 + Minn....
[02:04:18] Steel01: Oh, Alex is cousin, isn't he?
[02:04:32] MakoSoldier626: It explodes...
[02:04:43] Steel01: Where's the rogue? Check for traps.
[02:04:44] MakoSoldier626: Into spiders...
[02:04:52] MakoSoldier626: That are on fire...
[02:05:10] Steel01: And is a swarm, immune to physical and fire damage.
[02:05:23] MakoSoldier626: ^ See! He gets it!
[02:06:08] Steel01: *sees neon red plot hook flags*
[02:06:24] MakoSoldier626: Looks *Grabs flag*
[02:06:25] 91minutecrusade: Someone writing down all these side quest off-ramps?
[02:06:43] Steel01: Unless I miss my guess, there ain't no side to this one.
[02:07:06] Steel01: But I agree... I've lost some of the side quests we've been in contact with.
[02:08:06] Steel01: My words fail atm...
[02:08:56] 91minutecrusade: Oh man.
[02:09:00] 91minutecrusade: That's an old letter
[02:09:35] Steel01: She doesn't want to see the party members sad for any reason. If not resolved would also cause them to be off their game causing possible fatal harm.
[02:13:04] QSDragonLord: lol
[02:13:26] QSDragonLord: thats one of the fields of study
[02:13:30] Steel01: Commision him to build us an airship.
[02:13:56] MakoSoldier626: ^ This
[02:14:01] Steel01: Dates on the letters?
[02:18:19] QSDragonLord: no poop. lets face it. no poop would be great.
[02:18:20] Steel01: Hah. We still have to feed mechanical horses.
[02:18:45] 91minutecrusade: ^this
[02:19:52] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42MJd8VqekE
[02:19:56] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: Blue Planet II - Soundtrack Score OST - Hans Zimmer from YouTube
[02:21:23] Steel01: I think the bus is spent.
[02:21:49] Steel01: I mean... we can mitigate that...
[02:22:03] Steel01: The extra person, that is.
[02:22:39] QSDragonLord: also, randy might need to get dropped off
[02:23:48] Steel01: Barq, Randy, Philia. Ruka, Heiken, Ali-Halim. One round trip, one one way?
[02:24:59] MakoSoldier626: ^Minn can handle that
[02:25:08] Steel01: Cold blooded people. ;)
[02:25:18] MakoSoldier626: Ah... The perks of having the magical thermostat. XD
[02:27:54] Steel01: Aww, no points of exhaustion.
[02:28:09] MakoSoldier626: She's got all her other spell slots, just running low on 5th lvl ones.
[02:29:02] Steel01: Ruka has burned her two dailies.Well, probably x2 given the timetable.
[02:29:07] MakoSoldier626: We can die another day. XD
[02:30:24] Steel01: Gonna go pay off the church and get the finger back? :P
[02:30:24] MakoSoldier626: Minn will actually ask Philia for her 10 of her arrows.
[02:31:51] MakoSoldier626: If Philia gives them to her, Minn will enchant them, and warn Philia very sternly NOT to touch the heads of those arrows.
[02:32:08] NightGlider: ok
[02:32:26] NightGlider: What do they do?
[02:32:38] Steel01: *head tilt* Player is curious which enchant would have that caveat.
[02:33:17] MakoSoldier626: They do an extra 6d6 points of Psychic damage.
[02:33:49] MakoSoldier626: On a failed Will save, and half that if they pass.
[02:34:25] MakoSoldier626: Will save DC: 20
[02:34:40] 91minutecrusade: ^that's awesome
[02:34:41] Steel01: Mind affecting?
[02:34:51] MakoSoldier626: Yes.
[02:35:14] NightGlider: Awww
[02:35:33] MakoSoldier626: So don't use them on undead or Constructs.
[02:37:27] MakoSoldier626: Actually, she will prepare 3 of the 10 that can still affect undead.
[02:37:54] Steel01: Oh yeah, the harness will have less use. :P
[02:38:21] Steel01: Oh no...
[02:38:45] Steel01: :rofl:
[02:42:46] 91minutecrusade: I'm gonig to have to drop out at 10ish, friends
[02:43:07] QSDragonLord: thats fine. we will rap up with this night
[02:43:21] Steel01: Bump da bump
[02:46:36] Steel01: Solas is the most scary character so far. :P Half by just not realizing what she's doing.
[02:47:44] MakoSoldier626: Minn: Phew Marriage saved...
[02:48:27] NightGlider: South east
[02:49:34] 91minutecrusade: It's been so long ago that we saved her...and I'm ery glad we did lol
[02:50:20] Steel01: Solas is gonna end up a pelt rug...
[02:50:43] MakoSoldier626: Nah... She's too powerful of a caster for that...
[02:50:58] Steel01: But is she smart enough to use it? :P
[02:52:10] Steel01: blink
[02:52:50] Steel01: Except... gravity takes effect once you let go of a wall with spider climb.
[02:52:51] 91minutecrusade: YESYESYES
[02:53:21] Steel01: Actually, Minn uses subjective gravity in mindscape....
[02:53:29] MakoSoldier626: No no no... The Greater Spider climb overcomes the lesser spider climb.
[02:53:56] MakoSoldier626: Ah, yes... There is that...
[02:54:36] Steel01: It's... quite an opossing personality, that's for sure. :P
[02:56:42] Steel01: The psychic backflow from that probably wouldn't end well.
[02:57:26] 91minutecrusade: Gotta go: good night, everyone!
[02:58:25] Steel01: Call him tomorrow night?
[02:59:32] MakoSoldier626: Yeah... Invading the dreams of a deity might be a bad idea...
[02:59:55] 91 left channel and disconnected.
[03:00:11] Steel01: Oh noooo....
[03:00:42] Steel01: Could the thing that brings people into a dream be used to trigger a mindscape?
[03:01:39] Steel01: Did we ever find out how old Solas is?
[03:02:01] Steel01: Hmmm...
[03:02:07] Steel01: *scribbles mental note*
[03:04:21] Steel01: Except for the Rassaigh hook.
[03:05:20] Recording stopped

Session 64

May 19, 2020

[00:00:00] Recording started.
[00:02:05] Steel01: Help people, earn cash, blow off steam.
[00:02:17] Steel01: Good thing all around. :P
[00:03:07] Steel01: Ruka holds up a sack with like 12 coins in it. "I'm... broke"
[00:03:30] NightGlider: Phelia tosses her a gold piece
[00:03:35] Steel01: ><
[00:03:44] NightGlider: afk
[00:04:27] Steel01: If Phelia is convinced the night before, Ruka would ask her if she could prep this: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/strong-jaw/
[00:09:04] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMgQ7x2T9Yg&t=103s
[00:09:06] Steel01: I'm down for that, Gonna want sugar myself later.
[00:09:06] MakoSoldier626: GM snacks is sacred
[00:09:08] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: Scottish Music & Celtic Music - Gaelic Warriors from YouTube
[00:09:56] Steel01: Oooooooohhhh. Player has 'met' this char.
[00:10:38] MakoSoldier626: Meat
[00:10:40] Steel01: Dragon meat.
[00:12:18] Steel01: 0_0
[00:12:35] MakoSoldier626: Definitely mind blown
[00:14:37] MakoSoldier626: Something like this?
[00:15:46] QSDragonLord: @mako, yeah shorter fur, but right colors
[00:16:12] Steel01: Ditto? :P
[00:16:46] NightGlider: More spotted right?
[00:16:50] QSDragonLord: yes
[00:19:40] Steel01: The player so wants to make snide comments here, but I don't think Ruka would...
[00:20:16] Steel01: :rofl:
[00:20:36] MakoSoldier626: #AlwaysOnTheClock
[00:20:46] QSDragonLord: +1 to you sales skill, and it is always a class skill for you. lol
[00:21:07] Steel01: You're cutting in and out.
[00:21:40] Steel01: #proprietaryinfo
[00:21:47] Steel01: Does Saint have patents? :P
[00:22:10] QSDragonLord: ^
[00:26:19] Steel01: AHHH! Ruka wants to go...
[00:28:17] MakoSoldier626: https://w0.pngwave.com/png/498/541/black-death-plague-doctor-costume-bubonic-plague-plague-doctor-png-clip-art.png
[00:28:31] MakoSoldier626: ^ Somthing like this Celtic?
[00:29:10] Steel01: So between the capital and Drake Hall?
[00:29:13] CelticKraut: almost precisely. hang on getting the character sheet uploaded
[00:30:05] Steel01: She has a point. We can travel forward, then Minn poofs back, picks up Barq and return to the cart.
[00:31:16] Steel01: Was?
[00:31:51] Steel01: I think we broke the map.
[00:32:19] CelticKraut: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1isdy5_y4t3RqP3fhHUvMaDfd57VbtUAO/view?usp=sharing
[00:32:29] CelticKraut: ^Dr Ditto
[00:32:47] MakoSoldier626: Nice! :D
[00:36:50] Steel01: We're crossing conversations. :P
[00:38:22] Steel01: Obligatory map link: http://bardslore.luceoscutum.org/w/images/9/92/AvalonMap.jpg
[00:38:45] Chariael: Nice map!
[00:40:14] Steel01: So, we know where to find Gnolls, and taking guesses at bandits.
[00:42:38] Chariael: Also maintaining a two-meter distance?
[00:42:44] MakoSoldier626: XD
[00:42:47] QSDragonLord: until foucci says different, Im not taking it off!
[00:42:48] Steel01: ><
[00:43:20] Steel01: poofs?
[00:47:10] Steel01: Burn a million spell slots. :P
[00:47:54] QSDragonLord: you would also know that the bounty is 25 silver per tail.
[00:48:09] Chariael: Do hats or hair get in the way of that?
[00:48:13] QSDragonLord: you can keep any weapons/armor/loot you find.
[00:51:26] QSDragonLord: its...handy
[00:52:44] Steel01: Ruka still has that potion Minn had her hold as a reserve. Not so handy anymore.
[00:52:59] QSDragonLord: its an allergy. no penecilin
[00:53:57] Steel01: Actually... seven?
[00:55:27] Steel01: So difficult.
[00:55:38] Steel01: He's made of snow.
[00:55:44] MakoSoldier626: ^ This
[01:01:57] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeXoACwOT1o
[01:02:03] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: 2-Hours Epic Music Mix | THE POWER OF EPIC MUSIC - Full Mix Vol. 2 from YouTube
[01:03:38] NightGlider: back
[01:10:19] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOP07Scqs7I&t=17s
[01:10:22] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: Celtic/Viking Battle Music Mix from YouTube
[01:11:11] Steel01: Oh bother. Intelligence check before we go? :P
[01:14:12] Steel01: Don't the creation rules say no. :P
[01:14:34] Steel01: 0_0
[01:15:52] QSDragonLord: usually drinking does the opposite. lol
[01:21:12] NightGlider: What was the spell the dr gave me?
[01:21:24] CelticKraut: true strike
[01:21:46] CelticKraut: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/true-strike/
[01:21:52] CelticKraut: ^ng
[01:23:02] CelticKraut: standard action to cast it, then +20 to your next attack roll
[01:24:36] NightGlider: 11
[01:24:53] MakoSoldier626: 20 Minn
[01:25:01] CelticKraut: 9
[01:28:17] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBpu3Fhvkdc
[01:28:19] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: Epic Celtic Battle Music - Battle For Camelot (Tartalo Music) from YouTube
[01:28:43] CelticKraut: excellent music choice
[01:29:43] Chariael: ^
[01:30:16] MakoSoldier626: Synthesist Summoners can get weird with Eidelons and limbs.
[01:30:47] MakoSoldier626: Sooo... you have 27 legs? Yes...
[01:31:05] CelticKraut: we now have a lovecraftian monster in our party
[01:31:09] Steel01: As an eidolon... Yes.
[01:31:16] CelticKraut: RIP AND TEAR
[01:31:32] MakoSoldier626: Assassination!
[01:31:51] Steel01: But not this build. 4 limbs = 4 claws
[01:31:52] MakoSoldier626: Perfect. Randy would be proud.
[01:32:15] Chariael: Hate it when friends are slaughtered by nothing.
[01:32:18] CelticKraut: *Somewhere in trunau, a halfling sheds tears of joy*
[01:32:34] Steel01: :P Too bad he's not around to see it.
[01:32:48] CelticKraut: hes busy being fantasy batman
[01:35:10] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tzE98pQH08
[01:35:11] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Celtic battle music - The King of The Highlands from YouTube
[01:36:01] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9IOagKZvjk&t=33s
[01:36:01] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: LEGEND WARRIORS | Most Powerful & EPIC BATTLE Celtic Music Mix by Antti Martikainen from YouTube
[01:37:23] MakoSoldier626: Welcome to Mid-to-High level play. XD
[01:37:42] Steel01: Spell slots don't last long enough, unfortunately.
[01:38:06] Steel01: 3rd level slots go away pretty quickly even at this level, for a partial caster.
[01:40:52] Steel01: Mur, I miscalculated my damage. Should have been 2 more per hit.
[01:48:02] MakoSoldier626: Sorry... Minn would fly 90 feet closer.
[01:49:42] MakoSoldier626: *Mako drinks it in*
I have wanted this for so long...
[01:52:19] MakoSoldier626: Ah... Yes. That level in Monk.
[01:53:13] MakoSoldier626: Dr. Ditto: I sense that I am needed.
[01:56:31] Steel01: 5?
[01:57:26] Steel01: Bring it...
[01:57:47] Steel01: If someone can use that against touch, I want to see the build. :P
[02:03:57] Steel01: We need battle meditation in this system.
[02:04:16] Steel01: (done right, not the gimped wizards sw 3.5 one)
[02:04:51] QSDragonLord: hey, those space wizards were kind of cool
[02:05:06] Steel01: Oh, I loved the system. That was one of the few issues I had.
[02:05:25] Steel01: Battle meditation in the books and kotor was an awesome battlefield control technique.
[02:06:16] Steel01: Is the entire party invisible atm? The gnolls see nothing at all?
[02:06:24] MakoSoldier626: Yep.
[02:06:28] Steel01: Awesome.
[02:08:08] Steel01: Single shot? :P
[02:12:55] Steel01: Ruka: Got scratched, but nothing to worry about.
[02:14:33] Steel01: Without dr, I'm doing over 100 dpr. And only a tad over half spun up. I think I'm liking this build.
[02:14:49] MakoSoldier626: Or they are looking too hot. XD
[02:14:52] Steel01: Though, the invisibility negates a decent part of the build. :P
[02:15:20] Steel01: Thud bugs?
[02:25:41] Steel01: Sheesh. I thought my attack bonuses were impressive.
[02:26:00] MakoSoldier626: Rangers can get crazy.
[02:28:31] MakoSoldier626: *The Doctor shows up*...
The entire party I can't be healed normally.
The Doctor: Well... aren't you strange people?
[02:28:45] Steel01: :lolz: Yup
[02:30:06] Steel01: One of the synth bonuses is being able to use life link to distribute damage between real hp and temp hp however desired. Becomes an interesting exercise in statistics sometimes. Especially given this eidolon doesn't go back to heal when the fusion ends.
[02:33:18] Steel01: And... Ruka's plan for next round just changed.
[02:33:29] MakoSoldier626: Exactly.
[02:33:44] Steel01: Was gonna take a recharge round. :P Not so much anymore.
[02:34:11] Steel01: Get out... Get out.
[02:35:00] Steel01: Bombing run. Doesn't need to be close close.
[02:35:40] Steel01: He was throwing stuff at the tower.
[02:36:54] Steel01: He didn't say he was angling down.
[02:38:29] MakoSoldier626: Speaks in Genji: I need healing...
[02:39:36] Steel01: Poison DCs are a PAIN to get high enough to be useful.
[02:40:26] Steel01: One round too late... The tank will be in there next round.
[02:41:03] Steel01: Plus str
[02:41:21] Steel01: +6?? Woah.
[02:41:25] Steel01: !
[02:46:28] QSDragonLord: you guys always lose someone at red lake. (sorry too soon)
[02:51:34] Steel01: Mindscape is so broken. Says you can gen any creature.
[02:54:45] Steel01: Sheesh, just a few.
[02:58:02] Steel01: This track has a very FF9 vibe.
[02:58:41] Steel01: And yes, Ruka would report positioning.
[03:01:08] Steel01: I'm about to burn my last 3rd level spell slot. Gonna just be a beat down from there.
[03:03:54] MakoSoldier626: Ruka: What is this arrow doing in my side? How did it get there?
[03:04:24] Steel01: Really...
[03:11:22] QSDragonLord: now they need a healer
[03:13:38] Steel01: I rolled almost max healing on 4d8+10.
[03:16:36] MakoSoldier626: YEAHHHHH.... Take it!
[03:17:55] MakoSoldier626: YEAHHHHHH!!!!!
[03:19:35] Steel01: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/instant-restoration/
[03:24:17] Steel01: Well, the good thing is that all of the guns should be discharged now.
[03:24:38] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLSI-gFKGK8
[03:24:44] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: "INFERNAL" | Most Epic Music Mix | Powerful & Uplifting Music from YouTube
[03:27:33] Steel01: Finally broke some spirit. Was hoping for that.
[03:29:14] Steel01: She'll get a couple of them before they get away.
[03:29:19] Steel01: Maybe a third.
[03:30:31] Steel01: Do not hit Ruka with that again. That will end very badly.
[03:31:01] Steel01: The secondary effect.
[03:35:36] MakoSoldier626: We're here for the ears.
[03:35:46] QSDragonLord: tails actually
[03:35:47] Steel01: Tails, I believe was mentioned.
[03:36:03] Steel01: 2.5G a piece? That's not gonna add up too well.
[03:36:03] MakoSoldier626: Yeah... I'm going to need to figure out how to shorten the range.
[03:36:27] MakoSoldier626: Their armor may be worth more.
[03:36:41] Steel01: Two on the wall, six on the tower.
[03:36:54] Steel01: One captain, one matron.
[03:36:55] MakoSoldier626: I'm actually hoping that the Matron had Magical items on her.
[03:37:08] Steel01: And five gunman.
[03:37:20] Steel01: (assuming we'll be able to finish off the stunned ones)
[03:37:36] Steel01: So, 15 tails.
[03:38:06] Steel01: 37.5 gold from the bounty. Not all that much.
[03:38:14] Steel01: Yeah, hopefully the items are worth it.
[03:39:30] Steel01: And may show up Ruka...
[03:39:46] Steel01: Your str is almost double.
[03:40:02] Steel01: Well, maybe not after buffs.
[03:42:30] Steel01: Half of his face is falling off and all.
[03:43:07] MakoSoldier626: Minn is not a fighter by any means. She is designed to give the full party buffs, and collect information.
[03:43:21] Steel01: But has an str upwards of 40, right?
[03:43:36] MakoSoldier626: Not without buffing herself.
[03:43:41] Steel01: Ah.
[03:44:00] Steel01: Synth str is currently at 30 with buffs.
[03:44:21] Steel01: May need a belt at some point.
[03:52:03] Steel01: Well, magical energy.
[03:53:08] Steel01: Ruka reaches into her bag and a light shines for a split second, before they leave.
[03:54:11] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=synJbsrk0k8
[03:54:15] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: FORGOTTEN ODES - Violin Dramatic Strings | Dramatic Violin Epic Music Mix - Eternal Eclipse from YouTube

Session 65

May 26, 2020

[00:00:00] Recording started
[00:02:27] Steel01: :lolz: Go Solas.
[00:02:29] Rydia: yay!
[00:03:13] NightGlider: In ways Solas explains
[00:03:34] MakoSoldier626: Im envisioning a Ant-man style re-cap. XD
[00:04:35] Steel01: Overboard? Is there such a thing?
[00:04:41] MakoSoldier626: He spits every time he says the word "Dragon".
[00:05:26] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzc_3arId8s&t=29s
[00:05:27] MumbleDJHunters: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: 1-Hour Pure Sadness - Most Emotional Sad Music Mix | Vol.2 - Most Beautiful Music from YouTube
[00:06:55] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3VImQbeOsY
[00:06:56] MumbleDJHunters: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: THE LAST GUARDIAN - Epic Powerful Fantasy Music Mix | Epic Cinematic Orchestral Music from YouTube
[00:07:14] QSDragonLord: dj is broken
[00:07:25] Steel01: :lesigh: Alright, gimme a sec.
[00:08:20] MumbleDJ connected and entered channel.
[00:08:42] QSDragonLord: you all would remember that Brother Rufus is a cleric
[00:09:05] MakoSoldier626: ^
[00:10:42] Steel01: One thing at a time, Minn. :P
[00:11:07] QSDragonLord: This is Brother Rufus
[00:11:27] NightGlider: More of an acquaintence at this point...
[00:11:53] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcEfx3i3cPs
[00:11:54] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Krale - Memoirs of the Forgotten from YouTube
[00:12:15] MakoSoldier626: Does that one break it too? Hmmm...
[00:13:36] Steel01: ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[00:13:38] Steel01: Uhhhhh....
[00:13:45] Steel01: Stand by.
[00:13:48] MumbleDJ left channel and disconnected.
[00:14:24] MumbleDJ connected and entered channel.
[00:14:58] Steel01: No update to youtube-dl, can't really say what will work and what won't.
[00:16:21] Steel01: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcEfx3i3cPs
[00:16:23] MumbleDJ: Steel01 added 1 track to the queue: Krale - Memoirs of the Forgotten from YouTube
[00:16:36] Steel01: There we go. Whew.
[00:16:52] Steel01: Ever prepared.
[00:19:44] Steel01: Alright, math time next. We start with 16787.50. 2500 for material components for the curse of life.
[00:20:29] Steel01: 4710 for npc casting is 280.
[00:20:41] Steel01: Uhhh. 4x7x10
[00:21:07] Steel01: Breath of life on hand, resto on hand. But should take the 1000 for resto components out.
[00:21:48] Steel01: That leaves 13007.5
[00:22:21] Steel01: Divinding how many ways? Ruka, Minn, Phelia, Ditto? Or cutting Barq in too?
[00:23:05] MakoSoldier626: That is a good question.
[00:23:06] Steel01: Five ways is 2601.5.
[00:23:41] NightGlider: Ditto's can be used to raise him?
[00:23:54] Steel01: Do we want to be that mean? :P
[00:24:13] Steel01: Three way cut is 4335.83.
[00:24:51] NightGlider: He is not really a party member... though Phelia is not greedy.
[00:25:19] Steel01: If we do a five way cut of the full cost, that's 3357.5.
[00:25:41] Steel01: Ditto needs 3780 to get back to full strength.
[00:26:26] Steel01: Four way cut, leaving out Barq, would give 4196.875. Which would be enough.
[00:27:46] MakoSoldier626: It's better than hearing that her name is Amira....
[00:32:27] Steel01: Better preparation...
[00:33:50] Steel01: Wow, that so sounds like Solas. :P
[00:33:58] Steel01: Are they all like that?
[00:34:37] Steel01: Ruka is awkwardly looking around the room.
[00:36:56] Steel01: :lolz:
[00:39:07] Steel01: We need our dust too. :P
[00:39:29] MakoSoldier626: For a clan of dragon fighters that makes perfect sense.
[00:41:39] QSDragonLord: it breaks.
[00:41:42] QSDragonLord: lol joke
[00:41:53] QSDragonLord: truth
[00:41:55] Steel01: NOOOOOOO!!!!
[00:42:50] Steel01: Scientist goes spirtualist all of the sudden. :P
[00:44:08] Steel01: At -(con-1) hp.
[00:44:52] MakoSoldier626: He opens his eyes... Then they close again as he drops unconcious.
[00:44:57] Steel01: ^
[00:45:56] Steel01: Jak has it?
[00:46:31] Steel01: 'Unconventional'
[00:46:55] QSDragonLord: minn has a dagger in her hand?
[00:47:21] Steel01: Smooth, Minn.
[00:47:39] Steel01: :rofl:
[00:48:11] QSDragonLord: would you like to kill him? you haven't got enough mental baggage about getting people killed yet
[00:48:58] QSDragonLord: Jak knocked over a Zales while she was away. shes set
[00:49:18] NightGlider: Phelia closes her eyes
[00:51:21] Steel01: That would be terrible...
[00:51:23] MakoSoldier626: PHEW
[00:51:48] MakoSoldier626: **Sweats profusely**
[00:54:54] Steel01: #covid
[00:56:20] Steel01: Ruka hides the knife back under her robes.
[00:58:06] MakoSoldier626: You're Jak too?
[01:00:02] Steel01: RAW, Ditto is probably very short on spell slots atm. Rezzes knock out half of prepared slots.
[01:00:19] MakoSoldier626: ^ This... Minn feels this pain.
[01:01:24] Steel01: Someone presti a few.
[01:01:30] Rydia: I'm gonna heada out, but Jak would like to talk to minn privately later
[01:01:55] Steel01: Good to see you, even for a short time. Hope you'll have time later as well.
[01:01:56] MakoSoldier626: Same for Minn with Jak. She has much to discuss.
[01:02:28] MakoSoldier626: Sleep well Rydia!
[01:02:28] Rydia: It was good to join in, however briefly it was
[01:02:31] Rydia: night guys!
[01:02:34] Rydia left channel and disconnected.
[01:06:28] Steel01: This isn't Asgard!
[01:09:05] QSDragonLord: you owe us money
[01:09:14] MakoSoldier626: ^
[01:09:14] MakoSoldier626: XD
[01:09:16] NightGlider: pay up lol
[01:09:27] Steel01: ^
[01:12:00] Steel01: And again. And.... again.
[01:13:25] Steel01: 2? Or is it 3?
[01:14:08] Steel01: And your new items get left behind.
[01:17:50] QSDragonLord: it also costs 12% of your soul, each time you us it
[01:20:08] QSDragonLord: lol
[01:24:03] Steel01: Going afk for a couple minutes. Need snacks.
[01:26:15] CelticKraut: my head hurts...
[01:26:39] NightGlider: Phelia is lost basically before she started
[01:26:46] Steel01: Back
[01:27:01] Steel01: Awww.
[01:27:40] Steel01: But if it'
[01:27:46] Steel01: s cast, the cost is sunk.
[01:31:13] Steel01: Does the real body have to remain on the material plane?
[01:31:23] MakoSoldier626: Yes. It does.
[01:31:27] Steel01: Mur
[01:31:44] NightGlider: Phelia has geared up most of her horses already
[01:32:38] Steel01: Oh, did we split the cash the previous night?
[01:32:55] Steel01: Ah, sure.
[01:34:31] Steel01: Does anyone want to buy an aegis before we leave? :P
[01:35:08] NightGlider: Phelia bought no the night before...
[01:35:15] Steel01: Heiken can help some, but he's obviously not skilled in animal handling.
[01:35:16] NightGlider: *one
[01:38:49] Steel01: 'special'. Yes, we'll go with that.
[01:39:36] Steel01: Let's set a couple of them on fire. >:-)
[01:41:13] MakoSoldier626: Thats hard-core.
[01:41:47] MakoSoldier626: Without cooking it first?
[01:42:14] QSDragonLord: raw. and at this point, about 12-15 hours old
[01:42:25] Steel01: Ew.
[01:42:26] MakoSoldier626: Shudders
[01:42:29] Steel01: No thank you.
[01:43:18] QSDragonLord: in their defense, you are allowed to throw up after you've eaten it.
[01:43:28] Steel01: Okay, we can stop now. ><
[01:43:35] QSDragonLord: lol
[01:44:13] Steel01: Oh? oh oh? Maybe?
[01:44:49] Steel01: Bother. Anyone bring acid?
[01:45:44] Steel01: The player doesn't really want to rp that, but that's what a dice roll is for.
[01:47:50] NightGlider: Are these Avalon brand trolls or normal ones?
[01:48:15] QSDragonLord: avalon trolls
[01:51:22] Steel01: Normal invis, lasts longer.
[01:51:51] Steel01: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/a-b/aegis-of-recovery/
[01:53:17] NightGlider: She proably couldn't have made more than one that night...
[01:55:08] Steel01: Ruka will mutter to herself and cast a couple spells.
[01:55:22] Steel01: First to give herself flight for a few minutes.
[01:55:29] MakoSoldier626: Minn would do the same.
[01:56:30] CelticKraut: 8...
[01:57:24] MakoSoldier626: Troll only live under bridges...
[02:01:44] Steel01: So, probably not weak to acid.
[02:02:08] MakoSoldier626: Considering that it runs through their veins probably not...
[02:02:18] Steel01: I'll try fire. Ruka's second spell is adding fire to her natural attacks.
[02:05:49] Steel01: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/dimensional-dervish/
[02:06:09] NightGlider: I cast abundant ammo before this
[02:09:32] QSDragonLord: thats fine
[02:12:28] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9hNS7JTbMQ&list=PLaAvwzyFZBq9_Xc1pv57-O99iCg-s6GVb&index=3
[02:12:30] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Dark Souls OST - Bell Gargoyle - Extended from YouTube
[02:13:00] Steel01: I should have cast immunity...
[02:13:33] CelticKraut: 23
[02:14:32] Steel01: Best roll I've ever seen for init.
[02:14:39] Steel01: I'm normally rolling 4's...
[02:15:26] Steel01: Feel ya.
[02:15:38] Steel01: You already did?
[02:16:11] Steel01: Chat says Ruka cast flight and 'Minn did the same'.
[02:16:44] MakoSoldier626: I meant that Minn actually mutters some things and cast heighten awareness.
[02:16:50] Steel01: Ahhh.
[02:19:17] MakoSoldier626: The benefit of the doubt...
[02:19:30] MakoSoldier626: No one need to die today...
[02:19:52] Steel01: Ruka cast acid immunity fwiw.
[02:21:04] Steel01: Oh, and Ruka did speak in Giant.
[02:22:53] Steel01: Had to try. And ahhh... That was a good roll too. :P
[02:26:48] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rWXeb5yXa0&list=PLaAvwzyFZBq9_Xc1pv57-O99iCg-s6GVb&index=4
[02:26:50] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Dark Souls 3 OST - Aldrich, Devourer of Gods - Extended from YouTube
[02:28:46] Steel01: Since talking is a free action... Ruka asks the doc if he can do resto.
[02:29:33] Steel01: Needs to be the 4th level resto spell to dispel temp negative levels.
[02:33:04] Steel01: Behind the tree 300ft away. :P
[02:35:14] QSDragonLord: im back
[02:36:52] Steel01: Fwiw, Ruka can probably hold her own for a while now. Need to neutralize that caster, though.
[02:37:02] Steel01: That's my only worry.
[02:40:36] Steel01: Does rend get additional damage die? Like energy attacks?
[02:40:54] MakoSoldier626: I'm not sure if it does....
[02:42:05] Steel01: Equal to damage from claw attack + str * 1.5. Hmm. So, no it wouldn't.
[02:42:34] Steel01: (I was forgetting the additional str damage, so good to look anyways)
[02:43:13] MakoSoldier626: 8d6+8 electrical damage?
[02:43:27] Steel01: That's quite a punch.
[02:44:40] MakoSoldier626: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9hNS7JTbMQ&list=PLaAvwzyFZBq9_Xc1pv57-O99iCg-s6GVb&index=3
[02:44:42] MumbleDJ: MakoSoldier626 added 1 track to the queue: Dark Souls OST - Bell Gargoyle - Extended from YouTube
[02:45:14] QSDragonLord: !add https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAGm9MTyRJ8&t=5s
[02:45:14] MumbleDJ: QSDragonLord added 1 track to the queue: Combat Music Megamix - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt from YouTube
[02:48:57] Steel01: blink What in the world is adding the lightning damage?
[02:49:17] NightGlider: charged missile
[02:49:27] MakoSoldier626: Charged Missile.
[02:54:15] Steel01: NOOOOO!!!!
[02:54:33] Recording stopped